(Edward, William and George emigrated to NZ just before the death of their father in 1860.)
Newspapers Ashburton Guardian 9 February 1916 Page 4 This article
Another old Ashburton identity, Mr. Edward Cookson, passed away at hie residence, Aitken Street, this morning. Deceased, who was 77 years of age, came to New Zealand 56 years ago in the ship Roman Emperor, and. after living in Christchurch for a few years he came to Ashburton, where he had resided for over 40 years. The deceased gentleman took a. keen- interest in matters connected with the Ashburton A. and. P. Association, and for many years was a member of the committee. He was also a noted judge of light horses and had acted as judge at numerous agricultural shows in various parts of the Dominion. 'During the last few. years he had not enjoyed the best of health. A widow and four sons and four daughters are left to mourn their loss —namely, Messrs. Hubert, Fred, and Horace Cookson (Christchurch), Mr. Percy Cookson (Ashburton, Mrs. Galbraith (Featherston). Mrs. George Hardier, Mrs. C. Campbell, and Miss Cookson (Ashburton).
Newspapers Ashburton Guardian 10 February 1916 Page 4 This article
"Seventy-six" writes to the Editor: —There are-still a few young fellows about who remember Edward Cookson, in the 70's, when he drove the coach to Mount Somers, "before the present railway was thought of. It was a most enjoyable ride at six miles an hour, and though one could not get back until the day after arrival, the accommodation was good;' and when one considers that with the development of 40 years and our wonderful railway system, it still takes two days to journey to Mount Somers and back, we can only wonder how our old friend Cookson did it in the same time. . For many years " Cookson's Stables " in Wills Street were known and used by everybody. No one in the town or district was more popular or more highly respected, and those who knew him most intimately will always cherish a most kindly remembrance of our lamented townsman.
1839 |
Macclesfield, Cheshire East, England, United Kingdom
1865 |
August 23, 1865
Ashburton, Canterbury, New Zealand
1868 |
February 20, 1868
New Zealand
1869 |
August 17, 1869
Ashburton, Canterbury, South Isalnd, New Zealand
1871 |
September 18, 1871
Ashburton, Canterbury, New Zealand
1874 |
September 8, 1874
New Zealand
1876 |
August 15, 1876
Ashburton, Canterbury, New Zealand
1878 |
September 19, 1878
Ashburton, Canterbury, New Zealand
1881 |
December 9, 1881
Ashburton, Canterbury, New Zealand