Aase Salmundsdotter, Selvik - Fire ektefeller?

Started by Harald Tveit Alvestrand on Thursday, January 19, 2017
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1/19/2017 at 3:18 AM

Jeg kom over denne i en tilfeldig kobling i dag.

Det høres umiddelbart ut som om damen må ha hatt en dramatisk historie - fire ektemenn og døde i et kloster 1396.
Men ingen kilder å se.

Noen som vet noe om hvor hennes liv og skjebne er beskrevet (om noe sted)?

1/19/2017 at 3:19 AM

Rettelse - tre ektefeller. Det var et komma i det ene navnet.

1/20/2017 at 8:47 AM

This one is confusing: She was born 1318 and died 1396 (assumed) and was the mother of three children, mother in law to Peder Nilsson Skanke...or so they say,
Her three husbands: Rane Eyvindssen (father of the three children) b1310 d 1360
The daughter who married to the Skanke is Elin Ranesdotter b 1340- d1430

Other supposed husbands:
Jon Halvardsson b1320-d1350 on some ancestry info was married to NN Kur.
Ormstein Torkjelsson (?b 1288??? d 1350?

Were all the children fathered by Eyvindsson raised by others after a divorce?

1/20/2017 at 1:52 PM

It's entirely possible the extra husbands resulted from a bad merge. The merges on the profile are far enough back that we can't inspect them.
Sources would be great.

1/20/2017 at 5:12 PM

We show our lineage thru her at Skanke.

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