The death of Emmo is established as January 16, 1078 by the following source:
Alain Marchandisse, L'obituaire de la cathédrale Saint-Lambert de Liège (XIe-XVe siècles), 1991
EMMO [Immo], son of [GISELBERT Comte de Looz] & his wife [Liutgarde de Namur] (-17 Jan 1078). The Vita Arnulfi names "Emmonem et Ottonem fratrem eius" as sons of Liutgarde, daughter of Albert [I] Comte de Namur[685]. From a chronological point of view, it is not possible for Emmo and his brother to have been the children of Otto de Looz who, as stated above, is recorded in other primary sources as the husband of Liutgarde de Namur. The primary source which confirms that Emmo and Otto were the sons of Comte Giselbert has not yet been identified, although this suggested parentage would fit the chronology of the family. Comte de Looz. The necrology of Liège Saint-Lambert records the death "XVII Kal Feb" of "Emononis comitis"[686].
m ---. The name of Emmo´s wife is not known.
Comte Emmo & his wife had [four] children:
Emmo, zoon van Giselbert.
Overleden 1078-1079. Hij is zeker voor 5 februari 1079 overleden. De 2de graaf van Loon van 1044/1046-1078/1079.
Mogelijk bestuurde hij samen met zijn broer Otto het onverdeeld graafschap Loon. Beide broers werden samen vermeld als "comites de Los".
Gehuwd met Zwanehilde.
Uit dit huwelijk:
1. m Arnold I
Emmo III VON LOOZ Graf von Looz 1
• Born: After 1030
• Marriage: Irmingard VAN HOORNE
• Died: 17 Jan 1078
Paternal grandfather:
Paternal grandmother:
Maternal grandfather:
Albert I DE NAMUR Comte de Namur (981-1011)
Maternal grandmother:
(Abt 971-)
Giselbert VON LOOZ Graf von Looz
Luitgard DE NAMUR
(Abt 1005-)
Emmo III VON LOOZ Graf von Looz
(After 1030-1078)
• Irmingard VAN HOORNE
Emmo married Irmingard VAN HOORNE. (Irmingard VAN HOORNE was born in 1040.)
Arnold I (Iv) VON LOOZ Graf von Looz+
Source / Forrás:
Comte Giselbert & his wife had [three] children:
1. [EMMO [Immo] (-17 Jan 1078). The Vita Arnulfi names "Emmonem et Ottonem fratrem eius" as sons of Liutgarde, daughter of Albert [I] Comte de Namur[674]. From a chronological point of view, it is not possible for Emmo and his brother to have been the children of Otto de Looz who, as stated above, is recorded in other primary sources as the husband of Liutgarde de Namur. The primary source which confirms that Emmo and Otto were the sons of Comte Giselbert has not yet been identified, although this suggested parentage would fit the chronology of the family. Comte de Looz.]
- see below.
2. [OTTO (-1101 or after). The Vita Arnulfi names "Emmonem et Ottonem fratrem eius" as sons of Liutgarde, daughter of Albert [I] Comte de Namur[675]. From a chronological point of view, it is not possible for Emmo and his brother to have been the children of Otto de Looz who, as stated above, is recorded in other primary sources as the husband of Liutgarde de Namur. The primary source which confirms that Emmo and Otto were the sons of Comte Giselbert has not yet been identified, although this suggested parentage would fit the chronology of the family. The Gesta Abbatem Trudonensium names "Ottonem comitem Durachii, fratrem Emmonis comitis de Los" when recording his installation in 1060 as subadvocatus of St Trudo[676]. 1046/1101. Comte de Duras.
3. [HERMAN (-after 1047). "Hermannus frater comitis de Los archidiaconus Leodiensis" founded seven canonicates at the church of Looz in 1047[677]. Archdeacon of Liège. Assuming that the death date of Comte Giselbert is correctly shown above, Herman was the brother of Comte Emmo.]
EMMO [Immo], son of [GISELBERT Comte de Looz] & his wife [Liutgarde de Namur] (-17 Jan 1078). The Vita Arnulfi names "Emmonem et Ottonem fratrem eius" as sons of Liutgarde, daughter of Albert [I] Comte de Namur[678]. From a chronological point of view, it is not possible for Emmo and his brother to have been the children of Otto de Looz who, as stated above, is recorded in other primary sources as the husband of Liutgarde de Namur. The primary source which confirms that Emmo and Otto were the sons of Comte Giselbert has not yet been identified, although this suggested parentage would fit the chronology of the family. Comte de Looz. The necrology of Liège Saint-Lambert records the death "XVII Kal Feb" of "Emononis comitis"[679].]
m ---. The name of Emmo´s wife is not known.
