Maj. Henry Filmer

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Maj. Henry Filmer (1607 - 1673)

Also Known As: "House of Burgesses for James City County"
Birthplace: Kent, England, United Kingdom
Death: after October 27, 1673
of "Laus Deo", Mulberry Island, Warwick County, Virginia Colony
Immediate Family:

Son of Sir Edward Filmer and Dame Elizabeth Filmer
Husband of Elizabeth Filmer
Father of Elizabeth Wills; Martha Green; Henry Filmer and Mehitable Filmer
Brother of Margaret Filmer; Mary Knatchbull; Augustinus Filmer; Sir Robert Filmer; Edward Filmer, Jr. and 12 others

Managed by: Lucy Everette Folk
Last Updated:

About Maj. Henry Filmer

Henry Filmer received a B.A. from Queens College in 1624 and an M. A. from Queens College, Cambridge in 1631. He was a major in the British Army Militia in Virginia. He served in the Virginia House of Burgesses in 1642-1643 and again in 1666-1667.


Member of the house of Burgesses for James City Va. March 1642-43 and for Warwick County Va. 1666-1667

KINSHIP: 8th son. AFN: Alternate> 1H9C-FHT.

  • MILITARY: Major.
  • OFFICE: Served as a member of the House of Burgesses for James City County, 1642-1643; for Warwick County, 1666-1667.
  • OFFICE: Justice for Warwick County, 1667.
  • DISTINCTION: Gentleman.
  • EMIGRATION: England to Virginia, 1640.
  • RESIDENCE: Settled in James City County, Virginia {, James City, Virginia}.
  • RESIDENCE: Settled in Warwick County, Virginia {, Warwick, Virginia}.
  • PROPERTY: Purchased 1,000 acres on the Chickahomany River.
  • PROBATE: Will dated 21 Feb 1671.


arrived on John and Ambrose from England. In US had plantation called Laus Deo.



Henry Filmer was a burgess from James City county in the assembly of 1642-1643. He resided in James City and Warwick counties. He was an officer of the British army of occupation. He and his wife, Elizabeth Austin Filmer, daughter, son, cook and nephew Samuel, came to Virginia on ship "John & Ambrose" that embarked on 13 Mar 1652, off of Gravesend (northwest of Maidstone at the mouth of the Thames River and east of London).

Upon arriving in Virginia, he moved to Mulberry Island where he had a plantation called "Laus Deo". Henry referred to himself as "of Mulberry Island in Virginia, Gentleman" in an August 27, 1664 letter in the Kent Archives Office. "Laus Deo" was located in or near Felker Field, about where the site of the first heliopad ever built in the U. S. is now located at Fort Eustis. The plantation adjoined the land of his friend Emmanuel Wills, which gave Henry access to Wills' Mulberry Island Pier. After living on Mulberry Island for eighteen years, Henry died in 1671, (his will is dated 21 Feb 1671), and was buried on Mulberry Island, Warwick County, Virginia, either on his plantation or in one of the two churches on the Island. Possibly in the church or church yard of the church that was built by Captain William Pierce at Baker's Neck.

He was in Virginia in 1629. He had land grants in James City County in 1637; member of the House of Burgesses for James City County 1642-43; Justice of Warwick County 1647; member of th e House of Burgesses for Warwick County 1666-67; Major in British Army of occupation in Virgi nia; before leaving England married Elizabeth. He was christened in Nov 1607 in East Sutton, Kent, England. He died after 1673. Henry graduated from Queens, Easter 1624. He earned his B.A. in 1627-28 and M.A. in 1631 at Cambridge. Sometime before 1637 he went to Virginia, by which time he had established himself on Mulberr y Island, just down the James River. He was an officer in the British Army of Occupation. In 1642/3 he became a Burgess for James City but moved to Warwick County where in 1647 he became Justice of Warwick. In 1653 he returned to England but went back to Virginia aboard the 'John Ambrose'. His nephew Samuel Filmer joined him in Virginia in 1654. He seems to have visited England again in 1662. He died after 1673, leaving at least one daughter Martha by his wife Elizabeth. According to Bruce John Filmer's book, 'The Filmer Family of Kent- Part One', he left a will dated 1672. Under it he left a legacy to provide plate for the Mulberry Island parish church. On 27 Oct 1673, Henry acquired 360 acres in Warwick County formerly granted to Anthony Barham , "and later found esceat." There is a reference to Henry in Vol II of the Compendium of American Genealogy that reads: 'Maj. Henry Filmer (d. post 1673) from Eng. to Va. ante 1642, settled first at James City and later in Warwick Co. Burgess James City Co. 1642-43, Justice of Warwick 1647, had land grants as early as 1637. Officer British Army of Occupation, m. Elizabeth -.' Another note in letters at County Hall (reproduced Vol.18 (1960) p. 408-428) edited by Peter Walne reads, "Henry Filmer of Mulberry Island, Gentleman 1653-1671. On Mar 13, 1652/3 he embarked on the 'John and Ambrose' off Gravesend having narrowly avoided missing the boat. With him sailed his wife, son and daughter, their cook and Samuel, younger son of Henry's brother Sir Robert. 1. Major Henry Filmer, (COLONIAL DAMES) b. 1600/07, E. Sutton Manor, E. Sutton, Kent, Eng., occupation County Court Justice, farmer, m. pre 1640, in Kent, England, Elizabeth ____, b. Eng ., d. Va. Major died post 1673, will dated 21 Feb 1671, alive 1666/7, Warwick co., Virginia , 5th or 8th son, to Virginia Mar 1640, Burgesses of Va. VA Magazine of History & Bio. vol. 68 p. 408-428, vol. 15 p 181;V. 24 & 17; Stanard: Some Emigrants to VA, 2nd ed. p. 34; Berry's Kentish Genealogies; Visitation of Kent 1619; Benning: F rancois Benin Descendants p. 68 - Henry received a BA at Queen's Cambridge 1624 & a MA in 1631. In VA pre 1642; called his plantation "Laus Deo", on Mulberry Island, Wm. & Mary Quarterly vol. 5 1918 p. 531; 1st settled in James City, office of the British army of occupation; Colonial Families in the U.S. p. 1 47; Wurts p. 1964; came on ship "John & Ambrose"


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Maj. Henry Filmer's Timeline

October 1607
Kent, England, United Kingdom

LDS; Ancestral file; Major Henry FILMER (AFN:2VJT-XR)
Born: 1600 Place: East Sutton Manor, East Sutton, Kent, England

March 20, 1630
East Sutton, Kent, England
East Sutton, Kent, England
East Sutton, Kent County, England
East Sutton, Kent, England
October 27, 1673
Age 66
of "Laus Deo", Mulberry Island, Warwick County, Virginia Colony
County Court Justice