Both & suggest that Cornelis "Kees de Boer" Claesz, SV/PROG 1 is Adriaantje's step father, & her biological father is unknown. Both sources reference each other so it is a bit solipsistic to assume they're confirming each other - but unless someone has sources to disprove this, I think it's fair enough to remove her from being Cornelis' daughter.
"She was identified as the voordogter of Catharina, the wife
of Cornelis Claasz (Kees de Boer) by Mansell Upham in his
excellent article, The Soetkoek Syndrome, based on the
evidence of her marriage entry in the Cape Town register.
(Mansell Upham, The soetkoek syndrome, in Capensis 2/2001,
pages 27-30)."