Immediate Family
About Abram Elia Leibovich
Source: Feigmanis, Avoteynu Online, 2008:
"Files of the Latvian security police (Record Group 3235) contain information about communist or Zionist activity of individuals and organizations, including several albums with pictures of Jewish communists and Jews involved in illegal currency operations. (Free currency exchange was not permitted in Latvia during the 1930s.) Security police collected information about a large number of organizations, including Jewish religious ones. Security police informers existed in every sizeable Latvian enterprise. In 1939 for example, one spy reported that young Jewish workers at the Abram Leibovitch radio factory liked to hear Russian communist songs from Moscow and to sing them. A list of “unreliable citizens” was composed, and my grandfather, Osher Prezma, a salesman in the Leibovitch photo and radio shop in Riga, was included in the list because he subscribed to the Kovno Yiddish newspaper, Naye Wort, which was prohibited in Latvia." NOTE: Abram Leibovitch was a first cousin of the father of Osher's wife Hinda.
Abram Leibovics, owner of radiotechnical factory in Riga. Being paralysed, perished in Riga ghetto.
No information was found about any siblings of Abram Leibowitsch son of Markus-Leiba (Motel).
Abram Elia Leibovich's Timeline
1869 |
1941 |
Age 72
Riga, Latvia