William James Bartlett - Before I agree to merge William BARTLETTs

Started by Jim Bartlett on Wednesday, April 2, 2014
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These two families are the same and should be merged, but I have concerns about what the merged file would look like:
1. I have never seen any record for a middle name (James) for William BARTLETT (he did have a brother James, but middle names were very uncommon for men born in mid 1700s)
2. His father Thomas BARTLETT did NOT marry Anne SETTLE; Thomas had a brother John who married Anne SETTLE and had a daughter Phoebe - I can provide a full Article that proves John BARTLEY (nee BARTLETT) of Culpeper Co, VA was the one who married Anne SETTLE. We don't know the maiden name of Thomas BARTLETT's first wife, Anne - and we need to continue to look for her correct ancestry..
3. I also have the transcript of a bible with the names and birth dates of the twelve children born to Thomas and Anne (will email copy to anyone), These pretty much agree with my research over the past 40 years on this line.

I'd like to get the Geni Tree correct - what's the best way to do this?
Jim Bartlett jim4bartletts@verizon.net

I don't think you should merge the two trees until all these corrections are made. You have the best/ most complete info and sources, so a merge would only cause problems for you. I just started my tree last year and have been learning as i go, so I merged with several other trees on Geni and Ancestry, Now I regret some of those merges because I have to correct and delete so much bad information! I can edit as much as I have access to, but many profiles are private or locked. I'll correct as much as I can.

Thanks so much for your help,

Joan Frum joaniep13@aol.com

It's a pleasure to see this kind of work.

May I suggest working with curators and the tools we have available to help correct the line and keep it correct?

I've started by making William Bartlett into a Master Profile, this is a "merge guide" and since it's a central relationship in the family group, starting with this sourced profile should give a handle to clarify & clean up "nearby" profiles.

For example, his father Thomas is showing three parents. :(

Once the data conflicts are resolved, the main fields such as name, birth & death date can be "locked" to further changes; subsequent merges will resolve automatically to the locked values / sourced values.

And a "note" can be floated on top as a warning & guide: "NOT Anne Settle" is a great example for a curator note. I tend to put in quick relationships also (son of x, married y).

Just post back the link to any profiles ready to MP to this discussion & I'll catch it, if you like. And we have a general discussion here:

for curators: my profile is good enough to be a Master Profile!

I have researched this line since 1974, and have pages of records for William, his father, Thomas c1732-1806, and his grandfather, Thomas c1703-1783 of Richmond Co, VA. I started the BARTLETT DNA Project in 2002 (we have over 300 participants now). We have matching Y-DNA from descendants of 4 of the 5 sons in Thomas 1705's Will, and it is significantly different from the BARTLETTs across the river in Essex and Spotsylvania Co, VA (10,000 years apart). I have considerable research on all of Thomas 1705's children and grandchildren, and much more on Thomas c1732 and William 1756. I'd like the Geni Tree to show the correct, full Tree for this BARTLETT line. Should I be a curator? Could I send detailed info to someone else, more familiar with Geni, to manage and curate. Actually I'd prefer the latter, but with the ability to tweak the Tree from time to time (I am still actively researching (I spent the entire first day of retirement in 2012 in the Richmond Co, VA courthouse in Warsaw finding new records. And so far we have 23 descendants who have taken the autosomal DNA test and match each other.)
Jim Bartlett jim4bartletts@verizon.net

Wow! That's impressive. I'm anxious to see all of that info on the Geni tree eventually. William Bartlett is my 5th great grandfather, but I never knew about any Bartletts until last year when my father died. I am particularly interested in Isis Bartlett (my great grandmother) and her father James Wesley Bartlett, who both lived in Grafton, Taylor County, WV. Good luck with your research. It sure consumes a lot of time, but it's all fascinating.

I agree with Erica. When there is a very well researched and documented line like this, it's best to have a curator make Master Profiles and use field locking once the data fields are correct. It is great to see such knowledge and detail. I have ancestors from Augusta / Rockbridge / Botetourt and I know it's very hard to find records. We made a trip hoping to find the graves of our gggg grandparents near Natural Bridge recently, no luck. And the historical society had nothing earlier than the early 1800s whereas our ancestors left Virginia and went up to Ohio after in the early 1800s.

I think there is something amiss in this tree since my early Roxbury ancestors suddenly appear in the family tree of this Virginia family. Erica Howton notice as you follow the relationship from William Bartlett to me, that a Griggs female from Roxbury is attached as one of the wives of a VA man. Very unlikely. Probably one of those bad merges.


Hatte can you post the link for where exactly it is? Do you mean Ann Latimer

OK Ann Griggs is fixed.

Just post profile links of anyone who needs to be moved around etc - happy to help, but can't do without a link. I make profiles MP as relationships are corrected & sourced.

Jim Bartlett & Joan Elizabeth Marshall we can use citations to published sources / other sites until we can get the original documentation loaded. Let's get the tree correct!

I'm in there on the Lawson's (maybe).

Here's another one in the Virginia tree that's suspicious (my new path to William Bartlett, now that Erica cut the incorrect path). Her mother is connected with old New England and she's connected with the Virginia settlement.

Mary Mann

This is the path I found her on: http://www.geni.com/path/Hatte+Anne+Blejer+is+related+to+William+Ba...

The suspicious part is the mother lived and died in England (although it says in the About Me that she and her husband were early settlers of Rhode Island!!) and the daughter Mary Ann Hampton was born in Virginia :)

@ Hatte Anne Blejer Per my records, Mary "Molly" HATHAWAY b 1768 m 1787 Joseph HAMPTON was sister of Sarah HATHAWAY b 1759 m William BARTLETT - there are 15 children born to John HATHAWAY and Sarah Lawson TIMBERLAKE

Jim Bartlett - thank you for the information. Do you have a source or is this family information?

@ Hatte Anne Blejer I believe it is a bible record in Hathaways in America book - I transcribed it many years ago - it has birth dates for 14 children, and a note about an Elizabeth who died young c1760; and a second Elizabeth b 25 Jan 1762 (I'm suspicious about Elizabeth I, so there may only be 14 ch)

Pam Wilson (on hiatus) is one of the managers. I see 12 children.

Hatte it is possible I'm part of this Hathaway / Lawson / Timberberlake line - in any event I know the tree area and it was well documented on some profiles, maybe not just not yet dispersed to all the tree?

So specifically the question is?

I was just posting the profiles that Jim Bartlett nicely provided information for above.

It looks like the children do not match the 14 or 15 that he has in the bible record -- at least Elizabeth is missing. Take a look at Sarah Lawson Hathaway's children.

# Richd Nutt Virginia, Marriages, 1785-1940 Marriage: Nov 25 1788 - Fauquier County, Virginia Wife: Eliza Hathaway

Elizabeth T Nutt

I would raise a private message to the profile manager. It looks OK to me.

"and a second Elizabeth b 25 Jan 1762" from Jim (above).

So what you're seeing is an incomplete child list in the overview. I will add to the profiles.

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