Ambrose Jones, Sr.

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Ambrose Jones, Sr.

Birthplace: Caroline County, Province of Virginia
Death: January 23, 1792 (75-76)
Granville County, North Carolina, United States
Immediate Family:

Son of Reverend Walter Jones, Jr. and Dorothy 'Dolly' Jones (Bobat)
Husband of Catherine "Caty" Jones
Father of James Jones; Gabriel Jones; Vincent Jones; Elizabeth Winfree; Stephen S. Jones, Sr. and 7 others
Brother of Liscomb Taylor; Private; Simon Jones; James Jones; William Jones and 1 other

Managed by: Linda Sue
Last Updated:

About Ambrose Jones, Sr.

Ambrose Jones was the son of Robert Jones b 1695 in Mecklenburg County, VA & NN.

The information on Thomas and his son Richard has yet to be proven.This is from the book "Heritage of Person County".The particular section on the Joneses is by Arvonia Jones Parham.

Excerpt from "Heritage of Person Co., NC ":


The first ancestor of Avonia was Thomas Jones who came to the colonies in the early 1600's from Wales. The next was Richard Jones born in 1660 in Virginia. Robert, his son, was born in 1690. To Robert was born Robert Jr., who remained single, living in Mecklenburg County, Va. (formerly Caroline County, Va.). Robert Jr. wrote his will and named his brothers --- James, John, Richard, and Ambrose --as the inheritors of his estate. Also named were nephews Robert, James, and Edmund Jones.

Ambrose, brother of Robert Jr., was a patriot in the Revolutionary War. Ambrose married Catherine Collins. To this union were born ten children.

A Patriot of the American Revolution for NORTH CAROLINA. DAR Ancestor # A061876

Granville County, North Carolina (1792)

Will of Ambrose Jones (transcribed by Craig Kilby)

Will dated 3 January 1792. Proved November 1792. Recorded in Will Book 2, p. 320 Granville Co Circuit Clerk's Office, Oxford, NC. Original at North Carolina State Archives, Box CR.044.801.21.

I Ambrose Jones of Granville County and state of North Carolina do make my Testament and last will followeth viz:

Imprimis. I lend to my loving wife CATHARINE JONES during her natural life all my Estate of what nature so ever, and at her death I devise to my son GABRIEL his heirs and assigns for ever a certain part of the land I now live on beginning at my upper line where it crosses Aaron's Creek, thence down the said creek to the mouth of the long Branch thence East a straight line to Charles Harris' line upon his paying in two years after his Mother's death to my executors hereinafter named, two hundred pounds Virginia money which sum I give to my sons, daughters and grandson namely James, Ambrose, Stephen and Reuben, Elizabeth Winfree, Ann Sandford, Phebe Gregory & Peggy Davie, and John Brassie to be equally divided share and share alike.

ITEM. I bequeath to my grandson John Brassie his heirs and assigns, fifty pounds Virginia money.

ITEM. The remainder of my estate of what nature or kind so ever I give to my sons and daughters, and my grandson John Brassie to be equally divided share and share alike providing that which ever of my children had an over proportion at a Division I made of part of my negroes between them formerly, they pay to my Executors that over [xxxx] and by them to be paid to those of my children for their deficiency at that Division.

LASTLY. I appoint my sons James, Stephen and Gabriel executors of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this [evening?] of third day of January Anno Domini one thousand seven hundred and ninety two.

/s/ Ambrose Jones

Witnessed by John Brown, George Brown, Thomas Mutter. Proved at November 1792 Court by John Brown and Thomas Mutter. Then came Gabriel Jones and Stephen Jones and two of the Executors therein named and qualified agreeable to Law. Note that James Jones is not among the executors named in court.

Estate File of Ambrose Jones, Sr.

Original estate papers filed at NC state archives, Box CR.044.508.97.

Item No. 1. Dated 16 NOV 1799. Legatees Bond to Each Other for Insolvencies.

Know all men by these presents that we James Jones, Ambrose Jones, Stephen Jones, Reuben Jones, Gabriel Jones, James Winfree, Robert Sandford, Thomas Gregory, William Davie and John Brassie are held and firmly bound unto each other jointly and severally in the full sum of one thousand pounds Virginia money for the payment of which well & truly to be made we bind ourselves and our heirs so sealed with our seals & dated this 16th day of November 1799.

