Elizabeth Camp (Smith), of Norwalk - Elizabeth Whitney (Smith) or Elizabeth Camp (Smith) ?

Started by Reverand Carla Jean Teczon on Thursday, April 6, 2017
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I'm at a stumper. I've looked up the parents for both Elizabeths. It seems they are not the same person, but likely two different Women. Looking up the parents, Richard Smith and Bathsheba Smith (Rogers) , I have found a variety of children, some with Elizabeth marrying William Camp and some with Elizabeth marrying John Whitney. Anyone else trying to solve this mystery or know if they are the same person?

Thanks for all the help Everyone! Peace and Love! :)

You're on a difficult one, you know how to pick them. :)

The best documentation so far is in the John Whitney Sr. profile, which quotes:

"He settled with his father in Norwalk; followed his business of millwright and miller and succeeded him in the possession of the mill and homestead. It was there John married, 17 March 1674-5, Elizabeth Smith, daughter of Richard Smith."

Which Richard Smith! There was more than one!!

I'd suggest starting with finding more citations about the spouses in question, not only John Whitney, but also William Camp

And then evaluating whether this Elizabeth was married to both men.

I will look also and post here.

http://www.werelate.org/wiki/Person:Elizabeth_Smith_%2856%29 quoting Savage does not have parents for the Elizabeth Smith who married William Camp.

http://wiki.whitneygen.org/wrg/index.php/Family:Whitney,_John_(b164... had the Elizabeth Smith who married John Whitney as daughter of Richard Smith, no further information.

http://www.werelate.org/wiki/Person:Bathsheba_Rogers_(1)_ is an interesting read (I'm thinking that a mother might name her daughter in a will).

http://www.werelate.org/wiki/Person:Richard_Smith_%2814%29 has her 1st husband Richard Smith born 1640ish, not 1623.

"From Savage's Genealogical Dictionary

aft[er]. fluctuat[ing]. long, my friend, Sylvester Judd, concluded, that the Richard Smiths are more confus[ing]. than the John S[miths]."

In other words, Savage was flummoxed.

Helpful! (not)

OMG, yes! It's very confusing info out there. And someone pointed out that the Elizabeth Whitney (Smith) Birthdate would make the Mom Bathsheba too young to be her mom.

Thank you Erica! I found the findagrave.com page for Bathsheba -
https://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=148420134 . And this Richard Smith - https://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=34759871 , Bathsheba's husband, who lists his daughter Elizabeth as Elizabeth Whitney (Smith) , The comment on her grave listing is "She was the daughter of RICHARD SMITH of Norwalk. "John Whitney tooke to wiffe Elissabeth Smith , the daughter of Richard Smith , and was married the 17th of March, Anno 1674/75." (Norwalk Town Records) "

So now what we want to find are a list of the Richard Smith's of Norwalk CT (and vicinity). The Great Migration Project by Anderson (AmericanAncestors.org and Ancestry.com) would be the best source, but those take subscriptions.

You can look in the free (google, archive.org, etc) books for Savage, and there should be a TAG article or three (The American Genealogist). As said, the trick is to look for husband's as well as (the very too many) Richard Smith's.

Bathsheba is the wrong age to be mother of either of the Elizabeth's, correct?

Then there is this on Whitney, which looks like it backs the Elizabeth Whitney (Smith) info.

It looks that way, being too young. Thanks Erica, I'll do a search :)

Ah, okay, I now found that richard smith was married once before and did have two daughters named Elizabeth. One was born 1655, to Sarah Folger, whom he married in Queens , New York. So Bathsheba would of been her stepmom. This makes more sense.

I'm going to cross check a few more spots before I decide this is finalized. Thanks again Erica! you're great! :)

Wow, okay, turns out there were three Richard Smiths, One was Richard "Bull" Smith - born 1613 in England , the founder of Smith town who had a daughter named Elizabeth whom he named Elizabeth town for. Another was a wanderer that arrived on the same ship as the prior, about 28 years old when he arrived. Then the husband of Bathsheba Rogers, the Miller. On the findagrave sites, it has the Elizabeth Smith born in 1655 as the one that married John Whitney, Sr . This is also mentioned on several Whitney family sites. ............Now, another new discrepancy ...................... I run across a google book "History of New London, Connecticut: From the First Survey of the Coast in 1612-1860" And this one mentions the Elizabeth Smith that married William Camp. Again it's looking like two different women, one set of parents.

You can eliminate Richard "Bull" Smith's daughter, she was married (too many times) to quite prominent people:

Elizabeth Townley

Is the "History of New London" the Eliza Caulkins book? Do you have a link? If so, it's quite good, she was thought highly of.

FindAGrave is going to be the least reliable unless they are showing an actual tombstone and / or citing their sources.

I think we're missing a Richard Smith. We have Richard Smith "the miller" as a probable father of at least one of them. Which is the one who married Bathsheba? Sounds also like we need to give him a 1st wife / mother of children, correct?

Yes, that is the book, "History of New London."

That makes sense with findagrave.

The search goes on :)

I'm hunting too! Lol

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