Immediate Family
About Robert de Brus, 5th Lord of Annandale
ROBERT [V] de Brus (-Lochmaben Castle 31 Mar 1295, bur 17 Apr Gysburne/Gisborough Priory) 1245 Lord of Annandale.
s/o ROBERT [IV] de Brus "the Noble" Lord of Annandale & Isabel of Huntingdon
x May 1240 ISABEL de Clare d/o GILBERT de Clare Earl of Hertford and Gloucester & Isabel Marshal of Pembroke (2 Nov 1226->10 Jul 1264)
- ROBERT [VI] Bruce (Jul 1243-c 4 Apr 1304, bur Abbey of Holm Cultram)
- RICHARD Bruce (-<25 Jan 1287)
xx <10 May 1275 CHRISTIAN de Ireby
ROBERT [V] de Brus, son of ROBERT [IV] de Brus "the Noble" Lord of Annandale & his wife Isabel of Huntingdon (-Lochmaben Castle 31 Mar 1295, bur 17 Apr Gysburne/Gisborough Priory). The manuscript history of the Bruce family of Carleton records that “Robertus Brus tertius” succeeded “Robertus Brus secundus” and was buried at Gysburne/Gisborough Priory[1025]. The Annales Londonienses name "Robert de Brus" as son of "la secounde fille Davi" and "sire Robert de Brus"[1026]. He succeeded his father in 1245 as Lord of Annandale. He was a claimant to the throne of Scotland in 1291, twelfth in order on the Great Roll of Scotland. After the court decision in favour of John Balliol, Robert de Brus resigned his claim 7 Nov 1292 in favour of his son Robert[1027]. The obituary of Gysburne/Gisborough priory records the death “XI Kal Apr” of "Roberti de Brus quinti"[1028], but presumably this date refers to his date of burial at the priory.
m firstly (May 1240) ISABEL de Clare, daughter of GILBERT de Clare Earl of Hertford and Gloucester & his wife Isabel Marshal of Pembroke (2 Nov 1226-after 10 Jul 1264). The Chronica de Fundatoribus et Fundatione of Tewkesbury Abbey records the births of “duas filias, Agnetam et Isabellam” to “Gilberto…Gloucestriæ et Hertfordiæ comes” and his wife “domina Isabella filia Willielmi Marescalli senioris, comitis de Pembroke”, after the birth of their older brothers[1029]. The Annals of Tewkesbury record the birth “IV Non Nov” in 1226 of “Gileberto de Clare comiti Glocestriæ…filia Ysabel”[1030]. The Annals of Tewkesbury record the marriage in May 1240 of “Isabella filia G. quondam comitis Gloucestriæ” and “Roberto de Brus”[1031]. A charter dated 18 Jun 1240 records that "the town of Rip" was given "as a marriage portion to Robert de Brus with Isabel, daughter of the earl of Gloucerster…the earl’s [G. Marshal Earl of Pembroke] niece"[1032].
m secondly (before 10 May 1275) as her third husband, CHRISTIAN de Ireby, widow firstly of THOMAS de Lascelles of Bolton, co. Cumberland and secondly of ADAM de Gesemuth of Cramlington, co. Northumberland, daughter and heiress of WILLIAM de Ireby. of Ireby, co. Cumberland & his wife Christian de Hodeholme (-before 6 Jul 1305). The primary source which confirms her parentage and first marriage has not yet been identified. A charter dated 29 Aug 1296 records an agreement between "Cristiana widow of Robert de Brus lord of Annandale" and "Robert de Brus his son and heir", granting dower to the former and reserving "her dower from her first husband Adam de Jessemuth’s land in Great Dalton"[1033]. Inquisitions dated 14 Sep 1305 (writ 6 Jul 1305) related to the lands of "Cristiana widow of Robert de Brus" noting that she and her husband "died without…heirs [of their bodies]"[1034].
Robert [V] & his first wife had two children:
1. ROBERT [VI] Bruce (Jul 1243-shortly before 4 Apr 1304, bur Abbey of Holm Cultram). The Annals of Tewkesbury record the birth in Jul 1243 of “filium nomine ---” to “Isabel de Clara…[et] R. de Brus”[1035]. The manuscript history of the Bruce family of Carleton records that “Robertus Brus quartus” succeeded “Robertus Brus tertius”[1036]. He succeeded his father in 1295 as Lord of Annandale.
