Hugh le Bigod, 1st Earl of Norfolk - So he had his first son at age 50???

Started by KHardesty on Sunday, March 3, 2019
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That doesn't seem right. I see these dates repeated, but without sources. It seems very unlikely that a man from any period would have his first son at age 50; then dissolve the marriage, marry again, and have more sons. I know he can, but it seems odd. Thoughts?

The dates for the births of the children are, not unusually, approximations:

The date of Hugh’s birth is likewise an approximation.

But his is based on the fact that his father’s first wife must have been dead before he married again, to Hugh’s mother.

His children’s, as far as I can tell, are based on the dates of his own two marriages, and events in their lives.

The dates in Geni are about the same as the ones in Wikipedia; they are commonly used.

I see...but I still think it's odd; I saw one site that suggested we are all missing a complete person - which would make sense, and would make the children coming around age 20 - 25 instead of 54. Thank you for responding. It still seems thought provoking to me.

No, we aren’t missing anybody, according to the data. Did you try the MedLands link?

I just saw the link again. Wow. That's a lot of info! thank you.

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