Historical records matching Arnulf I the Great, count of Flanders
Immediate Family
About Arnulf I the Great, count of Flanders
- Parents: Baldwin II & Ælftryth
- Spouses:
- 1. (uncertain, unknown first wife)
- Child: Hildegard
- 2. Adela de Vermandois
- Children:
- 1. Luitgard
- 2. Baldwin III
- 3. Egbert
- 4. Elstrude, married Siegfred
- Children:
- 1. (uncertain, unknown first wife)
Main sources
More info
Was also called "The Great." 3rd Count of Flanders (918-964, 962-964)
Arnulf of Flanders (c. 890 – March 28, 965), called the Great, was the third Count of Flanders, who ruled the County of Flanders, an area that is now northwestern Belgium and southwestern Netherlands.
Arnulf was the son of count Baldwin II of Flanders and Ælfthryth of Wessex, daughter of Alfred the Great.[1] Through his mother he was a descendant of the Anglo-Saxon kings of England, and through his father, a descendant of Charlemagne.[2] Presumably Arnulf was named after Saint Arnulf of Metz, a progenitor of the Carolingian dynasty.[3]
At the death of their father in 918, Arnulf became Count of Flanders while his brother Adeloft or Adelolf succeeded to the County of Boulogne.[1] However, in 933 Adeloft died, and Arnulf took the countship of Boulogne for himself, but later conveyed it to his nephew, Arnulf II.[4]
Arnulf I greatly expanded Flemish rule to the south, taking all or part of Artois, Ponthieu, Amiens, and Ostrevent. He exploited the conflicts between Charles the Simple and Robert I of France, and later those between Louis IV and his barons.
In his southern expansion Arnulf inevitably had conflict with the Normans, who were trying to secure their northern frontier. This led to the 942 murder of the Duke of Normandy, William Longsword, at the hands of Arnulf's men.[5] The Viking threat was receding during the later years of Arnulf's life, and he turned his attentions to the reform of the Flemish government.
The name of Arnulf's first wife is unknown but he had at least one daughter by her:[6]
Name unknown; married Isaac of Cambrai. Their son Arnulf succeeded his father as Count of Cambrai.[6] In 934 he married Adele of Vermandois, daughter of Herbert II of Vermandois.[1] Their children were:
- Hildegarde, born c. 934, died 990; she married Dirk II, Count of Holland. It is uncertain whether she is his daughter by his first or second wife.[6]
- Liutgard, born in 935, died in 962; married Wichmann IV, Count of Hamaland.[1]
- Egbert, died 953.[1]
- Baldwin III of Flanders (c. 940 – 962), married Mathilde of Saxony († 1008), daughter of Hermann Billung.[1]
- Elftrude; married Siegfried, Count of Guînes.[1]
Arnulf made his eldest son and heir Baldwin III of Flanders co-ruler in 958, but Baldwin died untimely in 962, so Arnulf was succeeded by Baldwin's infant son, Arnulf II of Flanders.[1]
1: a b c d e f g h Detlev Schwennicke, Europäische Stammtafeln: Stammtafeln zur Geschichte der Europäischen Staaten, Neue Folge, Band II (Verlag von J. A. Stargardt, Marburg, Germany, 1984), Tafel 5
2: The Annals of Flodoard of Reims, 919–966, ed. Steven Fanning & Bernard S. Bachrach (University of Toronto Press, CA, 2011), p. xx
3: Philip Grierson, 'The Relations between England and Flanders before the Norman Conquest', Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, Vol. 23 (1941), p. 86 n. 1
4: Renée Nip, 'The Political Relations between England and Flanders (1066–1128)', Anglo-Norman Studies 21: Proceedings of the Battle Conference 1998, ed. Christopher Harper-Bill (The Boydell Press, Woodbridge, UK, 1999), p. 150
5: David Nicholas, Medieval Flanders (Longman Group UK Limited, London, 1992), p. 40
6: a b c Heather J. Tanner, Families, Friends and Allies: Boulogne and Politics in Northern France and England, C.879–1160 (Brill, Leiden, Netherlands, 2004) p. 55 n. 143
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arnulf_I_of_Flanders
Leo: Europäische Stammtafeln, J.A. Stargardt Verlag, Marburg, Schwennicke, Detlev (Ed.), Reference: II 5.
Leo: Europäische Stammtafeln, Band II, Frank Baron Freytag von Loringhoven, 1975, Isenburg, W. K. Prinz von, Reference: Page 9.
Rond het jaar 1000 Een fabel De jonge vrouw Tedburgha van Staveren uit Castricum ontmoet rond het jaar 1000 bij het toen nog houten kasteel Brederode de man van haar dromen: Sivaert, de tweede zoon van de machtige graaf Arnoud van Holland. Sivaert wordt de eerste heer van het huis Brederode en stamvader van de Van Brederode's. Maar dit gebeurt niet zonder slag of stoot. Tedburgha is van een lagere stand dan de zonen van de graaf en zij krijgen ruzie over het voorgenomen huwelijk. Uiteindelijk mogen Sivaert en Tedburgha toch trouwen. Zij gaan wonen in het kasteel waar ze elkaar voor het eerst hebben gezien: en waarvan nu alleen nog de ruïne over is. De verwoeste zuid-oosttoren van het kasteel Brederode staat vandaag de dag nog bekend als de Tetburgatoren. Op de voorgrond het restand van de Tetburgiatoren Volgens deze zogeheten Sivaert Brederode-legende stamt de familie Van Brederode rechtstreeks af van de graven van Holland. Een Van Brederode stelt een - naar later blijkt - onjuiste stamboom op in een poging te bewijzen dat zijn voorvaderen graven van Holland zijn. Sivaert (de Friezen noemden hem Sicco) sterft in 1033. Hij laat twee zonen na, Diederik en Simon.
Nämnd 918-964 talet
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Hughes of Gwerclas 1/2/3/4:
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engaged in constant warfare with the Vikings took an active part in the struggle in Lorraine between Hugh Capet and Emperor Otto I waged war against William of Normandy, whom he defeated and had his men murder 942
ruled the County of Flanders, in what is now northwestern Belgium and southwestern Netherlands greatly expanded Flemish rule to the south, taking all or part of Artois, Ponthieu, Amiens, and Ostrevent acceded as the third Count of Flanders 918
Arnulf I the Great, count of Flanders's Timeline
889 |
December 12, 889
Ghent, East Flanders, Flanders, Belgium
918 |
September 10, 918
- April 6, 964
Age 28
Flanders, Belgium
Age 28
- 965
Age 28
Vloandern, Flanders
927 |
Ghent, East Flanders, Flanders, Belgium
933 |
- April 6, 964
Age 43
Boulogne-sur-Mer, Flanders (departement du Nord), France
936 |
Ghent, East Flanders, Flanders, Belgium
937 |