2. RICHARD Bruce (-before 25 Jan 1287). Inquisitions following a writ dated 25 Jan "15 Edw I" following the death of "Richard de Brus...” record that his lands “ought to revert to Sir Robert his father...he died without heir of himself as he never took a wife”[1037]. A writ dated 6 May 1287 ordered the restitution of the lands of "Ricardum de Bruse" deceased to "Roberti de Bruse patri sui"[1038].
Lord of Annandale, Lord of Ireby, Constable of Carlisle Castle, Sheriff of Cumberland
- Born ca. 1210
- Died 31 March 1295(1295-03-31) (aged c. 85)
- Place of death Lochmaben Castle
- Buried Gisborough Priory, Guisborough, Redcar and Cleveland
- Predecessor Robert de Brus, 4th Lord of Annandale
1) Isobel of Gloucester and Hertford 2) Christina de Ireby
1) Robert de Brus 2) Richard de Brus
- Father: Robert de Brus, 4th Lord of Annandale
- Mother: Isobel of Huntingdon
Robert Bruce, 5th Lord of Annandale (Robert de Brus) (c1215 – 31 March 1295[1]), 5th Lord of Annandale, was a feudal lord, Justice and Constable of Scotland and England, a Regent of Scotland, and a leading Competitor to be King of Scotland in 1290-92 in the Great Cause.
Robert was son of Robert Bruce, 4th Lord of Annandale and Isobel of Huntingdon, the second daughter of David of Scotland, 8th Earl of Huntingdon and Matilda de Kevilloc of Chester. David in turn was the son of Henry of Scotland, Earl of Huntingdon and Northumberland and Ada de Warenne; Henry's parents were King David I of Scotland and Maud of Northumberland.
In addition to Annandale, Robert was Lord of Hartlepool in county Durham and Writtle and Hatfield Broadoak in Essex, England. His first wife brought to him the village of Ripe, in Sussex, and his second wife the Lordship of Ireby in Cumberland,
His possessions were later increased following the defeat of Simon de Montford at the Battle of Evesham (1265), via a series of grants that included the estates of the former rebel barons Walter de Fauconberg and John de Melsa. Henry III also re-appointed Robert a Justice, and Constable of Carlisle and keeper of the Castle there in 1267, a position he had been sacked from in 1255, for his support during the rebellion.
It's believed Robert joined the princes Edward and Edmund on their 1270-4 crusade, as his sons failed to attend.
He succeeded in having the young widowed Marjorie of Carrick, heiress of that earldom, married to his son, another Robert Bruce in 1271. She was the daughter of Niall, 2nd Earl of Carrick.
Robert Bruce was Regent of Scotland sometime during minority of his second cousin King Alexander III of Scotland (1241-1286) and was occasionally recognized as a Tanist of the Scottish Throne. He was the closest surviving male relative to the king: Margaret of Huntingdon's issue were all females up until birth of Hugh Balliol sometime in the 1260s. When Alexander yet was childless, he was officially named as heir-presumptive, but never gained the throne as Alexander later fathered three children. The succession in the main line of the House of Dunkeld became highly precarious when towards the end of Alexander's reign, all three of his children died within a few years. The middle-aged Alexander III induced in 1284 the Estates to recognize as his heir-presumptive his granddaughter Margaret, called the "Maid of Norway", his only surviving descendant. The need for a male heir led Alexander to contract a second marriage to Yolande de Dreux on November 1, 1285. All this was eventually in vain. Alexander died suddenly, in a fall from his horse, when only 45 years old, in 1286. His death ushered in a time of political upheaval for Scotland. His three-year old granddaughter Margaret, who lived in Norway, was recognized as his heir. However, the then 7-year old heiress Margaret died, travelling towards her kingdom, on the Orkney Islands around September 26, 1290. With her death, the main royal line came to an end and thirteen claimants asserted their rights to the Scottish Throne.
