I am pretty sure that the profile's unions array comes in the order specified in the profile's relationships tab (not necessarily the marriage date order).
Same for the union's children array, based on the children's birth order specified in each profile's basic tab (not necessarily the birth date order).
For estimated/range dates, look here.
Jan, as you say, I don't think the API is returning them in the explicit order you can input on the site. Peter, I don't think you can get them through *any* calls, because I'm not talking about birth or marriage dates, I'm talking about the order which may be input even if the dates are not.
Jan, I'm talking about Geni's estimated date ranges, not date ranges input by Geni users.
I have created an application that reads a tree from Geni and creates an ancestor book, han here I am using an undocumented property for marriage order.
When requesting a profile the result will include a property "marriage_orders":
"id": "profile-55730533",
"name": "Frode Evensen",
"unions": [
"marriage_orders": {
"6000000024400398314": 1
The ID(s) corresponds to the ID on one of the profile's unions.
This property is not mentioned at all in Geni's documentation (https://www.geni.com/platform/developer/help/api?path=profile), neither current or previous version, but I have used with success for at least 4 years now.
That was strange Michael Shalom Fagan, I am getting the field "marriage_orders" on all profiles.
Eg. when I open this profile of my great grandfather in the browser:
"relationship": "great grandfather",
"marriage_orders": {
"6000000007834349354": 0
"birth_order": 3,