The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the estate of Ambrose Jones deceased hath been exposed to public sale for bond with approved security payable the 25th day of December 1800 & whereas it is possible some insolvencies in the debts may arise Now if any such insolvency doth happen provided each of the above named persons shall well and truly bear an equal portion of the same when the estate is finally settled & paid by the executors then.....[part of page not copied]....witness our hands & seals the day and date above written. Witness Sterling Yancey, Philip Yancey.

Signed/ The legatees to each other James Jones Ambrose Jones Stephen Jones Reuben Jones Gabriel Jones James Winfree Robin Sandford (signed by mark, written as Robin and not Robert) Thomas Grigory William Davey John Brassie

Item No. 2. Dated 8 Nov. 1799. Consent bond to sell estate.

Know ye that we James Jones, Ambrose Jones, Stephen Jones, Reubin Jones and Gabriel Jones, James Winfree, Robert Sandford, Thomas Gregory, William Davie and John Brassie legatees agreeable to the will of Ambrose Jones deceased, do hereby certify that we have mutually agreed & consented & by these presents do mutually agree & consent to expose the estate of Ambrose Jones deceased to publick sale next Wednesday it being the 13th of this inst. on a a twelve month credit the purchasers giving bond with approved security & we also do mutually agree & consent to divide the estate of the said decedent subsequent to the above named sale agreeable to the will of the said Ambrose Jones, dec'd & strictly agreeable to the [xxx] of a Relinquishment of Catharine Jones widow & relict of the said Ambrose Jones, dec'd given & executed by her on the 7th of this inst. wherein she has made over & relinquished all her right & title to a loaned estate as specified in the will of the said deceased. All the above we do mutually agree & consent to as witness our hands & seals this 8th day of Nov. 1799. Witnessed by Sterling Yancey and signed by all parties their signature except Robert Sandford who signs by mark.

[NOTE: The will of Catharine Jones is dated 7 November 1798 naming same heirs as will of Ambrose Jones. Don't have date proved. Will is recorded in Granville County, Will Book 5, pp. 97-98. Original on file at NC state archives, needs to be examined]

[NOTE: Stephen Jones and Gabriel Jones, executors of Ambrose Jones, deceased, make sale to Robert Puryear 15 NOV 1799, Granville Deed Book Q, p. 336. Not examined. Probably for the land on Aaron's Creek].

Item No. 3. Inventory of Estate and Account of Estate Sale. Inventory is not dated and was prepared by Stephen and Gabriel Jones, executors. Sale was held Nov. 13, 14, 15 & 16th of November 1799. The inventory and account of sales are difficult to read and copies are sometimes cut off.

Some items of Interest in the Inventory:

Negro Men: Cashay, Sam & Philip Negro Women: Lucy, Jemima, Hogar, Jun, Little Lucy, Rachel, Stacey Boys Names: Roger, Gillburd, Randol, Dick, Charles, Henry, Joseph, Edmond, Ambrose Negro Girls: Fanny, Amey, Sarah, Nansy, Matilday, Jean, Rosannah Seven horses and two colts of last spring One colt two years old last spring 49 black cattle 60 hogs 16 pigs 25 sheep one black smiths anvil one copper still & pistol worm 14 chairs 2 tables six feather beds & furniture five bedsteads 4 shot guns 2 men's saddles 1 pair of saddle bags 3 bridles 4 bridle bits misc. carpentry tools 2 large bibles and 1 small bible 1 prayer book Bailey's Dictionary ("dicksionary") Buchanon's Medicine ("Buchanon medason") Confession of Faith Durhon on xxxxx Stackhouse "Duty of Man" Olney Lymans' "xxxx Sermons") The Afflicted Man's Companion Accounts due from Rev. George Muhlejohn?, Ruben Jones, Barlett Ellot, Joseph Blank, John Smith, Thomas Gregory.

