Many Moons line all in Alabama that dead end -Possible big picture

Started by Carissa Hill on Thursday, August 25, 2022
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Thank you all! I feel so good that the lonely soldier boy William R.D. Moon found his home. This is the bigger picture I see of the top of the Moon Tree in Alabama

Joseph Moon father of Hester Moon

John Samuel Moon, Sr. from which William Hugh "Bill" Moon descends

John W Moon from which William R. D. Moon, (CSA) descends (Lonely solider boy #1)

Joshua Moon from which John William Moon descends which I suspect is John William Moon (Lobely Solider Boy #2 discovered in previous discussion while exploring the Moon Cemeteries

John Peter Moon, Sr. VETERAN: Corporal in the American Civil War, CSA. Co. E., 37 TN Infantry

Quite a bit of dead ends all in one place.

Tagged: Donald Franklin Colvin
Erica Howton
Private User
John Moon
Cynthia Curtis, A183502, US7875087
Erin Ishimoticha

I think John William Moon - (Lonely Soldier Boy #2) is brother of William R. D. Moon - because they are buried next to each other...

The John William Moon - son of Joshua Moon - is really born in 1846 - not 1843... They've conflated the dates... I think we've got multiple Joshua's going on also - possibly some branches need merging up, but I'm defintely brain dead for tonight...

I am going to bet that Joseph Moon
and John Samuel Moon, Sr. will be found in PA in quaker records

From doing my find ALL William Moon in findagrave a profile in Geni project that I did on Sat, the 20th, there are two main lines of Moon. One comes from Virginia and one from PA. PA ones are quakers from William Penn. I am not sure if the VA and PA lines knew each other in America.

Donald Franklin Colvin Thanks yes I am brain dead too! Thank you SOO Much!

One more thought - I know that the dates are bogus for the John William Moon - son of Joshua - because if he died in 1862 - he couldn't get married and have children after he was dead - some problems with that chunk of tree...

John William Moon

Daughter Ada born in 1880 - if he died in 1862 - quite a feat of technology... That branch needs some sources...

Yeah I messaged the manager about it because I saw that too. I was thinking that his wife married twice and Ada is not really his child. but definitely could be dates are just wrong.

I also found somewhere a William Renfro that was 3 weeks old and had three children so not sure if someone tampered with that line but I gave William to the curator discussion to well do anything with. That is seriously wrong.

I have New Jersey Moons. Dead end origins.

Dr. Jacob Moone

That New Jersey Moon is probably also a quaker

Here is a Virginia Moon dead origin Abraham Moone Now these Moon from VA I don't think were Quakers


I cant find the right sight but this church is associated with a precolonial Moon family.
I always thought the came from Pa.I believed I saved the link about their association but I cant find it. They must be the Moons your talking about. If your poking around in the area maybe you can find it.

Private User Thank you so much for that link!

Yes there were PA Moons and also Virginia Moons. My time on Geni is a lot less now but I plan on doing what I did with the Williams with the Johns

Since doing this William Moon project, it has come to my attention that I may actually have a Moon as my 4th ggm. But I started my Moon project from Virginia link and she would be actually PA maybe.... its really confusing and obvious that generations have been very confused about VA or PA with my Hill line. My Great Uncle Vern was adament to think VA, but as I get a bigger picture, VA and PA seem linked to me. Might take me another year of what I do to get more of an idea of these migration patterns of family. Unfortunately I will definitely be slower than I was for the summer. But can't wait to work on it full speed again

So yeah very interesting to me... One of my 3rd greatgrandfathers Hill ... one of his children had born in VA and another had born in PA and it seems like that with all the records, like even the earliest of generations were confused if he came from PA or VA..... then I realize yesterday his mother might have been named Anna Hill (Moon)

So if you see any Anna Hill (Moon) married to a George Hill... please send my way.

On another attach angle, I have located definitey also in teh last 24 hrs a Hill line that is definitely related to my Hill line in some fashion as they are blood related to Robert E Lee and that is a note left by a relative of mine that my 3rd ggf was cousins with Robert E Lee though I have not been able at all to find that connection that fits... and this Hill line went all the way from VA and PA through TN to Oregon to CA and Isaac Hill went all the way back home!!! when people say they didn't travel much, I think it is heavily in the personality. My blood has been traveling for thousands of years like mad. Its mind blowing

Im in the line of the Pa Moons

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