Col. Edmund Scarborough, Col. - Another fine SNAFU we have here!

Started by Private User on Friday, February 27, 2015
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Private User
2/27/2015 at 10:05 PM

Let's start with his so-called "great-grandparents". They were the REAL Col. Edmund Scarburgh's GRANDparents - he was the grandson of Henry SR. and Elizabeth (probably Shaw rather than "Sham", an easy typo to make).

The Henry Scarburgh who married Mary Humberstone was his UNCLE, not his grandfather.

In spite of the ubiquitous myth that his mother was a "Butler", there is hard documentary evidence in the form of wills from various relatives that she was born a Smith.


Col. Edmund Scarburgh married *once* and *once only*, a woman named Mary. She was *probably* born a Harmer and the widow of a Cade, although the reverse is also possible. NO CHARLETONS, LITTLETONS, OR POTTS!!!!!

Col. Edmund Scarburgh had *one* known mistress, a woman named Ann Taft or Toft, who bore him three daughters: Arcadia, Atalanta, and Annnabella - but NO SONS.

Col. Edmund Scarburgh had NO SON WILLIAM. His sons were *Col.* Charles Scarburgh (NOT the same Charles Scarburgh who married Anne and Katherine West), Littleton Scarburgh (godson of Ann (Southy) Littleton, died young, unmarried and without issue), and Col. Edmund Scarburgh III (who is often and carelessly muddled up with his father, and both of them with *Capt.* Edmund Scarburgh (the first Col.'s father).

There WERE Scarburghs around who were not in the direct line of descent - the aforementioned Charles Scarburgh (b. c. 1625), for instance. Some of them were probably cousins of one degree or another. Some might be *very* distant relatives from the lines that stayed put in Yorkshire or had moved to various other parts of England. And some might not be related at all (*anyone* from Scarborough, Yorkshire, could call themselves "Scarburgh" or any variant thereof).

Ann "Charlton" was not born with that name, and was NEVER known as "Mary". We DON'T KNOW what her birth name was. She married three times: 1) Anthony Huffe, 2) Anthony West, 3) Capt. Stephen Charlton - HE WAS NOT HER FATHER, HE WAS HER THIRD HUSBAND!!!!!

*She* never married any Scarburgh, but two of her children did. Her daughter Katherine West married 1) Ralph Barlow, 2) the Charles Scarburgh who was *not* a son of Col. Edmund, and 3) Major Edmund Bowman. And her son Lt. Col. John West married Matilda Scarburgh, who *was* a daughter of Col. Edmund.

Katherine West and Charles Scarburgh had a son Henry, who referenced his MATERNAL grandmother Ann by-then-Charlton - his MOTHER'S mother - in his will.

Mary (NOT THE SAME PERSON AS ANN CHARLTON) Scarburgh, widow of Col. Edmund, lived out her last years at the house of her grandson Anthony West - son of Matilda Scarburgh West.

It is ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE that Ann "Charlton" and Mary Cade/Harmer could be the same person, because THAT WOULD MAKE JOHN WEST AND MATILDA SCARBURGH HALF-SIBLINGS, AND THAT WAS *ILLEGAL*!!!!!

Private User
2/27/2015 at 10:13 PM

Apparently we have another case of Vandalism to bolster a BOGUS theory that William Scarborough, the Baconian rebel, was a son of Col. Edmund Scarburgh - WHICH HE WAS NOT!!!!!!!!!

I wonder who this profile started out as, before he was mashed and smashed and Vandalized into a BOGUS "Col. Edmund Scarburgh".

And I wonder when Geni will start taking punitive action against persistent and repeated Vandalizers.

Private User
2/27/2015 at 10:17 PM

If it sounds as though I am BLOODY FURIOUS - you had better believe that I am!!!

2/27/2015 at 10:33 PM

You will work it out Maven :-)

Private User
2/27/2015 at 10:39 PM

If I have to pester Customer Service until THEY do something about it, I *WILL*.

That is not even the correct profile for Col. Edmund Scarburgh - THIS one is: Col. Edmund Scarburgh, Jr.

I sweated blood and wept many tears to get that one correctly parented, wived, offspringed and related - and now various people have been screwing everything up again and proliferating MORE fake profiles.

Private User
2/27/2015 at 10:41 PM

Private User: I am calling you out for ROBBING the Colonel of a daughter. Matilda Scarburgh West (aka Matilda [13] Scarburgh (Quaker)1,2
F, b. 1645, d. 3 January 1721) *IS* the Colonel's daughter and YOU HAD BETTER PUT HER BACK!!!!

Private User
2/27/2015 at 10:46 PM

At this point, once this tree is FINALLY gotten back into correct form, I'm afraid Ofir Friedman's tactic of Deathlocking the profiles the way he does major Royals will be required.

*Once they are correct again*, they will need to be locked against ANY modification WHATSOEVER - no moves, no Merges, no adds, no *nothing*.

I *hate* asking for this, but it is apparently *necessary* as long as crackpots and Vandals are running amok.

Private User
2/27/2015 at 11:03 PM

Retrieved Matilda myself.

2/27/2015 at 11:04 PM

HUGS AND KISSES FOR YOUR PASSION. (((((((((((((((((((((((MAVIN)))))))))))))))))))))))))))) thats hugs with you in the Middle. Good Night Fair Lady.

Private User
2/28/2015 at 5:39 AM

What talking about taken her I didn't

Private User
2/28/2015 at 9:03 AM

If Standingbear Jackson didn't move Matilda, someone has figured out how to spoof users' names. And THAT is infinitely more dangerous.