After this extinction of the senior line of the Scottish royal house (the line of William I of Scotland) David of Huntingdon's descendants were the primary candidates for the throne. The two most notable claimants to the throne, John Balliol and Robert himself (grandfather of Robert The Bruce) represented descent through David's daughters Margaret and Isobel respectively.
Robert Bruce pleaded tanistry and proximity of blood in the succession dispute. He descended from the second daughter of David of Huntingdon, whereas John Balliol descended from the eldest, and thus had the lineal right. However, Robert was a second cousin of kings of Scotland and descended in 4th generation from King David I of Scotland, whereas John Balliol was a third cousin of kings and descended in 5th generation from King David I, the most recent common ancestor who had been Scottish king. The ensuing 'Great Cause' was concluded in 1292. It gave the Crown of Scotland to his family's great rival, John Balliol. The events took place as follows:
Soon after the death of young queen Margaret, Robert Bruce raised a body of men with the help of the Earls of Mar and Atholl and marched to Perth with a considerable following and uncertain intentions. Bishop Fraser of St. Andrews, worried of the possibility of civil war, wrote to Edward, asking for his assistance in choosing a new monarch.
Edward took this chance to demand sasine of the Scottish royal estate, but agreed to pass judgement in return for recognition of his suzerainty. The [guardians of Scotland] denied him this, but Robert Bruce was quick to pay homage. All the claimants swore oaths of homage, but John Balliol was the last to do so. The guardians were forced to concede and were thus reinstated by Edward.
Judgement processed slowly. On August 3, 1291 Edward asked both Balliol and Bruce to choose forty auditors while he himself chose twenty-four, to decide the case. After considering all of the arguments, in early November the court decided in favour of John Balliol, having the superior claim in feudal law, not to mention greater support from the kingdom of Scotland. In accordance with this, final judgement was given by Edward on 17 November. On November 30, John Balliol was crowned as King of Scots at Scone Abbey. On December 26, at Newcastle upon Tyne, King John swore homage to Edward I for the kingdom of Scotland. Edward soon made it clear that he regarded the country as his vassal state. The Bruce family thus lost what they regarded as their rightful place on the Scottish throne.
(Edward I decided in favor of the senior legitimate heir by primogeniture, John Balliol; however, in 1306, the crown was assumed by a grandson of the Robert himself, who became King Robert I. In doing this, the rightful heir- John Balliol's own son- was smited by his father's misfortune of having been placed on the throne in an inopportune period.)
Robert, 5th Lord of Annandale resigned the lordship of Annandale to his son, the Earl of Carrick, as well as his claim to the Crown. Shortly after this, Robert's daughter-in-law Marjorie died in 1292, and on the day of her death his son transferred Carrick to his eldest grandson, the future Robert I of Scotland thus making the boy the Earl of Carrick.
In 1292 Robert V de Brus held a market at Ireby, Cumberland, in right of his wife. The following year he had a market at Hartlepool, county Durham within the liberties of the Bishop of Durham.
Sir Robert de Brus died at Lochmaben Castle and was buried at Guisborough Priory.
Family and children
He married firstly May 12, 1240:
Isabella, (November 2, 1226- after July 10, 1264), daughter of Gilbert de Clare, 5th Earl of Hertford and 1st Earl of Gloucester and Lady Isabel Marshal of Pembroke, with issue:
Isabel (b. 1249 - c1284), married (as his first wife) Sir John FitzMarmaduke, Knt., of Horden, Eighton, Lamesley, Ravensholm, and Silksworth, county Durham, Sheriff of North Durham, and Joint Warden beyond the Scottish Sea between the Forth and Orkney. He fought on the English side at the Battle of Falkirk, July 22, 1298, and was present at the Siege of Caerlaverock Castle in 1300. In 1307 he was commanded to assist the Earl of Richmond in expelling Robert de Brus and the Scottish rebels from Galloway. In 1309 his armour and provisions in a vessel bound for Perth were arrested off Great Yarmouth. He was governor of St. John's Town (Perth) in 1310 until his death. Isabel was buried at Easington, county Durham.[6]
Robert VI the Bruce, Earl of Carrick (1253 - 1304)
He married, secondly on May 3, 1275 at Hoddam, in the diocese of Glasgow:
Christina (d. 1305), daughter and heiress of Sir William de Ireby of Ireby, Cumberland. They had no issue.
