Lydia's birth date is before that of either of her parents in this profile so either the birth date is incorrect of she is attached to the wrong set of parents. There is a Lydia Weller attached to the FamilySearch tree. However, her birth is estimated as: about 1814, Fort Ann, Washington, New York, United States since no information is available for her. In addition, Lydia was not mentioned in her father's will at all, which makes me think that Lydia Weller may have died in her Youth and then somehow this Lydia was merged into her profile. There is another Lydia Weller (Willard) who married a Charles Tripp Sr. Her parents were Gad Weller (Willard & Margaret (unknown)) Could the this Lydia be their daughter? Nothing is yet know about Lydia, daughter of Ira & Sally Weller (Winegar).