Hey everyone, I have searched and uploaded two significant photos that are phenotype matches; to our great-grandmother on our mother's side and our great grandfather on our father side. Please take a look and leave your comments, discussions or any of your related ancestral searches on the board..Thanks
Hey Jo, this photo of Minela is just a Likeness. You can invite the heads of Ma's family to join Geni. I'm quite sure they can come up with a sketch or a proper likeness, since there are no photos. Memory is a good thing to have although not entirely accurate. I believe she is the combination of aunty Alma, Yvonne and aunt Janet's; with this woman's coloring and hair. I have searched and sent for birth, baptismal and death records in Dominica and Trinidad, but I was not able gather any records. However, I have been searching the archives here in London; since we were a Colony under the British Empire. We are also still under the Monarchy as a Commonwealth Country. I can vote and have since voted twice, I can also sit for government, as I am a Commonwealth Citizen. England kept the best of records since 10th Century B.C. Even slave records, which I also have found for many of our ancestors. Science is the best option. I've used myself as a (guinea pig), waiting for MtDna. I already received my Y-Dna Paternal and my Autosomal test. I will definitely keep on digging..Marl
I will definitely invite everyone to join the family tree, lol, this is what it's all about right, judging from the fact that we were once ruled by the British I think it's appropriate that we should still be in their archives, you never know how much you could dig up. That's what I love about you bro "mr Guinea pig" you would definitely get it done ✌🏾️✌🏾