Preceded by Robert IV de Brus Lord of Annandale 1226 x 1233-1295 Succeeded by Robert VI de Brus
Annadale is located in Dumfries and Galloway (Southwest Scotland)
Robert de Brus family was given this land by David I in 1124, as one of the border lordships when David became Prince of the Cumbrians. Along with Carrick, these lands acted as a buffer between the quasi-independent Lordship or Kingdom of Galloway and David's lands of Strathclyde and Cumbria.
Pedigree Resource File
name: Robert "The Competitor" /de Brus/ (AFN: 9G42-PK) sexo: male nacimiento: 1210 of, Annandale, Dumfriesshire, Scotland defunción: 31 May 1295 Priory, Lochmaben, Dumfriesshire, Scotland bautismo en otra Iglesia: (Abt 85-1295) entierro: 17 April 1295 Priory, Guisburn, Yorkshire, England matrimonio: , , , Scotland
Padres: Padre: Robert /de Bruce/ (AFN: 9G42-M7) madre: Isabelle /Huntingdon/ (AFN: 9G42-3G) Matrimonios (1)
cónyuge: Isabel /de Clare/ (AFN: 8WKL-7K) matrimonio: , , , Scotland
Ocultar hijos (8)
hijo 1: Robert /de Brus/ (AFN: 9G45-B3) sexo: male nacimiento: July 1243 of, Annandale, Dumfrieshire, Scotland defunción: antes de 4 April 1304 , , , Palestine entierro: Holme Abbey, Holme Cultram, Cumberland, England
hijo 2: Bernard /Brus/ (AFN: 9G45-DF) sexo: male nacimiento: aproximadamente 1247 of, Connington, Huntingsonshire, England defunción:
hijo 3: William /Brus/ (AFN: 9G45-C8) sexo: male nacimiento: aproximadamente 1248 of, Annandale, Dumfriesshire, Scotland defunción:
hijo 4: Richard de /Brus/ (AFN: VB10-P9) sexo: male nacimiento: aproximadamente 1249 of, Annandale, Dumfriesshire, Scotland defunción: antes de 26 January 1286
hijo 5: Isabella /Bruce/ (AFN: 9G45-FL) sexo: female nacimiento: aproximadamente 1252 of, , Argyllshire, Scotland defunción: 1300
hijo 6: John /Brus/ (AFN: 18KB-T4T) sexo: male nacimiento: 1252 Clackmannan, Clackmannan, Scotland defunción:
hijo 7: Alosia /Bruce/ (AFN: 9G45-GR) sexo: female nacimiento: aproximadamente 1254 of, Annandale, Dumfrieshire, Scotland defunción:
hijo 8: Christiana /Bruce/ (AFN: 9G45-HX) sexo: female nacimiento: aproximadamente 1256 of, Annandale, Dumfrieshire, Scotland defunción:
Fuentes (1) Ancestral File (R) The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Cita de este registro "Pedigree Resource File," database, FamilySearch (http://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.2.1/S5X9-Z4G : accessed 2014-07-30), entry for Robert "The Competitor" /de Brus/.www.findagrave.com
Robert de Brus V
BIRTH 1215
DEATH 31 Mar 1295 (aged 79–80)
Lochmaben, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland
Guisborough Priory
Guisborough, Redcar and Cleveland Unitary Authority, North Yorkshire, England
MEMORIAL ID 69842426
Robert de Brus, 5th Lord of Annandale's Timeline
1210 |
Annandale, Dumfriesshire, Scotland (United Kingdom)
Dumfries, Scotland, United Kingdom
1243 |
July 1243
Writtle, Essex, England (United Kingdom)
1248 |
Annandale, Dumfriesshire, Scotland
1249 |
Argyllshire, Scotland
1252 |
Clackmannan, Clackmannanshire, Scotland
1295 |
March 31, 1295
Age 85
Lochmaben, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland (United Kingdom)
April 17, 1295
Age 85
Guisborough Priory, Guisborough, Yorkshire, England, UK