Christopher Haden-Guest, 5th Baron Haden-Guest - Geneaology and HBO's Family Tree...

Started by Alfred "Ed Moch" Cota on Tuesday, August 19, 2014
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8/19/2014 at 7:04 AM

Many of us who were able to see last year's "HBO's Family Tree", would get a chuckle or two on this Comedy Mockumentary of how one finds his family tree.
Conceived and created by Actor-Director, Christopher Guest, the show explores the passion and pun of discovering family and family members that you knew or didn't know?
If this seem to have an echo of another show called "Who do you think you are"... A part of "HBO's Family Tree", was two fold...

Interested in all things Genealogy... Christopher Guest's character is sort of an emulation of 'Tis Himself'. If you were to look deeper onto Guest's own Family Tree, I think you would be in for a treat. For a start... If you thought of "Show Business" as being a one big common ancestor... you're on the right track. For the levity of it, almost everyone in The World of "Show Business" are related and if you happen to find at least one individual in your own family tree connected to 'The Biz', but sometimes "Stage Names" can be both a clue or a diversion all at the same time... then it is very possible that you will find other known and unknown family too? In the case of Christopher Guest family connection to Royality, it's another almost no brainer, like "The Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, where he is almost related to everyone, both associatively and/or biologically.

So going into the psyche of "HBO's Family Tree", Guest's inside family jokes are also sort of his own and are put on display, providing if you know the common ancestor of your own minds eye, then the show. How many of the people, Christopher Guest is related in the show, is a hoot unto himself and others. and sometimes what you wish for might come true and be more than you actually planned.

Edward Moch (aka: Alfred Cota)

8/19/2014 at 7:11 AM

On the side... Like "Cousiin Chistopher", my interest in geanology goes back even before my plunge into Show Business year before and to be involved in HBO's Family Tree, Episode Six "Civil War", as a partici[ant with My other Show Biz Cousins... was one of those act of love moments where life was imitating art and the other way around.

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