Chaim Issenheimer - Maternal grandfather of the Maharal

Started by Randy Schoenberg on Friday, March 29, 2019
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Using modern scholarship, which has largely disproven a good deal of the earlier genealogies of the Maharal, we now have Chaim of Issenheim as the maternal grandfather of MaHaRaL of Prague - המהר״ל מפראג, rather than the paternal grandfather (who is a different Chaim).

See A. Putik and D. Polakovic (2009) 'Judah Loew ben Bezalel, Called Maharal * A study on his genealogy and biography', in P. Demetz (ed) Path of Life. Rabbi Judah Loew ben Bezalel ca. 1525*1609, Academia, Prague, pp29-83.

Now the task should be to review the sources for the ancestry of Chaim of Issenheim. Can we add some sources to the profiles? It seems a bit like someone just invented a line going back. Is there any truth to it?

Getting interesting. Thanks for working on his ancestry Randy Schoenberg.

My mother and I visited Issenheim in Aksace, France in 2012.
There is a really old small synagogue.
It seems to me that the Rabbi Chaim Issenheimer was perhaps born or worked there ?

Is it proven that the Rabbi Chaim Issenheimer was born in Prague ?
Where does the surname Issenheimer come from ?

Deleted the Prague references. I suspect we’re not going to find much. Probably the genealogy is invented.

I think it is time to sever his ancestry, the ben Bezalel etc. It looks all invented to me. Yigal Burstein is there any source for any of it? if not, let's cut it, and then if someone comes up with something we can always add to it.

To be clear, I am proposing to sever the Maharal's maternal grandfather Chaim from his father.

Chaim of Issenheim, [Maharal Mat-Gd.father]

Everyone wants to know who they are related to.....nobody wants Geni to show a relationship if it does not exist. but ......when you cut someone off you have a responsibility working and representing Geni to make sure it is 100% correct. Not I am not sure I do not know for sure so I will cut this off.....that mentality is not fair.
To be related to HOLY Rabbi's mean more to some then to others please be careful.

It is easy to add false relatives, much harder to prove they aren't correct. But if no one can find a source, that's a pretty good clue that there is none. MaHaRaL of Prague - המהר״ל מפראג

He appears in the genealogy of Queen Elizabeth Elizabeth somewhere.

If someone can explain why we dna match with all this lot through some common ancestors somewhere when we don't even know who the xxxx we are lol ?

I agree that on historically important lines, it is up to the original record creator, or one of the managers (in this instance there are dozens) , or the curator to produce a solid factual source foundation (or a reasonable hypothesis based on actual facts) if requested. Otherwise, what we have is a house of cards. If any person wants to continue to adhere to an unsubstantiated genealogy then that is their right, but for a public document such as this, individual emotional attachments to what may be a false narrative should not outweigh the interests of other researchers who may be denied a factually accurate connection.

Randy Schoenberg and Adam Cherson make a strong argument. It is self-evident that the world family tree must be based purely on the most up-to-date non-biased research.

Randy Schoenberg,

Go ahead and cut it.


Cut it if unproven (sourced).

*descendant of the MaHaRal and his elder brother Sinai:

13th great-gradfather:

13th great-gradfather:

How do we know that the Maharal's maternal grandfather was Haim of Issenheim?

Please I would like to know, if Chaim Issenheimer, was from Issenheim, a small town of about 3.500 inhabitants in Alsace, France.
I visited this town in 2012, and saw the very old synagogue from outside.
I was informed that still very few jews live in the town.
I was interested because genealogy.
Shalom to all
Simon Keller

Joseph Michael Notovitz and Private User, if you read Putik's 2009 article, pages 42-47, you see at the end, that he suggests a solution that the Maharal's mother is the brother of the Maharal's uncle Jacob of Worms, whose father was Hayyim of Issenheim.

I had read it, but I guess I didn't remember that section: starting at the end of page 46; thanks

Ok. I severed the apparently invented parents from Chaim of Issenheim, [Maharal Mat-Gd.father].

ok so when will i see the count down.......on my ancestors

Bravo and thank you for going after the truth.

Not sure if this helps at this point in the conversation, but here are some additional sources: in Jacobi Papers: I believe Chaim Issenheimer (JP, Vol. 2, p. 216, 18.3) is assigned Yakov (Issenheim ca 1450- ca 1565 Worms) as his father (Ibid. p. 216, 18.2). Then I believe Jacobi conjectures that Yakov also has a daughter (name unknown) who marries Yitzach Klauber (Ibid. p. 216, 18.1). This would establish an in-law connection between Yitzach Klauber and the Maharal of Prague, whereby the Maharal's maternal grandfather, Chaim Issenheimer, via the latter's sister, is the brother-in-law of Yitzach Klauber.

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