People purchasing items at the estate sale:

1. Name blacked out on copy 40. Robert Jones 2. James Winfree 41. Young C. Pool 3. William Davie 42. John Thomas 4. Cotane Ulmstead 43. Mark Wilson 5. David Winfree 44. John Adams 6. Henry Hayes 45. xxxx Yancey 7. Robert Puryear 46. Bennet Tuck 8. Thomas Bicks 9. George Traylor 10. Nicholas Childers 11. Gabriel Jones (large purchaser) 12. John Wilkerson 13. Thomas Mutter 14. Phillip Yancey, Sr. 15. Edward Jones 16. Benjamin Cotman 17. Robert Hester 18. Allin Harris 19. Zachariah Pinson 20. James Jones 21. George Turner 22. John Blackwell 23. Edward Tuck 24. William Ellinson 25. Benjamin Jones 26. John Willis 27. John Loftes 28. John P. Pool 29. John Graves 30 xxxxx P. Pool 31. Robert Sandford 32. Robert xxxxx 33. William Dixon 34. William Harris 35. Sandford Dixon 36. John Brassie 37. Stephen Jones 38. Ambrose Jones, Jr. 39. Robert Jones

Birth: 1716 Granville County North Carolina, USA Death: Nov., 1792 Granville County North Carolina, USA

Ambrose married Catherine COLLINS in 1737,N.C.

They had 10 children; Ann Doris, Gabriel, James ,Elizabeth, Stephen, Phebe G., Ambrose, Rueben, Peggy Margaret, and Mary

Census: 1790, Goshen District, Granville County, North Carolina Military service: Revolutionary War Patriot Will: January 03, 1792, Proved in November Court 1792, Page 198

found on "Colonial and State Records of North Carolina": "List of inhabitants of Granville County who took the oath of allegiance to North Carolina", including oaths May 22, 1778 - August 02, 1778 Volume 22, Pages 168-179


Burial: Unknown

  • Daughters of American Revolution Ancestor #: A061876
  • Birth: (CIRCA) 1717
  • Service Source: NC REV WAR PAY VOUCHERS #137, 186, 220, ROLL 68.40; CLARK, NC STATE RECS, VOL 22, P 177


Robert Jones (son of Richard Jones) was born 1695 in Mecklinburg County, VA, and died date unknown.

Children of Robert Jones are:

  • Robert Jones, b. Abt. 1710, d. 1771, Parish of St. James, Mecklenburg County, VA.
  • +James Jones, b. Abt. 1711, d. date unknown.
  • +Richard Jones, b. Abt. 1713, Mecklinburg County, VA, d. 1779, Halifax County, VA.
  • +John Jones, Sr., b. 1715, Mecklenburg, VA, d. 1792, Mecklenburg, VA.
  • +Ambrose Jones, b. 1717, Mecklinburg County, VA, d. January 23, 1792, Granville County, NC.


Biography == This biography was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import.<ref>Jones-23744 was created by Tom Culver through the import of Culver1_2014-04-05-11.ged on Apr 5, 2014. This comment and citation can be deleted after the biography has been edited and primary sources are included.</ref> It's a rough draft and needs to be edited.

Name ===: Name: Ambrose /Jones/<ref>Source: #S2 Page: Database online. Data: Text: Record for Margaret Peggy Jones</ref><ref>Source: #S2 Page: Database online. Data: Text: Record for Ambrose Jones</ref>


: Birth:
:: Date: 1716:: Place: Caroline, Virginia, USA<ref>Source: #S2 Page: Database online. Data: Text: Record for Margaret Peggy Jones</ref><ref>Source: #S2 Page: Database online. Data: Text: Record for Ambrose Jones</ref>

Children===All of Ambrose's children and several grandchildren are listed in his will.

--[[Jones-22382|Jones-22382]] 18:02, 8 November 2014 (EST)

=== Death ===Last Will & Testament of Ambrose Jones Sr.
=== : Death: :: Date: 1792:: Place: Granville, North Carolina, USA<ref>Source: #S2 Page: Database online. Data: Text: Record for Margaret Peggy Jones</ref><ref>Source: #S2 Page: Database online. Data: Text: Record forAmbrose Jones</ref>

Ambrose Jones. Source: Database online. Record for Ambrose Jones. <ref>Source: #S1443 </ref> Source: Database online. Record for Robert Jones. Link: http:/ <ref>Source: #S2027 Source number: 372.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: PLB</ref><ref>Source: #S1753 </ref> Source: Database online. Record for Margaret Peggy Jones.

