Thank you all! I feel so good that the lonely soldier boy William R.D. Moon found his home. This is the bigger picture I see of the top of the Moon Tree in Alabama
Joseph Moon father of Hester Moon
John Samuel Moon, Sr. from which William Hugh "Bill" Moon descends
John W Moon from which William R. D. Moon, (CSA) descends (Lonely solider boy #1)
Joshua Moon from which John William Moon descends which I suspect is John William Moon (Lobely Solider Boy #2 discovered in previous discussion while exploring the Moon Cemeteries
John Peter Moon, Sr. VETERAN: Corporal in the American Civil War, CSA. Co. E., 37 TN Infantry
Quite a bit of dead ends all in one place.
Tagged: Donald Franklin Colvin
Erica Howton
Private User
John Moon
Cynthia Curtis, A183502, US7875087
Erin Ishimoticha