Historical records matching Gertrude of Saxony, Countess of Flanders
Immediate Family
About Gertrude of Saxony, Countess of Flanders
Gertrud of Saxony (Schweinfurt around 1030 - Veurne 4 Aug 1113, bur Veurne)
Parents: Bernard (after 990-29 Jun 1059, bur Lüneburg St Michael) m [1020]) Eilika von Schweinfurt
x ([1050]) Floris I Count of Holland
1. Dirk ([1050/55]-17 Jun 1091, bur Egmond).
2. Floris (-before 1061, bur Egmond).
3. Peter? Canon at St Lambert in Liège. He is named in Europäische Stammtafeln[360], but the primary source on which this is based has not yet been identified. No record of another individual named Peter has been found in this family, which suggests that his identification as a son of Count Dirk IV should be viewed with scepticism.
4. Bertha of Holland ([1058]-Montreuil-sur-Mer, Pas-de-Calais 15 Oct 1094).
5. Adela [Christina] (-1085).
xx (1063) Robert de Flandre
6. Adela de Flandre ([1065]-Apr 1115).
7. Robert (1065-[5 Oct] 1111, bur Arras St Vaast).
8. Phillipe de Flandres "de Loo" (-before 1127).
9. Ogive? de Flandre (before 1071-Apr before 1141).
10. Baudoin? de Flandre (-before 1080). He is named as son of Count Robert in Europäische Stammtafeln[375] but the primary source on which this is based has not yet been identified.]
11. Gertrude de Flandre (-[1115/26]).
BERNHARD (after 990-29 Jun 1059, bur Lüneburg St Michael). m ([1020]%29 EILIKA von Schweinfurt, daughter of HEINRICH von Schweinfurt Markgraf der Nordgau & his wife Gerberga [von Hammerstein] ([1000]-10 Dec after [1055/56]). Duke Bernhard II & his wife had five children:
c) GERTRUD of Saxony (Schweinfurt [1028]-Veurne 4 Aug 1113, bur Veurne). The Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana names "filiam Bernardi Saxonum comitis Gertrudem" as wife of "Robertus", specifying that she was "viduam Florentii comitis Fresonum"[341]. The Chronologia Johannes de Beke records the marriage of Count Floris and "Gertrudim filiam Hermanni ducis Saxonum"[342], "Hermanni" being an error for "Bernardi" as the former would be impossible chronologically. "Gertrudis" is named as wife of "Roberti Frisonis" in the Cartulaire de Saint-Bertin, which does not give her origin[343]. The Genealogia ex stirpe Sancti Arnulfi names "Idam Namucensem…uxorem Angelberti marchionis et Gertrudem comitissam Flandrensem" as children of "Bernardum"[344]. The Annales Egmundani specify that Robert acquired the "comitatum Hollandiæ et Fresiæ" by marrying Gertrud[345]. [The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Denis records the death "XV Kal Aug" of "Gertrudis comitissa"[346]. It is uncertain whether this entry relates to the widow of Count Floris and Count Robert.] Beke's Egmondsch Necrologium records the death "IV die Aug" of "Gheertrudis…" and her burial in Flanders[347]. [A manuscript catalogue of benefactors to Eversham monastery records the death “1 aprilis” 1113 of “Robertus Hierosolymitanus...Gertrudis mater eius”[348]. The accuracy of this source is unknown. The latest date recorded is 1629, but it is not known whether the document represents a later compilation based on earlier sources.] m firstly ([1050]%29 FLORIS I Count of Holland, son of DIRK III Count of Holland & his wife Othelindis [von Haldensleben-Nordmark] ([1010/21]- Hamerth 28 Jun 1061, bur Egmond). m secondly (1063) ROBERT de Flandre, son of BAUDOUIN V "le Pieux/Insulanus" Count of Flanders & his wife Adela de France ([1035]-13 Oct 1093). Count of Holland 1062-1071, during the minority of his stepson. He succeeded his nephew 1071 as ROBERT I "le Frison" Count of Flanders. http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SAXONY.htm#Gertruddied1113
Count Floris & his wife had [four] children:a) DIRK ([1050/55]-17 Jun 1091, bur Egmond). The Annales Egmundani name "Theoderici V filii Florentii comitis"[341]. The Chronologia Johannes de Beke names (in order) "Theodricum et Florencium…et Machtildim" as children of Count Floris & his wife[342]. He succeeded his father in 1061 as DIRK V Count of Holland, under the regency of his stepfather until 1071. The county of Holland was annexed by the bishopric of Utrecht by Bishop Willem in 1061. "Henricus…rex" confirmed the transfer of "comitatum omnem in Westflinge et circa horas Reni" which "Theodricus comes habuit" to the bishopric of Utrecht, on the advice of "…Gotefridi, Frederici, Gerhardi ducum", by charter dated "II Kal Mai 1064"[343]. "Henricus…rex" records that "Theodrico comite eiusque filiis" took property from the bishopric of Utrecht "a tempore Heinrici secundi et Adelboldi…episcopi", including property "Sigeldrith usque in Rinesmuthon, inde sursum ab occidentali parte Reni usque in Bodengrauen" held by "comes Unroch…post Unroch Godezo, post Godezonem Theodricus Baue filius", by charter dated "VI Non Mai 1064"[344]. Dirk V recovered his county in 1076, and imprisoned the Bishop. The Chronologia Johannes de Beke records that Count Dirk V defeated his stepfather at "Islemunde" in 1076[345]. "Theodericus…Holtlandensis comes…Florentii filius" recites the ownership history of properties claimed by the church of Utrecht in Holland, including the foundation of Egmond church by "Theodericus, frater Waldgeri, cum legitima coniuge sua Geua", the further construction of the church by "Theodericus secundus, predicti filius, cum Hildegarda coniuge sua", donations by "Ekbertus, nominati comitis filius…Treuerice ecclesie archiepiscopus", by "Arnulfus comes cum…uxore sua Liutgarda", by "Theodericus tertius, predicti Arnulfi filius, cum coniuge sua Othelhildis", by "Sifridus cognomento Sicco, predicti frater Theoderici", by "Florentius, tercii Theoderici filius", cum bone memorie uxore sua Gerthrude", by spurious charter dated 26 Jul 1083, probably written in [1130], which names "Othelhilda uxore mea"[346]. The Annales Egmundani record the death in 1091 of "Theoderici V comes"[347]. The Chronologia Johannes de Beke records the death "1091 XV Kal Iul" of Count Dirk V[348]. Beke's Egmondsch Necrologium records the death "1091 V Kal Dec" of "Theodericus quintus Hollandie comes" and his burial "ad caput Florencii Crassi"[349]. m (before 26 Jul 1083) OTHELINDIS, daughter of - (-18 Nov - bur Egmond). The Annales Egmundani name "Othelhildis