Born 1716 Caroline, Virginia, USA. Map: Latitude: N38.025803. Longitude: W77.348442. Source: Database online. Record for Ambrose Jones. <ref>Source: #S1443 </ref> Source: Database online. Record for Margaret Peggy Jones. 1716 Granville County, North Carolina, USA. Source: Database online. Record for Robert Jones. Link: http:/ Found multiple copies of birth date. Using 1716

Died 3 JAN 1792. Goshen, Granville, North Carolina, USA,. Source: Database online. Record for Margaret Peggy Jones. Source: Database online. Record for Robert Jones. Link: http:/ Source: Database online. Record for Ambrose Jones. <ref>Source: #S1443 </ref>

Residence 1790 Granville, North Carolina, United States. Source: Database online. Record for Robert Jones. Link: http:/ 1744 Rental Rolls, Richmond County, VA. <ref>Source: #S1753 </ref> Source: Database online. Record for Robert Jones. Link: http:/ 1769 Granville County, NC. Source: Database online. Record for Robert Jones. Link: http:/ 1784 Granville County, NC. Source: Database online. Record for Robert Jones. Link: http:/

Will of Ambrose Jones

Transcribed and Contributed By Leslie Chandler Haralson on 09/04/03 Will of Ambrose Jones [] Will dated 3 January 1792. Proved November 1792. Recorded in Will Book 2, p. 320 Granville Co Circuit Clerk's Office, Oxford, NC. Originalat North Carolina State Archives, Box CR.044.801.21. I Ambrose Jones of Granville County and state of North Carolina do make my Testament and last will followeth viz: Imprimis. I lend to my loving wife CATHARINE JONES during her naturallife all my Estate of what nature so ever, and at her death I devise to my son GABRIEL his heirs and assigns for ever a certain part of theland I now live on beginning at my upper line where it crosses Aaron's Creek, thence down the said creek to the mouth of the long Branch thence East a straight line to Charles Harris' line upon his paying in two years after his Mother's death to my executors hereinafter named, two hundred pounds Virginia money which sum I give to my sons, daughters and grandson namely James, Ambrose, Stephen and Reuben, Elizabeth Winfree, Ann Sandford, Phebe Gregory & Peggy Davie, and John Brassie to be equally divided share and share alike. ITEM. I bequeath to my grandson John Brassie his heirs and assigns, fifty pounds Virginia money. ITEM. The remainder of my estate of what nature or kind so ever I give to my sons and daughters, and my grandson John Brassie to be equallydivided share and share alike providing that which ever of my children had an over proportion at a Division I made of part of my negroes between them formerly, they pay to my Executors that over [xxxx] and by them to be paid to those of my children for their deficiency at that Division. LASTLY. I appoint my sons James, Stephen and Gabriel executors of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this [evening?] of third day of January Anno Domini one thousand seven hundred and ninety two.

/s/ Ambrose Jones Witnessed by John Brown, George Brown, Thomas Mutter. Proved at November 1792 Court by John Brown and Thomas Mutter. Then came Gabriel Jones and Stephen Jones and two of the Executors therein named and qualified agreeable to Law. Note that James Jones is not among the executors named in court.

Estate File of Ambrose Jones, Sr. Original estate papers filed at NC state archives, Box CR.044.508.97. Item No. 1. Dated 16 NOV 1799. Legatees Bond to Each Other for Insolvencies. Know all men by these presents that we James Jones, Ambrose Jones, Stephen Jones, Reuben Jones, Gabriel Jones, James Winfree, Robert Sandford, Thomas Gregory, William Davie and John Brassie are held and firmly bound unto each other jointly and severally in the full sum of one thousand pounds Virginia money for the payment of which well & truly to be made we bind ourselves and our heirs so sealed with our seals & dated this 16th day of November 1799. The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the estate of Ambrose Jones deceased hath been exposed to public sale for bond with approved security payable the 25th day of December 1800 & whereas it is possible some insolvencies in the debts may arise Now if any suchinsolvency doth happen provided each of the above named persons shallwell and truly bear an equal portion of the same when the estate is finally settled & paid by the executors then.....[part of page not copied]....witness our hands & seals the day and date above written. Witness Sterling Yancey, Philip Yancey.

