My 3 projects were deleted without any prior warning

Started by Private User on yesterday
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  • Private User
    Geni member
  • Private User
    Geni Pro
  • Private User
    Geni Pro
  • Private User
    Geni Pro
  • Private User
    Geni Pro
Showing 31-32 of 32 posts

Not to mention that I said from the beginning that I did not receive any prior warning of any sort. y very explicit explanation is as following: Being VERY ACTIVE in my 3 projects, I was attending my emails on a DAILY basis until my 3 projects were GONE !!!

Private User -
No insult to your intelligence meant by thinking things that applied to me might apply to you as well.

You told us in your first post when you discovered the Projects were gone.
Not when you had last seen them.

I distinguish between emails and messages that go to my Geni inbox (which I sometimes refer to as Geni-mail)
I have no idea if you have looked in your Geni inbox as well as your email.
Nor do I know whether mentioning how far back you looked in the Geni Inbox without seeing anything relevant would matter when writing to misconduct, but I thought it might.

Showing 31-32 of 32 posts

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