Michael Berolzheimer wrote that Samuel's first wife (name unknown) was the mother of almost all of his children. See http://www.archive.org/stream/michaelberolzheimer_01_reel01#page/n6...
Should we correct the tree?
I have the following on my tree:
1) First wife Oppenheimer ( unnamed )
Gender: Female
Birth: estimated between 1600 and 1660
Death: before March 11, 1673
Immediate Family:
Wife of Samuel Wolf Oppenheimer
Mother of Moses Daniel Oppenheimer; Mendel Menachem Emanuel Oppenheimer; Simon Wolf Oppenheimer; Frumet Guggenheim and Lea Drachen
Added by: Randy Schoenberg on yesterday
Managed by: Randy Schoenberg
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Sandela Sentille Gentille Oppenheimer (Carcassonne) MP
Gender: Female
Birth: February 18, 1640
Mannheim, Germany
Death: January 16, 1705 (64)
Vienna, Austria
Place of Burial: Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Immediate Family:
Daughter of Emanuel Manoach Carcassone and Rosa de Monte
Wife of Samuel Wolf Oppenheimer and Abaham Astruc
Mother of Nathan Oppenheimer; Schoendle Deutz; Jehuda Loew (Wolf) Oppenheimer; Abraham Oppenheimer; Samuel Astruc and 2 others
Added by: Rahel Jarach-Sztern on June 23, 2008
Managed by: Randy Schoenberg and 8 others
Curated by: Ofir Friedman
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@Samuel Wolf Oppenheimer
Samuel's first wife apparently died in 1673 and Sandela's first husband Abraham Astruc died in 1668; Frumet Guggenheim was Samuel's youngest daughter, so she and her older sisters must all have been the children of Samuel's first wife; of Sandela's three Oppenheimer sons, were Nathan (b.1671) and Abraham (b.1672) born to Sandela before Samuel's first wife died? Regards, Jeremy Nathan