Signed/ The legatees to each other

James Jones

Ambrose Jones

Stephen Jones

Reuben Jones

Gabriel Jones

James Winfree

Robin Sandford (signed by mark, written as Robin and not Robert)

Thomas Grigory

William Davey

John Brassie

Item No. 2. Dated 8 Nov. 1799. Consent bond to sell estate. Know ye that we James Jones, Ambrose Jones, Stephen Jones, Reubin Jones and Gabriel Jones, James Winfree, Robert Sandford, Thomas Gregory, William Davie and John Brassie legatees agreeable to the will of Ambrose Jones deceased, do hereby certify that we have mutually agreed & consented & by these presents do mutually agree & consent to expose the estate of Ambrose Jones deceased to publick sale next Wednesday it being the 13th of this inst. on a a twelve month credit the purchasers giving bond with approved security & we also do mutually agree & consent to divide the estate of the said decedent subsequent to the above named sale agreeable to the will of the said Ambrose Jones, dec'd & strictly agreeable to the [xxx] of a Relinquishment of Catharine Jones widow& relict of the said Ambrose Jones, dec'd given & executed by her on the 7th of this inst. wherein she has made over & relinquished all herright & title to a loaned estate as specified in the will of the saiddeceased. All the above we do mutually agree & consent to as witnessour hands & seals this 8th day of Nov. 1799. Witnessed by Sterling Yancey and signed by all parties their signature except Robert Sandford who signs by mark. [NOTE: The will of Catharine Jones is dated 7 November 1799 naming same heirs as will of Ambrose Jones. Don't have date proved. Will is recorded in Granville County, Will Book 5, pp. 97-98. Original on fileat NC state archives, needs to be examined] [NOTE: Stephen Jones and Gabriel Jones, executors of Ambrose Jones, deceased, make sale to Robert Puryear 15 NOV 1799, Granville Deed Book Q, p. 336. Not examined. Probably for the land on Aaron's Creek]. Item No. 3. Inventory of Estate and Account of Estate Sale. Inventory is not dated and was prepared by Stephen and Gabriel Jones, executors. Sale was held Nov. 13, 14, 15 & 16th of November 1799. The inventory and account of sales are difficult to read and copies are sometimes cut off.

Some items of Interest in the Inventory:

Negro Men: Cashay, Sam & Philip

Negro Women: Lucy, Jemima, Hogar, Jun, Little Lucy, Rachel, Stacey Boys Names: Roger, Gillburd, Randol, Dick, Charles, Henry, Joseph, Edmond, Ambrose

Negro Girls: Fanny, Amey, Sarah, Nansy, Matilday, Jean, Rosannah

Seven horses and two colts of last spring

One colt two years old last spring

49 black cattle

60 hogs

16 pigs

25 sheep

one black smiths anvil

one copper still & pistol worm

14 chairs

2 tables

six feather beds & furniture

five bedsteads

4 shot guns

2 men's saddles

1 pair of saddle bags

3 bridles

4 bridle bits

misc. carpentry tools

2 large bibles and 1 small bible

1 prayer book

Bailey's Dictionary ("dicksionary")

Buchanon's Medicine ("Buchanon medason")

Confession of Faith

Durhon on xxxxx

Stackhouse "Duty of Man"

Olney Lymans' "xxxx Sermons")

The Afflicted Man's Companion Accounts due from Rev. George Muhlejohn?, Ruben Jones, Barlett Ellot, Joseph Blank, John Smith, Thomas Gregory.

