Immediate Family
About Adelaide of Tours
FMG "Alsace", update 24 Aug 2022
- b) ADELAIS (-after 866).
- The Miraculis Sancti Germani name "Adheleid" as wife of "Chuonradus princeps", noting that she was “primorum et ipsa natalium perinde titulus gloriosa”[158].
- A poem by Walahfridus Strabus records the epitaph of "Adelheidam"[159].
- The primary source which confirms her parentage has not yet been identified.
- Some secondary works[160] assert that the second husband of Adelais was Robert "le Fort" [Capet]. If this is correct, Adelais must have been Comte Robert's second or third wife as Conrad died after 862 by which date Robert's known children were already born. The assertion appears based on the Chronicle of St Bénigne de Dijon which names "duo filii Rotberti Andegavorum comitis, frs Hugonis abbatis, senior Odo…Robertus alter"[161].
- Settipani states that the passage is a 12th century interpolation and has little historical value, although he does suggest that it is likely that the wife of Comte Robert was a close relation of Adelais without providing the basis for this statement[162].
- A family connection between Comte Robert and Conrad Comte de Paris is also suggested by the former being invested with the county of Auxerre in 865, after this county was confiscated from the latter (as recorded by Hincmar[163]), on the assumption that there was some basis of heredity behind the transmission of counties in France at that time (which is probable, but remains unproven).
- m CONRAD "l'Ancien" Comte de Paris, son of WELF I Graf in Swabia & his wife Heilwig --- (-22 Mar [862/66]).
- ——————————————————————————————
Adelaid of Tours was born Von Sundgau in 819 to Hugo Van Tours and Bava Ava/Ada Van Tours. She was the wife of Van Beieren Koenraad. They had 11 children, Mother of Hugues l'Abbé; Conrad II "the Younger", duke of Transjurane Burgundy; Ava D'AUXERRE; Welf II, count of Argengau; Adele VAN MEAUX; Ermentrude d'Namur; Judith D'AUXERRE; Itta D'AUXERRE; Eticho IM ARGENGAU; Adalhard I, Count of Argengau; Rudolf, Abbot Of ST. RIQUIER; Evesna Argenteau VON SACHSEN; Berthe DE FEZENSAC.
She married Robert IV le Fort Margrave of Neustria. They had 4 children, Odo (Eudes), King of France; Robert I, King of France; Bertha of Vermandois CAPET and Richard de Morvais CAPET.
Source: Geni World Family Tree MyHeritage.com [online database]. Lehi, UT, USA: MyHeritage (USA) Inc. https://www.myheritage.com/research/collection-40000/geni-world-fam...
Record: https://www.myheritage.com/research/record-40000-204407868/adelheid... Adelheid Van Beieren (born Van Tours)
Citation: Adelheid Van Beieren (born Van Tours) Birth: 819 Death: 866 Father: Hugo Van Tours Mother: Bava Ava/ada Van Tours Husband: Van Beieren Koenraad i Van Beieren Child: Koenraad ii Van Beieren (born Auxene)
The name of Robert le Fort's wife is not attested in primary sources. According to some modern scholars she was Adelaide or Adalais, a daughter of Hugh of Tours (and thus an Etichonid) and the widow of Conrad I of Auxerre (died 862), a Welf. Since Robert already had children by 862, Adelaide would have to have been his second wife. French genealogist Christian Settipani has identified the source of this identification as the unreliable twelfth-century Chronicle of Saint-Bénigne de Dijon, which was interpolated into the chronicle of Alberic of Trois-Fontaines.[4] Europäische Stammtafeln has identified Robert's first wife as a certain Agane. Whatever the facts, two of Robert's sons became kings of France: Odo and Robert.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_the_Strong
Adelheid d'Alsace F, #8858 Last Edited=9 Feb 2003
Adelheid d'Alsace is the daughter of Hugues d'Alsace, Comte d'Alsace. Children of Adelheid d'Alsace and Conrad, Comte d'Auxerre -1. Guelph I Herzog von Bayern+ d. b 876 -2. Conrad II, Comte d'Auxerre+ d. b 876
Forrás / Source: http://www.thepeerage.com/p886.htm#i8858
From http://www.rpi.edu/~holmes/Hobbies/Genealogy/ps04/ps04_358.htm
When she married Robert, Adelaide ("Aelis") was widow of Conrad I, Count of Aargau and Auxerre, who died 03-22-863.
