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  • Jones (c.1762 - c.1832)
  • Jones (c.1615 - c.1700)
  • (No Name)
    Tanya Maraj (born December 8, 1982), known by her stage name Nicki Minaj ( /mɪˈnɑːʒ/), is a Trinidadian-born American musician. She was born in Saint James, Trinidad and Tobago, and moved to the New Yo...
  • (unknown) ‘Ruhamah’ Jones (c.1624 - c.1661)
    Bass River Native American Princess. (??) There is no documentation to support ANY name for the wife of Teague Jones, much less that she was of Native American origin. If you have a source for t...
  • Aaron Ebenezer Parker (1882 - 1928)

About the Jones surname


Jones is a popular surname of English origins. It was first documented in 1279 in Huntingdonshire, England. Its English usage comes from the term son of John in a similar manner to the scandanavian surname Johnson ("son of John"). In early Wales though, the son of John was identified as "John ap Evan" (John "son of" Evan).

In Wales where the name is proportionately much more common it derives from the first names of "John" or "Siôn" (Welsh for "John"), "Ieuan" (Old Welsh form of John) and many other variations of the first name of "John". It is one of the most common surnames in the Welsh and English speaking parts of the world.

NOTE: If you are a Jones of non-British descent, check out this article at []

This famous surname, widespread throughout the British Isles, and the most popular surname in Wales, one in ten Welsh people being so-called, is nevertheless of English medieval origins. It derives either from the male given name John, or its female equivalent Joan, both Norman French introductions after the 1066 Invasion. Both names are written as Jon(e) in medieval documents, and a clear distinction between them on the grounds of gender was not made until the 15th Century. However, because western society has almost invariably had a male as family head throughout history, bearers of the surname Jones are more likely to derive it from a patronymic form of John, than a matronymic form of Joan. The personal name John, ultimately from the Hebrew "Yochanan" meaning "Jehovah has favoured (me with a son)", has always enjoyed enormous popularity in Europe, and particularly so after the famous Crusades of the 12th century. The name, which is found in some four hundred spellings, is in honour of St. John the Baptist, the precursor of Christ. The surname as "Jones", first appears on record in England in the latter part of the 13th Century, and also features as one of the most numerous settler names in Ireland, having been introduced in the wake of the Anglo- Norman Invasion of 1170. It is now found in every Irish county, especially in the larger towns, and has also been Gaelicized as "MacSeoin". The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of Matilda Jones, which was dated 1273, in the "Hundred Rolls of Huntingdonshire", during the reign of King Edward 1st, known as "The Hammer of the Scots", reigned 1272 - 1307.

The son of John or Johan or Jone (both masc. and fem.)