comitissa" as wife of "Theodericus comes septimus [Hollandensium]" but do not give her origin[350]. The Chronologia Johannes de Beke records the marriage of Count Dirk V and "Otihildim filiam prepotentis ducis Saxonie"[351]. The name "Othelindis" suggests a Saxon origin (see Count Dirk V's paternal grandmother). However, it is unlikely that Othelindis's father was duke of Saxony, because of the consanguinity that would have resulted between the parties no reference to which has been found in the sources so far consulted. No indication has been found of her precise Saxon origin. "Theodericus…Holtlandensis comes…Florentii filius" recites the ownership history of properties claimed by the church of Utrecht in Holland, by spurious charter dated 26 Jul 1083, probably written in [1130], which names "Othelhilda uxore mea"[352]. The Chronologia Johannes de Beke records the death "XIV Kal Dec" of "Uthilhildis" wife of Count Dirk V and her burial at Egmond[353]. Beke's Egmondsch Necrologium records the death "XIV Kal Dec" of "Othilhildis comitissa" and her burial at Egmond with her husband[354]. Count Dirk V & his wife had two children. http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/HOLLAND.htm#FlorisIdied1061
b) FLORIS (-before 1061, bur Egmond). The Chronologia Johannes de Beke names (in order) "Theodricum et Florencium…et Machtildim" as children of Count Floris & his wife[358]. Canon at St Lambert in Liège. Beke's Egmondsch Necrologium records the death of "Florencius filius Florencii…puer" and his burial "ad caput patris sui postea defuncti"[359]. The reference in this source to "puer" is not considered inconsistent with Floris having been a canon at Liège as the term may only reflect his being sent to the cathedral at any early age for his education. http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/HOLLAND.htm#FlorisIdied1061
c) [PETER . Canon at St Lambert in Liège. He is named in Europäische Stammtafeln[360], but the primary source on which this is based has not yet been identified. No record of another individual named Peter has been found in this family, which suggests that his identification as a son of Count Dirk IV should be viewed with scepticism.] http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/HOLLAND.htm#FlorisIdied1061
d) BERTHA of Holland ([1058]-Montreuil-sur-Mer, Pas-de-Calais 15 Oct 1094). The Liber Modernorum Regum Francorum records the marriage of "filiam ducis Frisiæ" and "rex Philippus"[361]. The Chronologia Johannes de Beke names (in order) "Theodricum et Florencium…et Machtildim" as children of Count Floris & his wife, specifying that "Machtildim" married "Philippus rex Francie" after the death of her father which indicates that "Machtildim" in this text is an error for Bertha[362]. The Historia Francorum names "filiam Florentii ducis Frisonum Bertam" as wife of King Philippe[363]. Her marriage was arranged as part of the settlement under which her future husband recognised her stepfather as Count of Flanders[364]. Her husband sent her to Montreuil after repudiating her. The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Victor records the death "Id Oct" of "Berta mater Ludovici regis"[365]. Clarius’s Chronicon Sancti Petri Vivi Senonensis records the death in 1094 of “Berta regina, quæ a rege Philippo prius fuerat derelicta”[366]. m (1072, repudiated 1092) as his first wife, PHILIPPE I King of France, son of HENRI I King of France & his second wife Anna Iaroslavna of Kiev (1052-château de Melun, Seine-et-Marne 30 Jul 1108, bur Abbaye Saint Benoît-sur-Loire).http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/HOLLAND.htm#FlorisIdied1061
e) [ADELA [Christina] (-1085). The Historia Comitum Ghisnensium names "viri Lotharie et milicie ducis florigeri Florentini filiam Adelam…dicta Cristiana" as wife of "Balduinum [comem Ghisnensi]"[367]. The passage contains no direct reference to the Counts of Holland, although the first name "Florentinus" is indicative and has not been found in other contemporary noble families. If Adela belonged to the family of the Counts of Holland, the text is chronologically consistent with Count Floris I being her father. This hypothesis assumes that the text correctly names Adela's father in the first place. This is far from certain in light of the numerous inaccuracies and inconsistencies in the early parts of the Historia. In addition, none of the names typically associated with the family of the Counts of Holland are found among the couple's descendants. m BAUDOUIN I Comte de Guines, son of EUSTACHE Comte de Guines & his wife Susanne de Grimmingen (-[1100]).]http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/HOLLAND.htm#FlorisIdied1061Count Robert & his wife had six children:
1. ADELA de Flandre ([1065]-Apr 1115). The Cartulaire de Saint-Bertin specifies that "filia primogenita Robert Frisonis et Gertrudis" was the wife of "Canuti regis Dacie", but does not give her name[287]. The Annales Blandinienses name "Athelæ amitæ [Balduini comes]" as the mother of "Karolus"[288]. The Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana specifies that "Robertus comes cognomento Frisio" had three daughters "quarum prima nupsit Kanuto regi Danorum, quam postea habuit Rogerus dux Apulie"[289]. Malaterra names the wife of "dux Rogerius" as "neptem Francorum regis Philippi filiam Flandrensium marchionis Roberti…Adalalam"[290]. She was regent in Apulia 1111-1114 for her son Guillaume Duke of Apulia. The Lamberti Audomariensis Chronica records the death "V Kal Apr" of "Athela ducissa Apuliæ…filia Roberti Flandriæ comitis, uxor Rogerii ducis", although the year is not specified[291]. m firstly ([1080]%29 KNUD II “den Hellige/the Holy” King of Denmark, illegitimate son of SVEND II King of Denmark & his mistress --- (-murdered Odense, St Albans Church 10 Jul 1086, bur Odense, St Albans Church, later called St Knuds Church). m secondly (1090) ROGER "Borsa/the Purse" Duke of Apulia, son of ROBERT "Guiscard/Weasel" Duke of Apulia & his second wife Sichelgaita di Salerno ([1061]-22 Feb 1111). Adela & her first husband had three children http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/FLANDERS,%20HAINAUT.htm#RobertIdied...