References: [AR7]
Ref: Weis' "Ancestral Roots" (48:17), (181:6)
http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Konradiner ...Udo, graf im Lahngau married NN, tochter von Konrad I, graf von Auxerre (Welfen) und Adelheid von Tours (Eticonen)
"While there are many conjectures regarding the wife of Robert, her identity and even her name cannot be definitively determined. Robert had two sons, in addition to several speculated daughters whose existence or identity as Robert's daughters cannot be definitively shown:[4]"
- Odo of France, King of Western Francia[1]
- Robert I of France, King of Western Francia.[1]
She cannot have been a daughter of Louis the Pious & Ermengarde of Hesbaye. Their daughter Adelaide was born about 799 & Ermengarde died in 818. Robert the Strong's son Odo was born in 852, suggesting a mother born between 820-835.
- Detlev Schwennicke, Europäische Stammtafeln: Stammtafeln zur Geschichte der Europäischen Staaten, Neue Folge, Band II (Marburg, Germany: J. A. Stargardt, 1984), Tafel 10
- Einar Joranson (1923), The Danegeld in France (Rock Island: Augustana), 59–61.
- Jim Bradbury, The Capetians, Kings of France 987-1328 (London: Hambledon Continuum, 2007), p. 24 ISBN 978-1-85285-528-4
- Stewart Baldwin, "Robert the Strong", The Henry Project, [1]
Adélaïde, princesse d'Alsace
Elle est aussi connue sous le nom de Adélaïde de Tours, Adelherd de Tours, Aélis de Tours d'Alsace et Adélaïde de Tours d'Alsace.
Elle est la fille de Hugues II, comte de Tours et Sundgau dit le Peureux et Ava de Morvois d'Alsace.
Elle nait en 815. Elle épouse Conrad Ier, comte d' Auxerre Welf dit le Vieux, fils de Welf Ier, comte de Bavière et Heilwige de Saxe en 834. Elle épouse Robert, duc de Neustrie dit le Fort, fils de Wiltrude d' Orléans et Robert Robertien, comte de Worms en 864. Elle décède vers 882.
Liste de ses enfants connus:
+ 1. Robert Ier, roi de France (866 - 923) (de Robert, duc de Neustrie dit le Fort)
2. Eudes, roi de France (856 - ) (de Robert, duc de Neustrie dit le Fort)
3. Adèle de France (de Robert, duc de Neustrie dit le Fort)
4. Hugues l' Abbé + 5. Conrad, duc de Bourgogne-Transjurane dit Jeune (835 - 876) (de Conrad Ier, comte d' Auxerre Welf dit le Vieux)
6. Hugues, comte d' Auxerre (de Conrad Ier, comte d' Auxerre Welf dit le Vieux) + 7. Eve d' Auxerre (830 - 856) (de Conrad Ier, comte d' Auxerre Welf dit le Vieux) + 8. Welf Ier d' Ammergau, seigneur d'Argengau et Linzgau (838 - 876) (de Conrad Ier, comte d' Auxerre Welf dit le Vieux) + 9. Pétronille d' Auxerre de Bourgogne (837 - ) (de Conrad Ier, comte d' Auxerre Welf dit le Vieux) + 10. Judith Welf (840 - ) (de Conrad Ier, comte d' Auxerre Welf dit le Vieux)
Source: http://genealogiequebec.info/testphp/info.php?no=21796
The name of Robert le Fort's wife is not attested in primary sources. According to some modern scholars she was Adelaide or Adalais, a daughter of Hugh of Tours (and thus an Etichonid) and the widow of Conrad I of Auxerre (died 862), a Welf. Since Robert already had children by 862, Adelaide would have to have been his second wife. French genealogist Christian Settipani has identified the source of this identification as the unreliable twelfth-century Chronicle of Saint-Bénigne de Dijon, which was interpolated into the chronicle of Alberic of Trois-Fontaines.[4] Europäische Stammtafeln has identified Robert's first wife as a certain Agane. Whatever the facts, two of Robert's sons became kings of France: Odo and Robert.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_the_Strong
Adelheid d'Alsace F, #8858 Last Edited=9 Feb 2003
Adelheid d'Alsace is the daughter of Hugues d'Alsace, Comte d'Alsace. Children of Adelheid d'Alsace and Conrad, Comte d'Auxerre -1. Guelph I Herzog von Bayern+ d. b 876 -2. Conrad II, Comte d'Auxerre+ d. b 876
Forrás / Source: http://www.thepeerage.com/p886.htm#i8858
From http://www.rpi.edu/~holmes/Hobbies/Genealogy/ps04/ps04_358.htm
When she married Robert, Adelaide ("Aelis") was widow of Conrad I, Count of Aargau and Auxerre, who died 03-22-863.
