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  • Adam de Brus, Lord of Skelton & Cleveland (c.1105 - c.1143)
    [I] de Brus , son of ROBERT [I] de Brus & his wife Agnes Paynell (-[20 Mar] [1143], bur Gysburne/Gisborough Priory). “Robertus de Brus” donated property to St Mary’s, York by charter dated to [1125/35]...
  • Adam de Brus, Lord of Skelton (c.1127 - 1196)
    Adam II de Brus, Baron Skelton1,2,3 M, #11333, d. 20 March 1196 Father Adam I de Brus4 d. 1143 Mother Agnes of Aumale2,4 Adam II de Brus, Baron Skelton was born at of Skelton, Yorkshire, England. He ma...
  • Agatha Brus of Skelton (c.1095 - 1142)
    From Medlands: AGATHA de Brus A charter dated to [1145/54] records the dowry granted by “Robertus de Brus” to “Agathe filie sue” on her marriage to “Radulfo Ribaldi filio”, witnessed by “…Petro de Brus...
  • Agnes de Brus, Baroness Fauconberge (c.1224 - 1280)
    notes From Sir Bartholomew de Fanacourt, third husband of Lucy, 1279-1347, younger daughter and heir of s.v. Sir Robert de Thweng, d. before 1284, and granddaughter of Sir Marmaduke de Thweng, d. ...
  • Agnes N.N. (1080 - 1170)
    See discussion tab: Briefly I have detached Agnes from her parents because 2nd wife of Robert I de Bruce, Agnes name unknown, was thought by some to be Agnes Bainard but current thinking does not agree...

About the de Brus surname

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