2. ROBERT (1065-[5 Oct] 1111, bur Arras St Vaast[304]). "Roberti filius eius [Robertus Flandrensium comes]" is named in the Cartulaire de Saint-Bertin[305]. The Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana names (in order) "Philippum et Robertum" as sons of "Robertus [et] vidua Gertrude"[306]. He ruled with his father as joint count of Flanders from 1086[307]. "Rodbertus...Flandrensis marchio, comitis Rodberti agnomine Fresonis filius" conferred the functions of "cancellarium" on the provost of Bruges St. Donat by charter dated 31 Oct 1089[308]. He succeeded his father in 1093 as ROBERT II Count of Flanders. He joined the First Crusade in 1096, and was joint-leader of a contingent with Robert Duke of Normandy and Etienne Comte de Blois[309]. As the crusaders approached Antioch in Oct 1097, a contingent under Count Robert captured Artah to the south-west[310]. After the capture of Jerusalem, he left Palestine for Europe in Sep 1099[311]. He helped Henry I King of England conquer Normandy from his brother Robert in 1106, in accordance with the alliance agreed in the Treaty of Dover in 1103 which was renewed in 1110[312]. Orderic Vitalis records that Count Robert was among the forces of Louis VI King of France which fought Thibaut IV Comte de Blois near Meaux, that he was trampled as the king fled with his men, and died a few days later[313]. According to William of Malmesbury, he was mortally wounded in a tournament[314]. The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Denis records the death "III Non Oct" of "Rotbertus Flandrensium comes"[315], which is consistent with the date of death of Count Robert II shown in Europäische Stammtafeln[316]. However, it seems more likely that this entry relates to Count Robert I (whose death is recorded on 13 Oct in another source, see above) as the same necrology also records the death "XV Kal Aug" of "Gertrudis comitissa" who may be identified with the wife of the older count Robert[317]. m (before 1092) as her first husband, CLEMENCE de Bourgogne, daughter of GUILLAUME I Comte de Bourgogne & his wife Etiennette --- ([1078]-[1133]). "Clementie Flandrarum comitisse" is named as wife of "Robertus iunior" in the Cartulaire de Saint-Bertin[318]. Orderic Vitalis names her as wife of Count Robert but does not give her origin[319]. Her origin is confirmed by the Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana which names "Clementiam filiam Willelmi comitis Burgundionum cognomento Testahardith" as wife of "Rodbertus Rodberti filius"[320]. Clemence could not have been born much later than 1078, given the birth of her first child (by her first husband) in 1093. She was appointed regent in Flanders during the absence of her first husband on crusade[321]. She promoted the monastic movement and introduced Cluniac rule into several abbeys in Flanders[322]. She founded Bourbourg Abbey with her first husband in [1103]. "Balduinus Flandrensium comes et Clementia comitissa" confirmed the donation of the church of Saint-Bertin to Cluny made by "dominus meus Rotbertus comes", by charter 12 Apr 1112[323]. She opposed the succession in 1119 of Count Charles, supporting the candidature of Guillaume d'Ypres[324]. She married secondly ([1125]%29 as his second wife, Godefroi V Duke of Lower Lotharingia. The primary source which confirms her second marriage has not yet been identified. The Cartulaire de Saint-Bertin records the death in [1133] of "Clementia Roberti iunioris vidua" and specifies that "eatenus pene terciam partem Flandrie dotis loco tenuit"[325], although it is curious that this entry does not mention her second husband who was still alive when his wife died. Robert II & his wife had three children http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/FLANDERS,%20HAINAUT.htm#RobertIdied...
3. PHILIPPE de Flandres "de Loo" (-before 1127). The Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana names (in order) "Philippum et Robertum" as sons of "Robertus [et] vidua Gertrude"[343]. "Philippi fratris Roberi iunioris Flandrie comitis" is named in the Cartulaire de Saint-Bertin[344]. The Genealogia Comitum Flandriæ names "Rodbertum et Philippum" as the two sons of "Rodbertus Barbatus [et] Gertrude", specifying that Philippe was buried at "Bergis"[345]. "Philippus filius Roberti marchionis cognomento Frisonis" transferred rights to the abbey of Saint-Pierre de Loo by charter dated 1093 which also names "fratris mei Roberti comiti Flandrie"[346]. Mistress (1): ---. According to Vanderkindere, Philippe´s mistress was "a wool carder"[347]. Some details about her family are provided by the charter dated 1162 under which Philippe´s illegitimate son "Willelmus de Ipres…cum Leliosa consanguinea mea et cum filia sua Petronilla" donated revenue from land, which "pater ipsius Leliose, Thebaldus…de Aria" held from "patre meo Philippo" and which Guillaume had granted to "Eghellino de Furnis" on his marriage to Leliose with the consent of "Thebaldi junioris fratris Leliose", to the abbey of Bourbourg, signed by "…Theobaldus filius Eghellini de Furnis…"[348]. Galbert of Bruges records that Guillaume d´Ypres was captured "cum fratre suo Thiebaldo Sorel" at Ypres 10 Sep 1127[349]. Presumably Thibaut Sorel was the son of Guillaume´s mother by a subsequent marriage or relationship. It is possible that he was the same person as "Thebaldus…de Aria" who is named in the 1162 charter, in which case "Leliose" was the niece of Guillaume d´Ypres. Philippe de Loo had one illegitimate child by Mistress http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/FLANDERS,%20HAINAUT.htm#RobertIdied...