Comte Emmo & his wife had [six] children:
1. [SOPHIE (before [1044/46]-[1065]). The Vita Arnulfi names "Arnulfum comitem de Lo et Sophiam ducissam de Hungaria…et ducissam de Hui" as the children of Emmo Comte de Looz, adding that Sophie was the mother of "regem de Hungaria"[680]. This manuscript, written at Oudenbourg abbey, is dated to 1220[681]. This is late to be reliable. In addition, the document represents the ancestors of Comte Emmo in a way which is inconsistent with earlier primary sources. "Ducissam de Huy" has not yet been identified. Sophie is identified as the first wife of King Géza in Europäische Stammtafeln[682]. Kerbl, in his analysis concerning Géza I's [second] Byzantine marriage, does not mention this supposed first marriage[683]. If it is correct, the marriage presumably took place while Géza was a hostage at the imperial court, which Kerbl dates to [1062/63][684]. This is consistent with Sophie having been born in [1044/46], which is somewhat earlier than the expected birth dates of Emmo´s other children. As the county of Looz was among the temporal possessions of the Bishop of Liège and, as such, part of the duchy of Lower Lotharingia under the suzerainty of the German emperor, it would not be improbable for a daughter of the comte de Looz to have been staying at the imperial court and for her marriage to have been arranged with another noble visitor. The Vita Andreæ, first abbot of Averboden, in the Chronicle written by Nicolas Hogeland Abbot of Middelburg, records that "Sophia de Los, Hungariæ regina, comitis Arnoldi Lossensis soror" sent letters to her brother after hearing that he intended to found Averboden abbey[685]. This report is clearly anachronistic as the abbey in question was founded in 1135, when Sophie de Looz could not possibly have been queen of Hungary. The question remains whether Sophie´s supposed marriage to King Géza I is based on speculation, suggested by an as yet unidentified secondary source which was trying to make some sense of the passages in the Vita Arnulfi and the Vita Andreæ by identifying the most likely Hungarian king who could have been Sophie´s husband. Until further sources come to light, it has been decided to show Sophie de Looz in square brackets. Whatever the truth of the matter, the chronology of the births of King Géza´s older children suggests that their mother could not have been the Byzantine wife whom he married in [1066/75]. m ([1062]%29 as his first wife, GÉZA I King of Hungary, son of BÉLA I King of Hungary & his wife [Ryksa] of Poland ([in Poland] [1044/45]-25 Apr 1077, bur Vac).]
2. ARNAUD [I] (-11 Apr [1139]). The Vita Arnulfi names "Arnulfum comitem de Lo et Sophiam ducissam de Hungaria…et ducissam de Hui" as the children of Emmo Comte de Looz[686]. The Gesta Abbatem Trudonensium names "nepote suo [=Gislebertus] comite Arnulfo de Los"[687], although another passage names "Arnulfus comes de Los, nepos Ghislberti comitis de Durachio"[688] suggesting that the former also refers to Count Arnaud's cousin not his grandfather. Comte de Looz.
- see below.
3. THIERRY de Looz . "Arnulfus comes Lonensis et frater eius Theodericus" subscribed the charter dated 1111 under which "Otbertus…Leodiensis episcopus" declared that the church of Lixhe belonged to Liège Saint-Paul[689]. Graaf van Horn. 1125. The Vita Andreæ, first abbot of Averboden, in the Chronicle written by Nicolas Hogeland Abbot of Middelburg, records that in 1131 "Walravium Limburgi comitem, Lotharingiæ inferioris ducem" wished to install "fratrem suum Henricum in præpositura sancti Lamberti Leodii", which was opposed by "Rainerum de Los præpositum de Fosse, Arnoldi comitis Lossensis fratrem natu minorem, et Theodoricum de Los primum dominum de Hornes", and that Emperor Lothar appointed "Hermannum de Hornes S. Gereonis præpositum dicti Raineri nepotem, Guidonem de Limburgo sancti Lamberti canonicum etiam dicti Hermanni nepotem…Godefridum comitem de Vianden" to arbitrate the dispute[690]. m ---. The name of Thierry's wife is not known. Thierry & his wife had [three] children:
a) [THIERRY (-after 1147). Graaf van Horn. "Theodoricus dominus Hornensis" acknowledged receipt of money from "Arnulphum dominum et avunculum comitem Lossensem" and also holding the castle of Horn from him, by charter dated 1147, witnessed by "Theodorici comitis de Hostade, generi nostri Godefridi comitis Durasii, Giselberti subadvocati sancti Trudonis, Alberonis Lossensis et Arnoldi domini de Stinvort, fratrum et cognatorum nostrorum…"[691].]
