bonnie Hodges I see that there is a DNA kit attached to this person born in the 1600s. Whose DNA kit is that?
bonnie Hodges I see that there is a DNA kit attached to this person born in the 1600s. Whose DNA kit is that?
Interesting. I am a member of the Descendants of the Mayflower, and George Soule is my ancestor. I was vetted pretty rigorously to be accepted. My DNA is with Gedmatch so I should share DNA with this person. I wonder if I should attach my DNA. First I would have to figure out how to. It is a pretty ancient ancestor so I could be a 7th or 8th cousin and may not show anything.
Any recommendations, feel free to share.
Tom DelGiorno
John Dale Kessel actually, that profile bonnie Hodges, is the mgr of a private profile back in the 1600s that needs to be merged.
Thomas Michael DelGiorno go ahead and upload your DNA and see if there is a conflict. GENI takes it about 10 generations back, but it is applied based on the tree ... and that may or may not be correct. When you see 2 conflicted Y DNA,, you know one is wrong,, since Y is male line direct. So someone has a wrong person connected to the tree.
Group Soule,George2 I-YSC0000261 (I-M253)
GEORGE SOULE b. England before 1600; d. Duxbury
George Soule, "Mayflower" Passenger is bonnie Hodges' 8th great grandfather!
However, there is not a male line, so she would not be managing the kit for a nearly related male Soule relative, I don’t think.
I seem to have an option to remove the erroneous DNA Markers: R-M269 from the George Soule profile, and since Bonnie doesn’t know how it got linked to his profile, I’m going ahead with that.