Elizabeth Baskett

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Elizabeth Baskett (Cordwell?) (1648 - 1700)

Death: circa 1700 (43-60)
Immediate Family:

Wife of John Baskett, of Middlesex County
Mother of Elizabeth Guest; Thomas Basket and Henry Basket

Managed by: Erica Howton
Last Updated:

About Elizabeth Baskett



John Baskett (c 1642 - 1686) married (1) ______ ______ in 1671, and (2) Elizabeth Cordwell in 1679.

Father of six children, three by each wife.

“His widow Elizabeth Guthrie (Baskett) married second John Guthrie on 6 February 1687 in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex, Virginia.” ?? (Speculation)


  1. John Baskett 1672–1720
  2. Mary Baskett Tugwell 1674 – unknown
  3. James Baskett 1676–1710
  4. Elizabeth Baskett Guest 1680 – unknown
  5. Thomas Baskett 1682 – unknown


  • 1679-1688 Middlesex County, Virginia Deed Book 2, Part 1 [Antient Press]; Page 234
  • THIS IS TO CERTIFY that I RALPH MAYZE doe give unto my God Daughter ELIZABETH BASKIT JUNR one Cowe with all her Increase, marked on the Right Ear with a Crop and overkele, and left Ear marked with a Swallow ffork which cowe with all her Increase I Ralph Mayze do give unto Elisabeth Baskitt Jur. as Witness my hand this 2d of December in the year 1686
  • Test THOMAS KIDD. Ralph Mayze


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Elizabeth Baskett's Timeline

March 14, 1679
April 16, 1682
1722-1730 Essex County, Virginia Wills, Bonds & Inventories, No. 4; [John Frederick Dorman]; Page 72-73. Thos. Basket. Inventory. 18 July 1724. Made in obedience to order of 19 May 1724. Total valuation £57.9.10. Will Mountague Rice jones Saml. Smith. Jo, Middlesex County, Virginia, Colonial America
March 23, 1684
Middlesex County, Virginia Colony, British Colonial America
Age 52