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van Loon Genealogy and van Loon Family History Information

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  • Ada van Holland, Countess of Holland (c.1186 - aft.1234)
    Ada (1188 - 1223) was gravin van Holland vanaf 1203. Ada was een dochter van Dirk VII en Aleid van Kleef. Ze werd vernoemd naar haar grootmoeder Ada van Schotland.Toen haar vader in 1203 stierf was Ada...
  • Adelheid van Gelre, gravin van Loon en Rieneck (c.1140 - 1190)
    Adelheid van Gelre ?
  • Countess Agnes Margareta von Rieneck-Mainz (c.1089 - c.1140)
    1065-1111? [I] de Looz, son of EMMO Comte de Looz & his wife --- ([1050/60]-after 1125). m AGNES von Mainz, daughter of GERHARD Graf von Mainz & his wife Hedwig von Bliescastel . The primary source whi...
  • Agnes Emelinde von Metz (c.1107 - aft.1175)
    Medlands Agnes VON METZ Born: Abt 1130, Germany Married: Abt 1140 Died: After 1175 Marriage Information: Agnes married Ludwig (Louis) I VON LOOS Count of Rieneck and Loo...
  • Antonius 'Anton' van Loon (1888 - 1962)
    Zie Wikipedia...

About the van Loon surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the van Loon surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the van Loon surname.

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