Alexander Kersten

Started by Gert Michael* Kersten on yesterday
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Good afternoon,
According to what I read on this project page Alexander Kersten was the last arrendator of Jõõpre estate. Alexander is a distant relative of mine and therefore I would be grateful for any information on him that goes beyond his Geni profile. E.g. I would like to know the timespan when he lived in Jõõpre. Was he divorced from his wife Marie, née Kontus? Did he marry again?
Best regards

I got the fact, that he was the arrendator of Jõõpre estate from the book:

Jääajast siia ja edasi ehk Killukesi Audrust (compiled by Kersti Põllu)

In this article there is a list of Jõõpre arrendators and only one short paragraph about him (p 182 – 183):

"23.04.1900 – 23.04.1920 anti mõis rendile Aleksander Eduardi p Kerstenile (Kärstens). Arvatakse, et ta oli lätlane. Tegelikult tegutses ta mõisas 1910. aastani. Mai Kalm, ajakirjanik Jõõprest, on kirjutanud, et Kärsten oli oma aja kohta edumeelne põllumees. Näiteks rajas ta praeguse Kaseküla maadele 1,5 km lahtise äravoolukraavi, samuti raiuti võsa. Tegelikult juba 26.11.1911 on mõisa rentnikuks viimane Jõõpre mõisnik Baron Wolter Arnold von Stackelberg."

The translation would be:

"For 23.04.1900 – 23.04.1920 Jõõpre estate was leased to Aleksander Kersten, Eduard's son (Kärstens). It is believed that he was Latvian. In reality he worked at the manor until 1910. In fact, from 26.11.1911 the arrendator of the estate was Baron Wolter Arnold von Stackelberg, the last Jõõpre landlord.
Mai Kalm, a journalist from Jõõpre, has written that Karsten was a progressive farmer for his time. For example, he built a 1.5 km open drainage ditch on the lands of present-day Kaseküla, and also cut down brush."

You can make an enquiry with the National Archives of Estonia about him. Probably they can provide some more information. The enquiry forms are here (Genealogical Research)

All the best,

Aiki Agasild

Alexander Kersten

In this document from 1920, the testimonial of Marie Wilhelmine's brother-in-law Jaak Vunk for her Estonian citizenship application ( he states that Marie Wilhelmine has been separated from his husband for about 15 years (since about 1905). I am not sure, how correct this timespan is.
In 1917 she moved to Russia to her children and later back to Pärnu.
But in 1926 she got a passport in Latvia, so I am not sure about their life.

I do not know if Alexander married later again, I did not see this in Estonan Parish books,
As I understand, he went back to Latvia and may have been married there.

I found the documents called Tallinn Address Pages.

They have both been registered to the same Tallinn address in 1926 for a short period of time.
These documents state that they are married ("abielus" in Estonian).

Alexander Kersten:

Marie Kersten:

So I think they did not divorce, but lived separately in the later years.

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