4. [OGIVE] de Flandre (before 1071-Apr before 1141). The Flandria Generosa refers to a daughter of Count Robert and his wife Gertrude as "apud Mescinas sanctimonialis et abbatissa venerabilis", but does not name her[371]. Galbert of Bruges names "abbatissam Messinis et Gertrudem" as the daughters of Robert I Count of Flanders and his wife Gertrude[372]. The Chronica Monasterii Sancti Bertini names "Ogieva" as the fourth sister of "Robertus Frisionis"[373]. Although the source mistakes "daughters" for "sisters", it is possible that the first name is correct[374]. Abbess of Messines before 1107. http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/FLANDERS,%20HAINAUT.htm#RobertIdied...
5. [BAUDOUIN de Flandre (-before 1080). He is named as son of Count Robert in Europäische Stammtafeln[375] but the primary source on which this is based has not yet been identified.] http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/FLANDERS,%20HAINAUT.htm#RobertIdied...
6. GERTRUDE de Flandre (-[1115/26]). Galbert of Bruges names "abbatissam Messinis et Gertrudem" as the daughters of Robert I Count of Flanders and his wife Gertrude[376]. Her parentage and both her marriages are deduced from the Cartulaire de Saint-Bertin which names "Gertrude filia Roberti Frisonis, vidua Henrici Bruselensis" as mother of "Theodericum", who is in turn named "filium Theoderici ducis de Helsath"[377]. The Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana specifies that "Robertus comes cognomento Frisio" had three daughters and that "tercia Theoderico comiti Alsatie [nupsit]"[378]. A charter dated 1095 records a donation to Flône, notes the approval of "Henricus Lovaniensis comitis" and adds that he married "filie Roberti Flandriensis comitis"[379]. m firstly HENRI III Comte de Louvain, son of HENRI II Comte de Louvain & his wife Adela [Adelheid] in der Betuwe (-Tournai 5 Feb 1095). m secondly (Han-sur-Lesse 15 Aug 1095) as his second wife, THIERRY II Duke of Lorraine, son of GERARD Duke of Upper Lotharingia & his wife Hadwide [de Namur] (-30 Dec 1115).http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/FLANDERS,%20HAINAUT.htm#RobertIdied...
1061-69 Regent Dowager Countess Geertruida von Sachsen of Holland (The Netherlands)
Widow of Floris I and regent for son Dirk V (1061-71 and 1076-91). In 1063 she remarried Robrecht van Flanders - a son Count Bodewijn V - probably to secure her position against the German emperor Heinrich IV and the two acted as co-regents for Dirk and were involved in wars with various neighboring rulers - and in 1070 the county was conquered by the Duke of Brabant.
Gertrude of Saxony (also known as Gertrude Billung) (c. 1030 – August 4, 1113), was the daughter of Bernard II, Duke of Saxony and Eilika of Schweinfurt. She married Floris I, Count of Holland (c. 1017 - June 28, 1061) c. 1050, and upon his death, her son Dirk V became Count of Holland. Since he was still young, she became regent.
When Dirk V came into power, William I, Bishop of Utrecht, took advantage of the situation, occupying territory that he had claimed in Holland. Gertrude and her son withdrew to the islands of Frisia (Zeeland), leaving William to occupy the disputed lands.
In 1063 Gertrude married Robert of Flanders (Robert the Frisian), the second son of Baldwin V of Flanders. This act gave Dirk the Imperial Flanders as an appanage - including the islands of Frisia west of the Frisian Scheldt. She and her husband then acted as co-regents for the young count.
She had a total of seven children with Floris I:
Albrecht (b. ca. 1051), a canon in Liege.
Dirk V (ca. 1052, Vlaardingen–17 June 1091).
Pieter (b. ca. 1053), a canon in Liége.
Bertha (ca. 1055–1094, Montreuil-sur-Mer), who married Philip I of France in 1072.
Floris (b. ca. 1055), a canon in Liége.
Machteld (b. ca. 1057)
Adela (b. ca. 1061), who married Count Baudouin I of Guînes.
From her second marriage to Robert I she had five children:
Robert II of Flanders (c. 1065 – October 5, 1111).
Adela (d.1115), who first married king Canute IV of Denmark, and was the mother of Charles the Good, later count of Flanders. She then married Roger Borsa, duke of Apulia.
Gertrude, who married Thierry II, Duke of Lorraine, and was the mother of Thierry of Alsace, also later count of Flanders.
Philip of Loo, whose illegitimate son William of Ypres was also a claimant to the county of Flanders.
Ogiva, abbess of Messines.
dog den 3:e Aug 1113 i Veurne.
Gertrude of Saxony
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Gertrude of Saxony (also known as Gertrude Billung) (c. 1030 – August 4, 1113), was the daughter of Bernard II, Duke of Saxony and Eilika of Schweinfurt. She married Floris I, Count of Holland (c. 1017 - June 28, 1061) c. 1050, and upon his death, her son Dirk V became Count of Holland. Since he was still young, she became regent.
When Dirk V came into power, William I, Bishop of Utrecht, took advantage of the situation, occupying territory that he had claimed in Holland. Gertrude and her son withdrew to the islands of Frisia (Zeeland), leaving William to occupy the disputed lands.
In 1063 Gertrude married Robert of Flanders (Robert the Frisian), the second son of Baldwin V of Flanders. This act gave Dirk the Imperial Flanders as an appanage - including the islands of Frisia west of the Frisian Scheldt. She and her husband then acted as co-regents for the young count.
Family and children
She had a total of seven children with Floris I:
Albrecht (b. ca. 1051), a canon in Liege.
Dirk V (ca. 1052, Vlaardingen–17 June 1091).
Pieter (b. ca. 1053), a canon in Liége.
Bertha (ca. 1055–1094, Montreuil-sur-Mer), who married Philip I of France in 1072.
Floris (b. ca. 1055), a canon in Liége.
Machteld (b. ca. 1057)
Adela (b. ca. 1061), who married Count Baudouin I of Guînes.
From her second marriage to Robert I she had five children:
Robert II of Flanders (c. 1065 – October 5, 1111).
Adela (d.1115), who first married king Canute IV of Denmark, and was the mother of Charles the Good, later count of Flanders. She then married Roger Borsa, duke of Apulia.
Gertrude, who married Thierry II, Duke of Lorraine, and was the mother of Thierry of Alsace, also later count of Flanders.