Private User
2/28/2015 at 9:35 AM

Ty for sayings that they so confussing

Private User
2/28/2015 at 10:50 AM

This situation is downright *scary*, and has the potential to completely *obliterate* any reputation Geni might have, or might want to develop, as a serious genealogical research site. I am putting the matter to Customer Service on exactly that basis.

2/28/2015 at 2:15 PM

Mike Stangel Randy Stebbing can you privately look into this with customer service thanx. Private User i agree this is a problem but so is false accusations and calling people out.. I know your upset and i am too but some times a private message works better ok?

Private User
2/28/2015 at 2:53 PM

Standingbear Jackson says he did not do any of this:


Matilda West (Scarborough)'s parents were changed to Edmund Scarburgh the Younger and Anna Maria Jones by Standingbear Jackson.
Feb 13 at 10:42 AM

Matilda West (Scarborough)'s parents were changed to Col. Edmund Scarborough (III) and Ursula Scarburgh (Whittington) by Standingbear Jackson.
Feb 13 at 10:40 AM

Matilda West (Scarborough)'s parents were changed to Edmund Scarburgh the Younger and NN Scarburgh (nn) by Standingbear Jackson.
Feb 13 at 10:19 AM

Matilda West (Scarborough)'s parents were changed to Col. Edmund Scarborough (III) and Ursula Scarburgh (Whittington) by Standingbear Jackson.
Feb 13 at 10:19 AM

Matilda West (Scarborough)'s parents were changed to Edmund Scarburgh the Younger and Susanna Upshur by Standingbear Jackson.
Feb 13 at 10:16 AM

Matilda West (Scarborough)'s parents were changed to Col. Edmund Scarborough (III) and Elizabeth Scarburgh (Mitchell) by Standingbear Jackson.
Feb 13 at 10:15 AM


So who, or what, is making trouble?

2/28/2015 at 2:57 PM

geni is like the republican or democratic party i don't know which one to trust or which one is worse!

Private User
3/1/2015 at 5:37 AM

I am tried being blame for crap thinking about chance my site privacy to privite

Private User
3/1/2015 at 9:59 AM

We need to find out what's going on. If someone or something is spoofing users' names, this is *serious business* - a violation of trust, at least, if not outright illegal.

Private User
3/1/2015 at 11:13 AM

It's not me I been trying find out too someone been taken my info off too

3/1/2015 at 11:39 AM

I don't know enough about who is to blame here,, but i agree this is serious.. By the way how does one change to site privacy private? I've got More then a few reasons to do so now thanks to what you've found Private User

Private User
3/1/2015 at 12:01 PM

What, Standingbear, someone's been sabotaging YOUR tree as well? Oh dear....

Standingbear, Michael, about the only way to work "privately" from this site is to download your tree as a GEDCOM (they have that option under "Family / Share Your Tree") and work on it offline. There are three disadvantages:

1. You lose the ability to collaborate with other Geni users, *most* of whom are honest and well-meaning (if sometimes under-informed).

2. You will not be able to re-upload your GEDCOM and would have to enter any new information on Geni manually, profile by profile.

3. The amount of information that Geni allows you to download has been sharply reduced, so you may have to do a lot of re-entry on your computer.

It may be worth the hassle to have a "backup" version of your family history that no one else can mess around with. But if your hard drive dies... (Back up the backups!)

Private User
3/1/2015 at 12:06 PM

Well now, this is interesting....

Standingbear Jackson is my 8th cousin twice removed on my father's father's mother's side...but I think we're also related on my father's mother's father's side, although I'm not sure of the details.

3/1/2015 at 12:14 PM

George carlin one of my favorites had a good quote about why you can't have the ten commandments in a courtroom... "The real reason that we can’t have the Ten Commandments in a courthouse: You cannot post "Thou shalt not steal", "Thou shalt not commit adultery", and "Thou shalt not lie" in a building full of lawyers, judges, and politicians. It creates a hostile work environment." Lets expand on that and say the real reason we can't have the ten commandments on geni is much the same way because you can't post thou shelt not steal one's work thou shelt not lie thou shelt not commit a sin by screwing over others work in a building full of lawyers enginners and genologigts as it creates much the same hostile work envrimoment...

3/1/2015 at 12:19 PM

Private User I allready have my own private tree anyway.. I Disagree with you about users on here.. Yes there are a few curators i trust if they are some what hostile in their ways but the majority i don't I know cause it's all too easy to abuse power...

Private User
3/1/2015 at 12:48 PM

Perhaps u right

Private User
3/1/2015 at 2:11 PM

Thats so cool thanks for fixing my pics

3/2/2015 at 8:27 AM

I was tagged in a request for help on these profiles but I don't have any connection with this group of families, nor am I a contributor or editor as far as I can tell on these family lines. As much as I'd like to help I should leave it to others who have more direct knowledge.

--Randy Stebbing

Private User
3/2/2015 at 12:23 PM

Randy Stebbing, unfortunately it's worse than just "mistakes". Somebody - and a lot of us know who - is deliberately falsifying information, including information on and connections of and to other people's profiles.

This person has been repeatedly told that his data are incorrect, and provided with correct, properly sourced information. He blows off any attempt to reason with him, and insists that his and ONLY his information is "right" and everyone else's is "wrong". This is 180 degrees away from the (usually) easily ascertainable facts.

(For the record, no I am NOT talking about Standingbear Jackson, who has merely been caught in the crossfire.)

Private User
3/2/2015 at 2:06 PM

Marven and other I stoped working on that line I am working
on my native American lines now if anyone can help it be great

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