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  • Agatha Taliaferro (c.1699 - 1763)
    King believes that Francis was married late in life to Mary Dick which explains why she outlived him so long. He believes Charles Champe T was a late child. I am skeptical. There is a Francis who dies ...
  • Lady Agnes Georgiana Elizabeth Duff, Countess Fife (1829 - 1869)
    "Agnes Duff, Countess Fife (12 May 1829 – 18 December 1869), was an Irish-Scottish aristocrat. Early life Lady Agnes Georgiana Elizabeth Hay was born at Dublin, Ireland. She was the third child of Will...
  • Agnes Hay (1814 - 1880)
    arrived on the Bengal Merchant 1840 Wellington, NZ.
  • Lady Agnes Cecile Emmeline Duff (1852 - 1925)
    Lady Agnes Cecil Emmeline Duff (18 May 1852 – 11 January 1925), married firstly George Hay-Drummond, son of George Hay-Drummond, 12th Earl of Kinnoull, and had issue. Married secondly Herbert Flower, w...
  • Agnes Hay, Free Settler “Chatham” 1855 (1834 - 1909)
    Updated from MyHeritage Family Trees via daughter Margaret Wilson Campbell (born Hay) by SmartCopy : Nov 2 2014, 21:36:21 UTC

About the Hay surname

blurb from Grant Hovey

James Hay is unique in that the mitochondrial DNA of his wife, Anne Preston, is known. Three female descendents of Anne submitted specimens for DNA analysis, and supplied family trees. Further research merged these families until Anna Preston became the earliest female ancestor. Mitochondrial DNA remains the same for periods longer than the modern practice of record keeping has been in being. Of course, the accuracy of the genealogy governs the correctness of the ancestors' DNA.


Balázs Déri :

Some Hay families ,as well as members of Song-Hay people ,related to Zarma one at Niger river in Africa ,
may descend from and be named for Hay ,a king of an Armenia in the Xth century BC ,
successor of Zarmair .

They were the successors of the founder of the dynasty ,Hayk, in the XXIst century BC ,
who may be identical with An-Ayek-Ha-Ha ,ancestor of the Hayk'haan or Hayk of Ani ,
one of the sons of BNWMWN ,the youngest of the twelve forefather of the Chosen People ,
called therefore ,as the youngest of "gods" ,or rather planets they may be named for ,Dionys by Greeks .
He was apparently the "father" of Sür-Ara(b) , place in Mesopotamia ,called also Numun or Nünna ,
that is Aba-Nawa-Mawan-Na or Aba-Na-'Ayan-Nawa ,and was named after the Phoinix ,
which was called BNNW in old Aigyptian ,and is thus the ancestor of peoples called Syr-Arab or Phoinician .

He had a son called Khor ,for whom Khórasm in Central Asia ,in Turan may be named ,as Khoor-Assam ,
who may be the progenitor of Horo peoples in India ,called also Mura or Munda ,
as well as of the Mura in Amazonia ,in the Holy Land of America ,that the former might be the colonists of .
The Amazonian Mura migh include descendants of Hay too ,called Bukhiwara-Hay ,
that would mean sons of Hay ,and of course of Hayk ,from Bukhara and Khiwa ,
thus appproximately from Khórasm .

The main lineage of Armenian kings though was said to descend from Khor's brother ,Armenak .
From him descended Harma ,his son Aram ,his son Arai or Ara ,and his son Kart(os) possibly also called ,
or a brother of an other Ara .
Harma ,who might be an Amahara ancestor ,may be identical with WRKhM from the tribe of BNWMWN ,
called so in the Byble ,and thus with Orkhamos ,progenitor of the Persian royal families .
In the latters' traditions he may appear as Takhmuras ,that is Takh-Hammüra(g)as ,and may be identical
with Hammüragash ,king of Ma'rü in the Middle East .
He and his descendant,Kart ,are the ancestors ,as he was the king of Ma'rü and the pagan priests of the
Mary people in Sarmatia are called Kart ,of the Canamary peoples in Amazonia .
Their names cvane namely be interpreted as K'hana-Ma'ry ,which means priest of Ma'rü .
So Zarmair and Hay ,and the Zarma and Song-Hay peoples may either be of Khórasmian or of
Canamary origin .

Some of the dynasty's descendants might now be enrolled also in amongst Caribbean peoples ,
Ara and / or Kart may be the ancestors of the Ara-Caret ,his succesors ,Paret and Arbaco of the
Part-Amona and Arbaco tribes .
Hay himself was succedeed ,among others, by Parnawaz ,whose name can be interpreted in the
general language of Amazonia as Parana-Wa'zu ,which would mean Big Sea .

The Zarma in Africa ,speak a tonal langauge ,and thus are likely to stem from South Asia ,namely ,
as they are related to the Song-Hay ,from the Song region of China ,where Hay or his successors ,
of whom they may descend ,might once have ruled .
As it is written ,Assyrians occupied the territory of GLcD ,aproximately now Siberia ,and the neighboured
countries ,around 800 BC , and deported its peoples to Eurasia .
This might have happened to the Asian descendants of the aforesaid kings ,and so they might have later
went to Africa .
Some of them though might have remained in the Holy Land of America ,and were later counted among
the Jews ,that is of the people of Iudaia ,as the Southern part of it was called in the late antiquity .

See Air,Kanuri,Husák,Warschauer,Warszawski,Varsányi,Varsány,Schorsch,Wahner,Wachter,
Dendi,Mene,Eingang and others !