Philip of Loo, whose illegitimate son William of Ypres was also a claimant to the county of Flanders.
Ogiva, abbess of Messines.
Gertrude of Saxony (also known as Gertrude Billung) (c. 1030 – August 4, 1113), was the daughter of Bernard II, Duke of Saxony and Eilika of Schweinfurt. She married Floris I, Count of Holland (c. 1017 - June 28, 1061) c. 1050, and upon his death, her son Dirk V became Count of Holland. Since he was still young, she became regent.
When Dirk V came into power, William I, Bishop of Utrecht, took advantage of the situation, occupying territory that he had claimed in Holland. Gertrude and her son withdrew to the islands of Frisia (Zeeland), leaving William to occupy the disputed lands.
In 1063 Gertrude married Robert of Flanders (Robert the Frisian), the second son of Baldwin V of Flanders. This act gave Dirk the Imperial Flanders as an appanage - including the islands of Frisia west of the Frisian Scheldt. She and her husband then acted as co-regents for the young count.
[edit] Family and children
She had a total of seven children with Floris I:
1. Albrecht (b. ca. 1051), a canon in Liege.
2. Dirk V (ca. 1052, Vlaardingen–17 June 1091).
3. Pieter (b. ca. 1053), a canon in Liége.
4. Bertha (ca. 1055–1094, Montreuil-sur-Mer), who married Philip I of France in 1072.
5. Floris (b. ca. 1055), a canon in Liége.
6. Machteld (b. ca. 1057)
7. Adela (b. ca. 1061), who married Count Baudouin I of Guînes.
From her second marriage to Robert I she had five children:
1. Robert II of Flanders (c. 1065 – October 5, 1111).
2. Adela (d.1115), who first married king Canute IV of Denmark, and was the mother of Charles the Good, later count of Flanders. She then married Roger Borsa, duke of Apulia.
3. Gertrude, who married Thierry II, Duke of Lorraine, and was the mother of Thierry of Alsace, also later count of Flanders.
4. Philip of Loo, whose illegitimate son William of Ypres was also a claimant to the county of Flanders.
5. Ogiva, abbess of Messines.
Princess of Saxony
Gift två gånger.
Andra gången med Robert I of Flanders.
Barn i andra äktenskapet
1. Count Robert II of FLANDERS, b. Abt 1063, d. 5 Oct 1111
2. Gertrude De FLANDERS, b. Abt 1064, Of, , Flanders, Belgium , d. 1117
3. Adele of FLANDERS, b. Abt 1065, d. 1115
Navn: Gertrud av Sachsen
Regjeringstid: Holland: 1061 - 1063
Født: 1030?
Død: 4. august 1113
Foreldre: Bernhard II av Sachsen
og Eilika av Schweinfurt
Ektefelle(r): Floris I av Holland og
Robrecht av Flandern
Barn: bl.a. Dirk V og Bertha
Gertrud av Sachsen (født circa 1030, død 4. august 1113, nederlandsk Geertruida) var datter av Bernhard II av Sachsen og Eilika av Schweinfurt. Rundt 1050 giftet hun seg med grev Floris I av Holland og da han døde 28. juni 1061 ble hun verge for den nye greven, deres sønn Dirk V.
Ved Dirk den femtes overtagelse av grevskapet utnyttet biskop Vilhelm I av Utrecht muligheten han fikk til å okkupere deler av områder han gjorde krav på i Holland. Vilhelms krav ble bekreftet av to skriftstykker fra keiser Henrik IV (30. april 1064 og 2. mai 1064). De eneste områdene Dirk fikk beholde lå vestenfor Vlie og rundt Rhinens utløp.
Gertrud og Dirk trakk seg tilbake øyene i dagens Zeeland og overlot de omstridte landområdene til okkupanten Vilhelm. I 1063 giftet Gertrud seg på nytt, denne gangen med Boudewijn V av Flanderns nest eldste sønn Robrecht av Flandern, også kjent som «friseren Robrecht». Robrecht ga Dirk det keiserlige Flandern som apanasje, inklusive øyene vest for Schelde i Zeeland.
[rediger] Familie og barn
Gertrud og Floris I fikk syv barn:
Albrecht (født ca. 1051), kannik i Liége.
Dirk V (født ca. 1052, Vlaardingen–17. juni 1091).
Pieter (født ca. 1053), kannik i Liége.
Bertha (født ca. 1055–1094, Montreuil-sur-Mer), gift med Filip I av Frankrike i 1072.
Floris (født ca. 1055), kannik i Liége.
Machteld (født ca. 1057)
Adela (født ca. 1061), gift med grev Baudouin I av Guines.
Med Robrecht I fikk hun ytterligere fem barn:
Robrecht II (født ca. 1065 – 5. oktober, 1111).
Adela (død i 1115), først gift med kong Knud IV av Danmark. Sammen fikk de sønnen Karl den gode, som senere ble greve av Flandern. Hun giftet seg senere med Roger Borsa, hertug av Puglia.
Gertrude, som giftet seg med hertug Thierry II av Lorraine. Sammen fikk de sønnen Thierry av Alsace, den senere greven av Flandern.
Philip av Loo. Hans uekte sønn Vilhelm av Ypres hadde også et krav på grevskapet Flandern.
Ogiva, abbedisse av Messines.
[rediger] Ekstern lenke
Genealogi A-Z
Hentet fra «http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gertrud_av_Sachsen»
Gertrude of Saxony (also known as Gertrude Billung) (c. 1030 – August 4, 1113), was the daughter of Bernard II, Duke of Saxony and Eilika of Schweinfurt. She married Floris I, Count of Holland (c. 1017 - June 28, 1061) c. 1050, and upon his death, her son Dirk V became Count of Holland. Since he was still young, she became regent.
When Dirk V came into power, William I, Bishop of Utrecht, took advantage of the situation, occupying territory that he had claimed in Holland. Gertrude and her son withdrew to the islands of Frisia (Zeeland), leaving William to occupy the disputed lands.
In 1063 Gertrude married Robert of Flanders (Robert the Frisian), the second son of Baldwin V of Flanders. This act gave Dirk the Imperial Flanders as an appanage - including the islands of Frisia west of the Frisian Scheldt. She and her husband then acted as co-regents for the young count.