b) HERMANN (-31 Jan 1156, bur Utrecht Cathedral). The Vita Andreæ, first abbot of Averboden, in the Chronicle written by Nicolas Hogeland Abbot of Middelburg, records that in 1131 "Walravium Limburgi comitem, Lotharingiæ inferioris ducem" wished to install "fratrem suum Henricum in præpositura sancti Lamberti Leodii", which was opposed by "Rainerum de Los præpositum de Fosse, Arnoldi comitis Lossensis fratrem natu minorem, et Theodoricum de Los primum dominum de Hornes", and that Emperor Lothar appointed "Hermannum de Hornes S. Gereonis præpositum dicti Raineri nepotem, Guidonem de Limburgo sancti Lamberti canonicum etiam dicti Hermanni nepotem…Godefridum comitem de Vianden" to arbitrate the dispute[692]. Archdeacon of St Lambert, Liège 1136. Provost of St Gereon, Köln 1149/51. Bishop of Utrecht 1150.
c) --- . m ---. One child:
i) GUY van Limburg . The Vita Andreæ, first abbot of Averboden, in the Chronicle written by Nicolas Hogeland Abbot of Middelburg, records that in 1131 "Walravium Limburgi comitem, Lotharingiæ inferioris ducem" wished to install "fratrem suum Henricum in præpositura sancti Lamberti Leodii", which was opposed by "Rainerum de Los præpositum de Fosse, Arnoldi comitis Lossensis fratrem natu minorem, et Theodoricum de Los primum dominum de Hornes", and that Emperor Lothar appointed "Hermannum de Hornes S. Gereonis præpositum dicti Raineri nepotem, Guidonem de Limburgo sancti Lamberti canonicum etiam dicti Hermanni nepotem…Godefridum comitem de Vianden" to arbitrate the dispute[693].
4. [RENAUD . The Vita Andreæ, first abbot of Averboden, in the Chronicle written by Nicolas Hogeland Abbot of Middelburg, records that in 1131 "Walravium Limburgi comitem, Lotharingiæ inferioris ducem" wished to install "fratrem suum Henricum in præpositura sancti Lamberti Leodii", which was opposed by "Rainerum de Los præpositum de Fosse, Arnoldi comitis Lossensis fratrem natu minorem, et Theodoricum de Los primum dominum de Hornes", and that Emperor Lothar appointed "Hermannum de Hornes S. Gereonis præpositum dicti Raineri nepotem, Guidonem de Limburgo sancti Lamberti canonicum etiam dicti Hermanni nepotem…Godefridum comitem de Vianden" to arbitrate the dispute[694]. The Vita Andreæ, first abbot of Averboden, in the Chronicle written by Nicolas Hogeland Abbot of Middelburg, records that "Reginaldum fratrem suum præpositum de Fosse" sent donations to "comitis Arnoldi Lossensis" after hearing that he intended to found Averboden abbey[695].]
5. [MATHILDE . The primary source which confirms her parentage has not yet been identified. Abbess of Münsterbilsen 1096.]
6. [BEATRIX [de Looz] (-after 1132). The Vita Andreæ, first abbot of Averboden, in the Chronicle written by Nicolas Hogeland Abbot of Middelburg, records that "dominam Beatricem de Los, comitissam de Aerschot" sent donations to "comitis Arnoldi Lossensis" after hearing that he intended to found Averboden abbey[696]. This is the only reference yet found to the the wife of Arnout Graaf van Aarschot. If it is correct, it must refer to Graaf Arnout [III] who witnessed the charter dated to [1136] by which Alexander Bishop of Liège confirmed the foundation of Averboden abbey by "comes Ernulfus de Los"[697]. Although the source does not specify the relationship between Beatrix and Arnaud Comte de Looz, the chronology suggests that they could have been brother and sister. However, this source is late and is not reliable on all points of detail. The extent to which the report is accurate is therefore difficult to assess. m ARNOUT [III] Graaf van Aarschot, son of --- ([1080/1100]-after [1136]).]
Source / Forrás:
Une autre source donne un décès le 17 janvier 1078, une naissance en 1031 et un mariage en 1060.
1025 |
Borgloon, Nederlotharingen, Heilig Roomse Rijk
1042 |
1050 |
Borgloon, Nederlotharingen, Heilg Roomse Rijk
1055 |
Mechelen, Vlaanderen, Belgium
1057 |
1072 |
Loon, Belgium
1078 |
January 16, 1078
Age 53
Borgloon, Nederlotharingen, Heilig Roomse Rijk
???? | |||
???? |