Betzalel Loew, [Maharal Gt.Grandfather] - Severing the Maharal's deep ancestry

Started by Randy Schoenberg on Wednesday, November 13, 2019
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11/13/2019 at 8:32 AM

I am proposing to sever the deep ancestry of the Maharal, which
appears to be invented and without any reasonable source. I am sure
people will be upset, but if you disagree, please follow the discussion
at and add some sources to the

To be clear, I am proposing to cut off the tree at the Maharal's maternal grandfather Chaim, Chaim of Issenheim, [Maharal Mat-Gd.father], severing him from below this profile for Bezalel, Betzalel ben Yehuda Loew, [Maharal Gt.Gd.father?].

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