UNRUOCH, son of --- (-13 Nov before 853). A list of Saxons in Westphalia dated Jan/Feb 802 records that "Adalgaudum filium Suigaut habuit Unrocus comis", presumably indicating that the last named had responsibility for the allegiance sworn to the emperor by the first-named[604]. "Comiti Hadalhardus, Fulradus, Unrocus seu Hrocculfus" are named as imperial missi in a document of Emperor Charlemagne dated 806[605]. Einhard names "Unruochus comes" as one of the 15 witnesses of the testament of Emperor Charlemagne dated 811[606]. Einhard's Annales record "Unrochus comes" as one of the signatories of peace with the Vikings in 811[607]. Comte en Ternois 839.
All the history books I've been reading lately have Unruoch/Unroch/Heinrich/Erich/Eric as equivalent names for the exact same person. I am convinced these two profiles are duplicates that should be merged.
Eric of Friuli, im Vinzgau(also%20Heirichus%20or%20Ehericus,job%20of%20subduing%20the%20Avars.