Unruoch II, marquis & duke of Friuli - Comte en Ternois

Started by Private User on Wednesday, April 14, 2021
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  • Private User
    Geni Pro
  • J P Weyers
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UNRUOCH, son of --- (-13 Nov before 853). A list of Saxons in Westphalia dated Jan/Feb 802 records that "Adalgaudum filium Suigaut habuit Unrocus comis", presumably indicating that the last named had responsibility for the allegiance sworn to the emperor by the first-named[604]. "Comiti Hadalhardus, Fulradus, Unrocus seu Hrocculfus" are named as imperial missi in a document of Emperor Charlemagne dated 806[605]. Einhard names "Unruochus comes" as one of the 15 witnesses of the testament of Emperor Charlemagne dated 811[606]. Einhard's Annales record "Unrochus comes" as one of the signatories of peace with the Vikings in 811[607]. Comte en Ternois 839.

All the history books I've been reading lately have Unruoch/Unroch/Heinrich/Erich/Eric as equivalent names for the exact same person. I am convinced these two profiles are duplicates that should be merged.

Eric of Friuli, im Vinzgau(also%20Heirichus%20or%20Ehericus,job%20of%20subduing%20the%20Avars.

They could also be father and son. But definitely namesakes and members of the same dynasty.

Unruoch II, marquis & duke of Friuli is your 33rd great grandfather.

Male names !! I am 3rd direct Joannes Phillippus Weyers , my father same and my grandfather same .
2 cousins born 1956 and 1957 Joannes Phillippus Weyers.
My father born 1930 Slovenia Joannes Phillippus Weyers his cousin born 1930 Joannes Phillippus Weyers .

my grandfather one 4 JP Weyers born 1899/1900
amongst my ancestors got 5 JP Weyers same Town , same church and same year baptism 1600's
6 Johan Lotz same year 1500' s
All relatives though

SO ?? who is who ?
Originaly solution more first names but also german zu , zum or von to denote the persons origin or Ffrench dit

My names Joannes Phillippus Josephus Petrus
My father Joannes Phillippus Jacobus Maria
My grandfather Joannes Phillippus Aemelius Franz

Very good point, Phillipp. But I have a feeling that with Medieval genealogy we ordinarily won't hear anything much about anybody who doesn't hold some high office (nobility, in other words). I doubt many of the individuals we read about in history books are anything other than nobility.

Even in early English history, we mostly only know the names of nobility and people who were very wealthy landowners, merchants, government officials, and that sort of thing. VIPs

By the way, while I'm here and on the subject more or less -- I found a really neat website for research that I'd like to share:







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