References: [AR7]
Ref: Weis' "Ancestral Roots" (48:17), (181:6)
http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Konradiner ...Udo, graf im Lahngau married NN, tochter von Konrad I, graf von Auxerre (Welfen) und Adelheid von Tours (Eticonen)
"While there are many conjectures regarding the wife of Robert, her identity and even her name cannot be definitively determined. Robert had two sons, in addition to several speculated daughters whose existence or identity as Robert's daughters cannot be definitively shown:[4]"
Odo of France, King of Western Francia[1] Robert I of France, King of Western Francia.[1] Notes
She cannot have been a daughter of Louis the Pious & Ermengarde of Hesbaye. Their daughter Adelaide was born about 799 & Ermengarde died in 818. Robert the Strong's son Odo was born in 852, suggesting a mother born between 820-835.
Detlev Schwennicke, Europäische Stammtafeln: Stammtafeln zur Geschichte der Europäischen Staaten, Neue Folge, Band II (Marburg, Germany: J. A. Stargardt, 1984), Tafel 10 Einar Joranson (1923), The Danegeld in France (Rock Island: Augustana), 59–61. Jim Bradbury, The Capetians, Kings of France 987-1328 (London: Hambledon Continuum, 2007), p. 24 ISBN 978-1-85285-528-4 Stewart Baldwin, "Robert the Strong", The Henry Project, [1] Links
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_the_Strong Adélaïde, princesse d'Alsace
Elle est aussi connue sous le nom de Adélaïde de Tours, Adelherd de Tours, Aélis de Tours d'Alsace et Adélaïde de Tours d'Alsace.
Elle est la fille de Hugues II, comte de Tours et Sundgau dit le Peureux et Ava de Morvois d'Alsace.
Elle nait en 815. Elle épouse Conrad Ier, comte d' Auxerre Welf dit le Vieux, fils de Welf Ier, comte de Bavière et Heilwige de Saxe en 834. Elle épouse Robert, duc de Neustrie dit le Fort, fils de Wiltrude d' Orléans et Robert Robertien, comte de Worms en 864. Elle décède vers 882.
Liste de ses enfants connus:
+ 1. Robert Ier, roi de France (866 - 923) (de Robert, duc de Neustrie dit le Fort)
2. Eudes, roi de France (856 - ) (de Robert, duc de Neustrie dit le Fort) 3. Adèle de France (de Robert, duc de Neustrie dit le Fort) 4. Hugues l' Abbé + 5. Conrad, duc de Bourgogne-Transjurane dit Jeune (835 - 876) (de Conrad Ier, comte d' Auxerre Welf dit le Vieux)
6. Hugues, comte d' Auxerre (de Conrad Ier, comte d' Auxerre Welf dit le Vieux) + 7. Eve d' Auxerre (830 - 856) (de Conrad Ier, comte d' Auxerre Welf dit le Vieux) + 8. Welf Ier d' Ammergau, seigneur d'Argengau et Linzgau (838 - 876) (de Conrad Ier, comte d' Auxerre Welf dit le Vieux) + 9. Pétronille d' Auxerre de Bourgogne (837 - ) (de Conrad Ier, comte d' Auxerre Welf dit le Vieux) + 10. Judith Welf (840 - ) (de Conrad Ier, comte d' Auxerre Welf dit le Vieux)
Source: http://genealogiequebec.info/testphp/info.php?no=21796 -------------------- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adelaide_of_Tours
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Om Adelaide of Tours (Norsk)
Adelaide fra Tours, grevinne av Argengau og Linzgau og Neustria
Adelaide (c.820-c.866) var datter av Hugh fra Tours og kona Ava.
Hun var gift 2 ganger først med Konrad I, greve av Argengau og Linzgau Auxerre, De hadde minst 5 barn Hugo, Konrad, Welf, Richard og Judith, Etter mannens død i 862/66 giftet hun seg med Robert den sterke.Markgreve av Neustria. Han hadde sønnene Odo f. etter 853 og Robert f. 866 som begge ble konger i Vestfrankerriket. De kan være hennes sønner,
Siden Robert ble født i 866, godt etter hennes første ektemann døde, er det mest sannsynlig at han er hennes avkom. Hans barnebarn var Hugh Capet, den første kongen av Huset Capet.
Adelaide of Tours's Timeline
819 |
Tours, Touraine, Carolingian Empire
825 |
Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France
835 |
Altdorf, Bayern, Alemannia, Ostenfrankreich
840 |
Argengau, Germany
852 |
866 |
August 15, 866
Anjou, France
882 |
Age 63
Tours, Touraine, West Francia
1931 |
June 9, 1931
Age 63