People purchasing items at the estate sale: 1. Name blacked out on copy 40. Robert Jones

2. James Winfree 41. Young C. Pool

3. William Davie 42. John Thomas

4. Cotane Ulmstead 43. Mark Wilson

5. David Winfree 44. John Adams

6. Henry Hayes 45. xxxx Yancey

7. Robert Puryear 46. Bennet Tuck

8. Thomas Bicks

9. George Traylor

10. Nicholas Childers

11. Gabriel Jones (large purchaser)

12. John Wilkerson

13. Thomas Mutter

14. Phillip Yancey, Sr.

15. Edward Jones

16. Benjamin Cotman

17. Robert Hester

18. Allin Harris

19. Zachariah Pinson

20. James Jones

21. George Turner

22. John Blackwell

23. Edward Tuck

24. William Ellinson

25. Benjamin Jones

26. John Willis

27. John Loftes

28. John P. Pool

29. John Graves

30 xxxxx P. Pool

31. Robert Sandford

32. Robert xxxxx

33. William Dixon

34. William Harris

35. Sandford Dixon

36. John Brassie

37. Stephen Jones

38. Ambrose Jones, Jr.

39. Robert Jones © 2003 to present, by Leslie C. Haralson and Deloris Williams for theNCGenWeb Project. No portion of any document appearing on this siteis to be used for other than personal research. Any republication orreposting is expressly forbidden without the written consent of the owner. Last updated 10/25/2015


<references />

  • "Family Tree," database, <i>FamilySearch</i> ( : modified 10 April 2019, 00:56), entry for Ambrose Jones Sr.(PID; contributed by various users. North Carolina, State Census, 1784-1787 Census Lists by County - Granville County Goshen District, 1786 North Carolina, Compiled Census and Census Substitutes Index, 1790-189Ambrose Jones NC Granville County 1769 NC Early Census Index
  • Source: S2 Author: Title: PublicMember Trees Publication: Name: The Generations Network, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2006; Repository: #R1 * Repository: R1 Name: Address:E-Mail Address: Phone Number:* Source: S1443 U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current Publication: Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2012; Repository: #R2 NOTEFind A Grave
  • Repository: R2 * Source: S1753 Virginia, Compiled Census and Census Substitutes Index, 1607-1890 Publication: Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 1999; Repository: #R2 NOTEVirginia Census, 1607-1890 * Source: S2027 Yates Publishing U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 Publication: Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2004; Repository: #R2* "Family Tree," database, <i>FamilySearch</i> ( : modified 22 August 2018, 01:20), entry for Ambrose Jones Sr.(PID; contributed by various users.* "Family Tree," database, <i>FamilySearch</i> ( : modified 25 June 2018, 05:34), entry for Ambrose Jones(PID; contributed by various users.* Source: S-1745814717 Repository: #R-1784324380 Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Note: This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points youto a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these treefiles may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created. Ancestry Family Tree * Repository: R-1784324380 Ancestry.comNote:


"Colonial and State Records of North Carolina":"List of inhabitants of Granville County who took the oath of allegiance to North Carolina", including oaths May 22, 1778 - August 02, 1778 Volume 22, Pages 168-179

Granville County, North Carolina, USA
Nov 1792 (aged 75–76)
Granville County, North Carolina, USA
Burial Details Unknown
Memorial ID
11724956 · View Source
Ambrose married Catherine COLLINS in 1737,N.C. They had 10 children;Ann Doris,Gabriel,James,Elizabeth,Stephen,Phebe G., Ambrose,Rueben,Peggy Margaret,Mary. He was my gandfather.

Census: 1790, Goshen District, Granville County, North Carolina
Military service: Revolutionary War Patriot
Will: January 03, 1792, Proved in November Court 1792, Page 198
found on "Colonial and State Records of North Carolina":
"List of inhabitants of Granville County who took the oath of allegiance to North Carolina", including oaths
May 22, 1778 - August 02, 1778
Volume 22, Pages 168-179

middle name father provided by LeveractionJustice85 50602803
Family Members
Rev Walter Jones Jr

Liscomb Jones Taylor

Phebe Hawkins Jones

Margaret "Peggy" Jones Davey

view all 18

Ambrose Jones, Sr.'s Timeline

Caroline County, Province of Virginia
Granville Co North Caroline
Granville, North Carolina
May 1, 1745
Brunswick County, VA, United States
Granville County, North Carolina, United States
Granville, North Carolina, USA
August 9, 1750
St. Mary's County, Maryland, United States
Granville, North Carolina, British Colonies
August 15, 1754
Granville County, NC, United States