[edit]Family and children
She had a total of seven children with Floris I:
Albrecht (b. ca. 1051), a canon in Liege.
Dirk V (ca. 1052, Vlaardingen–17 June 1091).
Pieter (b. ca. 1053), a canon in Liége.
Bertha (ca. 1055–1094, Montreuil-sur-Mer), who married Philip I of France in 1072.
Floris (b. ca. 1055), a canon in Liége.
Machteld (b. ca. 1057)
Adela (b. ca. 1061), who married Count Baudouin I of Guînes.
From her second marriage to Robert I she had five children:
Robert II of Flanders (c. 1065 – October 5, 1111).
Adela (d.1115), who first married king Canute IV of Denmark, and was the mother of Charles the Good, later count of Flanders. She then married Roger Borsa, duke of Apulia.
Gertrude, who married Thierry II, Duke of Lorraine, and was the mother of Thierry of Alsace, also later count of Flanders.
Philip of Loo, whose illegitimate son William of Ypres was also a claimant to the county of Flanders.
Ogiva, abbess of Messines.
Gertrude of Saxony (also known as Gertrude Billung) (c. 1030 – August 4, 1113), was the daughter of Bernard II, Duke of Saxony and Eilika of Schweinfurt. She married Floris I, Count of Holland (c. 1017 - June 28, 1061) c. 1050, and upon his death, her son Dirk V became Count of Holland. Since he was still young, she became regent.
When Dirk V came into power, William I, Bishop of Utrecht, took advantage of the situation, occupying territory that he had claimed in Holland. Gertrude and her son withdrew to the islands of Frisia (Zeeland), leaving William to occupy the disputed lands.
In 1063 Gertrude married Robert of Flanders (Robert the Frisian), the second son of Baldwin V of Flanders. This act gave Dirk the Imperial Flanders as an appanage - including the islands of Frisia west of the Frisian Scheldt. She and her husband then acted as co-regents for the young count.
Family and children
She had a total of seven children with Floris I:
Albrecht (b. ca. 1051), a canon in Liege.
Dirk V (ca. 1052, Vlaardingen–17 June 1091).
Pieter (b. ca. 1053), a canon in Liége.
Bertha (ca. 1055–1094, Montreuil-sur-Mer), who married Philip I of France in 1072.
Floris (b. ca. 1055), a canon in Liége.
Machteld (b. ca. 1057)
Adela (b. ca. 1061), who married Count Baudouin I of Guînes.
From her second marriage to Robert I she had five children:
Robert II of Flanders (c. 1065 – October 5, 1111).
Adela (d.1115), who first married king Canute IV of Denmark, and was the mother of Charles the Good, later count of Flanders. She then married Roger Borsa, duke of Apulia.
Gertrude, who married Thierry II, Duke of Lorraine, and was the mother of Thierry of Alsace, also later count of Flanders.
Philip of Loo, whose illegitimate son William of Ypres was also a claimant to the county of Flanders.
Ogiva, abbess of Messines.
Gertrude of Saxony (also known as Gertrude Billung) (c. 1030 – August 4, 1113), was the daughter of Bernard II, Duke of Saxony and Eilika of Schweinfurt. She married Floris I, Count of Holland (c. 1017 - June 28, 1061) c. 1050, and upon his death, her son Dirk V became Count of Holland. Since he was still young, she became regent.
When Dirk V came into power, William I, Bishop of Utrecht, took advantage of the situation, occupying territory that he had claimed in Holland. Gertrude and her son withdrew to the islands of Frisia (Zeeland), leaving William to occupy the disputed lands.
In 1063 Gertrude married Robert of Flanders (Robert the Frisian), the second son of Baldwin V of Flanders. This act gave Dirk the Imperial Flanders as an appanage - including the islands of Frisia west of the Frisian Scheldt. She and her husband then acted as co-regents for the young count.
[edit] Family and children
She had a total of seven children with Floris I:
1.Albrecht (b. ca. 1051), a canon in Liege.
2.Dirk V (ca. 1052, Vlaardingen–17 June 1091).
3.Pieter (b. ca. 1053), a canon in Liége.
4.Bertha (ca. 1055–1094, Montreuil-sur-Mer), who married Philip I of France in 1072.
5.Floris (b. ca. 1055), a canon in Liége.
6.Machteld (b. ca. 1057)
7.Adela (b. ca. 1061), who married Count Baudouin I of Guînes.
From her second marriage to Robert I she had five children:
1.Robert II of Flanders (c. 1065 – October 5, 1111).
2.Adela (d.1115), who first married king Canute IV of Denmark, and was the mother of Charles the Good, later count of Flanders. She then married Roger Borsa, duke of Apulia.
3.Gertrude, who married Thierry II, Duke of Lorraine, and was the mother of Thierry of Alsace, also later count of Flanders.
4.Philip of Loo, whose illegitimate son William of Ypres was also a claimant to the county of Flanders.
5.Ogiva, abbess of Messines.
[edit] External links
Genealogy A-Z
FMG on Gertrude of Saxony
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Gertrude of Saxony
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gertrude of Saxony (also known as Gertrude Billung) (c. 1030 – August 4, 1113), was the daughter of Bernard II, Duke of Saxony and Eilika of Schweinfurt. She married Floris I, Count of Holland (c. 1017 - June 28, 1061) c. 1050, and upon his death, her son Dirk V became Count of Holland. Since he was still young, she became regent.
When Dirk V came into power, William I, Bishop of Utrecht, took advantage of the situation, occupying territory that he had claimed in Holland. Gertrude and her son withdrew to the islands of Frisia (Zeeland), leaving William to occupy the disputed lands.
In 1063 Gertrude married Robert of Flanders (Robert the Frisian), the second son of Baldwin V of Flanders. This act gave Dirk the Imperial Flanders as an appanage - including the islands of Frisia west of the Frisian Scheldt. She and her husband then acted as co-regents for the young count.
[edit]Family and children
She had a total of seven children with Floris I:
Albrecht (b. ca. 1051), a canon in Liege.
