Rev. Nicholas Noyes, of Newbury - Inconsistent info

Started by Justin Durand on Wednesday, November 2, 2022
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This profile says "Not to be confused with his son Rev Nicolas Noyes Jr who acted as an official in the Salem Witch trials."

Yet, the profile is included in the Salem Witch Trials (1692) project.

The curator must have made a conscious decision to treat the info this way, but I'm not understanding.

It’s an error. Removed from project

Rev. Nicholas Noyes, of Newbury is your 11th great uncle.
→ Roger Sheldon Scott
your father → Charles M "Don" Scott
his father → Charles Lincoln Scott
his father → Sarah Ann Bonnett
his mother → Catherine Florence Bonnett
her mother → Sally Staats
her mother → Pickett Marvin
her father → Capt. Timothy Marvin
his father → Catherine Marvin
his mother → Sarah Mather
her mother → Rev. Moses Noyes
her father → Rev. James Noyes, of Newbury
his father → Rev. Nicholas Noyes, of Newbury
his brother

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