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Baskett Genealogy and Baskett Family History Information

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  • 1st wife of John Baskett (c.1648 - bef.1679)
    Biography John Baskett (c 1642 - 1686) married (1) ______ ______ in 1671, and (2) Elizabeth Cordwell in 1679. Father of six children, three by each wife. “His widow Elizabeth Guthrie (Baskett) marr...
  • Elizabeth Baskett (1683 - 1720)
    Elizabeth was born ABT 1683, and died in Middlesex County, Virginia. She married Thomas Baskett. Family Thomas Baskett (John /Baskett/) was born ABT 1682 in Middlesex County, Virginia, and died AB...
  • Elizabeth Baskett (c.1648 - c.1700)
    Biography John Baskett (c 1642 - 1686) married (1) ______ ______ in 1671, and (2) Elizabeth Cordwell in 1679. Father of six children, three by each wife. “His widow Elizabeth Guthrie (Baskett) marr...
  • Elizabeth Guthrie (Baskett) (aft.1667 - aft.1716)
    Seen as widow of John Baskett, of Middlesex County and daughter of Thomas Cordwell and Elizabeth (Collier) Cordwell GUTHRIE-BASKETT John Guthrie was born in Scotland during the mid-1600s. His p...
  • Hank Baskett
    Randall "Hank" Baskett III (born September 4, 1982) is a former American football wide receiver who played in the National Football League for the Minnesota Vikings, Philadelphia Eagles and Indianapoli...

About the Baskett surname

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