Dirk V (ca. 1052, Vlaardingen–17 June 1091).
Pieter (b. ca. 1053), a canon in Liége.
Bertha (ca. 1055–1094, Montreuil-sur-Mer), who married Philip I of France in 1072.
Floris (b. ca. 1055), a canon in Liége.
Machteld (b. ca. 1057)
Adela (b. ca. 1061), who married Count Baudouin I of Guînes.
From her second marriage to Robert I she had five children:
Robert II of Flanders (c. 1065 – October 5, 1111).
Adela (d.1115), who first married king Canute IV of Denmark, and was the mother of Charles the Good, later count of Flanders. She then married Roger Borsa, duke of Apulia.
Gertrude, who married Thierry II, Duke of Lorraine, and was the mother of Thierry of Alsace, also later count of Flanders.
Philip of Loo, whose illegitimate son William of Ypres was also a claimant to the county of Flanders.
Ogiva, abbess of Messines.
Gertrude of Saxony (also known as Gertrude Billung) (c. 1030 – August 4, 1113), was the daughter of Bernard II, Duke of Saxony and Eilika of Schweinfurt. She married Floris I, Count of Holland (c. 1017 - June 28, 1061) c. 1050, and upon his death, her son Dirk V became Count of Holland. Since he was still young, she became regent.
When Dirk V came into power, William I, Bishop of Utrecht, took advantage of the situation, occupying territory that he had claimed in Holland. Gertrude and her son withdrew to the islands of Frisia (Zeeland), leaving William to occupy the disputed lands.
In 1063 Gertrude married Robert of Flanders (Robert the Frisian), the second son of Baldwin V of Flanders. This act gave Dirk the Imperial Flanders as an appanage - including the islands of Frisia west of the Frisian Scheldt. She and her husband then acted as co-regents for the young count.
She had a total of seven children with Floris I:
Albrecht (b. ca. 1051), a canon in Liege.
Dirk V (ca. 1052, Vlaardingen–17 June 1091).
Pieter (b. ca. 1053), a canon in Liége.
Bertha (ca. 1055–1094, Montreuil-sur-Mer), who married Philip I of France in 1072.
Floris (b. ca. 1055), a canon in Liége.
Machteld (b. ca. 1057)
Adela (b. ca. 1061), who married Count Baudouin I of Guînes.
From her second marriage to Robert I she had five children:
Robert II of Flanders (c. 1065 – October 5, 1111).
Adela (d.1115), who first married king Canute IV of Denmark, and was the mother of Charles the Good, later count of Flanders. She then married Roger Borsa, duke of Apulia.
Gertrude, who married Thierry II, Duke of Lorraine, and was the mother of Thierry of Alsace, also later count of Flanders.
Philip of Loo, whose illegitimate son William of Ypres was also a claimant to the county of Flanders.
Ogiva, abbess of Messines.
Gertrude of Saxony
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Gertrude of Saxony (also known as Gertrude Billung) (c. 1030 – August 4, 1113), was the daughter of Bernard II, Duke of Saxony and Eilika of Schweinfurt. She married Floris I, Count of Holland (c. 1017 - June 28, 1061) c. 1050, and upon his death, her son Dirk V became Count of Holland. Since he was still young, she became regent.
When Dirk V came into power, William I, Bishop of Utrecht, took advantage of the situation, occupying territory that he had claimed in Holland. Gertrude and her son withdrew to the islands of Frisia (Zeeland), leaving William to occupy the disputed lands.
In 1063 Gertrude married Robert of Flanders (Robert the Frisian), the second son of Baldwin V of Flanders. This act gave Dirk the Imperial Flanders as an appanage - including the islands of Frisia west of the Frisian Scheldt. She and her husband then acted as co-regents for the young count.
[edit] Family and children
She had a total of seven children with Floris I:
1. Albrecht (b. ca. 1051), a canon in Liege.
2. Dirk V (ca. 1052, Vlaardingen–17 June 1091).
3. Pieter (b. ca. 1053), a canon in Liége.
4. Bertha (ca. 1055–1094, Montreuil-sur-Mer), who married Philip I of France in 1072.
5. Floris (b. ca. 1055), a canon in Liége.
6. Machteld (b. ca. 1057)
7. Adela (b. ca. 1061), who married Count Baudouin I of Guînes.
From her second marriage to Robert I she had five children:
1. Robert II of Flanders (c. 1065 – October 5, 1111).
2. Adela (d.1115), who first married king Canute IV of Denmark, and was the mother of Charles the Good, later count of Flanders. She then married Roger Borsa, duke of Apulia.
3. Gertrude, who married Thierry II, Duke of Lorraine, and was the mother of Thierry of Alsace, also later count of Flanders.
4. Philip of Loo, whose illegitimate son William of Ypres was also a claimant to the county of Flanders.
5. Ogiva, abbess of Messines.
[edit] External links
* Genealogy A-Z
* FMG on Gertrude of Saxony
This page was last modified on 19 June 2010 at 01:29.
Gertrud av Sachsen (født circa 1030, død 4. august 1113, nederlandsk Geertruida) var datter av Bernhard II av Sachsen og Eilika av Schweinfurt. Rundt 1050 giftet hun seg med grev Floris I av Holland og da han døde 28. juni 1061 ble hun verge for den nye greven, deres sønn Dirk V.
Ved Dirk den femtes overtagelse av grevskapet utnyttet biskop Vilhelm I av Utrecht muligheten han fikk til å okkupere deler av områder han gjorde krav på i Holland. Vilhelms krav ble bekreftet av to skriftstykker fra keiser Henrik IV (30. april 1064 og 2. mai 1064). De eneste områdene Dirk fikk beholde lå vestenfor Vlie og rundt Rhinens utløp.
Gertrud og Dirk trakk seg tilbake øyene i dagens Zeeland og overlot de omstridte landområdene til okkupanten Vilhelm. I 1063 giftet Gertrud seg på nytt, denne gangen med Boudewijn V av Flanderns nest eldste sønn Robrecht av Flandern, også kjent som «friseren Robrecht». Robrecht ga Dirk det keiserlige Flandern som apanasje, inklusive øyene vest for Schelde i Zeeland.
[rediger] Familie og barn
Gertrud og Floris I fikk syv barn:
Albrecht (født ca. 1051), kannik i Liège.
Dirk V (født ca. 1052, Vlaardingen–17. juni 1091).
Pieter (født ca. 1053), kannik i Liége.
Bertha (født ca. 1055–1094, Montreuil-sur-Mer), gift med Filip I av Frankrike i 1072.
Floris (født ca. 1055), kannik i Liége.
Machteld (født ca. 1057)
Adela (født ca. 1061), gift med grev Baudouin I av Guines.
Med Robrecht I fikk hun ytterligere fem barn:
Robrecht II (født ca. 1065 – 5. oktober, 1111).
Adela (død i 1115), først gift med kong Knud IV av Danmark. Sammen fikk de sønnen Karl den gode, som senere ble greve av Flandern. Hun giftet seg senere med Roger Borsa, hertug av Puglia.
Gertrude, som giftet seg med hertug Thierry II av Lorraine. Sammen fikk de sønnen Thierry av Alsace, den senere greven av Flandern.
Philip av Loo. Hans uekte sønn Vilhelm av Ypres hadde også et krav på grevskapet Flandern.
Ogiva, abbedisse
. Gertrud av Sachsen, Gertrud Billung, född 1028/1035, död 1113/1115, begravd i Flandern, grevinna av Holland och Flandern. Dotter till hertig Bernhard II av Sachsen (död 1059) och Eilika av Schweinfurt.
Gertrud gifte sig första gången omkring 1050 med greve Florenz I av Holland (mördad 1061). I sitt 1063 ingångna andra äktenskap med greve Robert I av Flandern (död 1093) blev hon mor till Adele av Flandern.
2. Gertrud av Sachsen, född 1152/1155, död 1196/1197, begravd i Roskilde domkyrka i Danmark, hertiginna av Schwaben och drottning av Danmark. Dotter till hertig Henrik Lejonet av Sachsen och Bayern (död 1195) i dennes första gifte med Klementia av Zähringen (död 1173/1178).
Gertrud gifte sig första gången 1 juni 1166 med hertig Friedrich IV av Schwaben (1144/1145-1167) och andra gången 1171/1177 med kung Knut VI Valdemarsson av Danmark (1162/1163-1202).
Gertrude of Saxony (also known as Gertrude Billung) (c. 1030 – August 4, 1113), was the daughter of Bernard II, Duke of Saxony and Eilika of Schweinfurt. She married Floris I, Count of Holland (c. 1017 - June 28, 1061) c. 1050, and upon his death, her son Dirk V became Count of Holland. Since he was still young, she became regent.
When Dirk V came into power, William I, Bishop of Utrecht, took advantage of the situation, occupying territory that he had claimed in Holland. Gertrude and her son withdrew to the islands of Frisia (Zeeland), leaving William to occupy the disputed lands.
In 1063 Gertrude married Robert of Flanders (Robert the Frisian), the second son of Baldwin V of Flanders. This act gave Dirk the Imperial Flanders as an appanage - including the islands of Frisia west of the Frisian Scheldt. She and her husband then acted as co-regents for the young count.
She had a total of seven children with Floris I:
Albrecht (b. ca. 1051), a canon in Liege.
Dirk V (ca. 1052, Vlaardingen–17 June 1091).
Pieter (b. ca. 1053), a canon in Liége.
Bertha (ca. 1055–1094, Montreuil-sur-Mer), who married Philip I of France in 1072.
Floris (b. ca. 1055), a canon in Liége.
Machteld (b. ca. 1057)
Adela (b. ca. 1061), who married Count Baudouin I of Guînes.
From her second marriage to Robert I she had five children:
Robert II of Flanders (c. 1065 – October 5, 1111).
Adela (d.1115), who first married king Canute IV of Denmark, and was the mother of Charles the Good, later count of Flanders. She then married Roger Borsa, duke of Apulia.
Gertrude, who married Thierry II, Duke of Lorraine, and was the mother of Thierry of Alsace, also later count of Flanders.
Philip of Loo, whose illegitimate son William of Ypres was also a claimant to the county of Flanders.
Ogiva, abbess of Messines.
Gertrude of Saxony (c. 1030 – August 4, 1113), also known as Gertrude Billung, was a countess consort of Holland, and a countess consort of Flanders by marriage. She was regent of Holland during the minority of her son. Countess of Holland. She was the daughter of Bernard II, Duke of Saxony and Eilika of Schweinfurt. She married Floris I, Count of Holland (c. 1017 – June 28, 1061) c. 1050, and upon his death, her son Dirk V became Count of Holland. Since he was still young, she became regent. When Dirk V came into power, William I, Bishop of Utrecht, took advantage of the situation, occupying territory that he had claimed in Holland. Gertrude and her son withdrew to the islands of Frisia (Zeeland), leaving William to occupy the disputed lands. [Countess of Flanders: In 1063 Gertrude married Robert of Flanders (Robert the Frisian), the second son of Baldwin V of Flanders. This act gave Dirk the Imperial Flanders as an appanage - including the islands of Frisia west of the Frisian Scheldt. She and her husband then acted as co-regents for the young count. Family and children: She had a total of seven children with Floris I:
1.Albrecht (b. ca. 1051), a canon in Liege.
2.Dirk V (ca. 1052, Vlaardingen–17 June 1091).
3.Pieter (b. ca. 1053), a canon in Liége.
4.Bertha (ca. 1055–1094, Montreuil-sur-Mer), who married Philip I of France in 1072.
5.Floris (b. ca. 1055), a canon in Liége.
6.Machteld (b. ca. 1057)
7.Adela (b. ca. 1061), who married Count Baudouin I of Guînes.
Gertrude of Saxony, Countess of Flanders's Timeline
1031 |
Schweinfurt, Unterfranken, BY, Germany
1045 |
Vlaardingen, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
1052 |
Vlaardingen, Vlaardingen, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
1053 |
Vlaardingen, Vlaardingen, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
1055 |
Vlaardingen, Vlaardingen, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
1058 |
Vlaardingen, Vlaardingen, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands