Private, Non-MPed Profiles

Started by Private User on Tuesday, April 2, 2013
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I want to keep a list of profiles that have been featured but are now private and within family group restrictions, so we can have them ready to edit in the future if we're able to. I'll post them here as I come across them.

Lamar Odom
Brendon Urie
Warren Buffett
Anderson Cooper
Kiefer Sutherland
Berry Gordy, Jr.
Matthew Chandler Fox

To be continued...

Pleas do not tag the profiles to a discussion like this since it will show up in the discussion tab of the profile.

As of this writing, these are done (non-tagged!)
Vanessa Chantal Depp (Paradis)
Morgan Freeman
Matthew Chandler Fox
Lamar Joseph Odom, Sr.

(requests submitted on the others)

The only 3 *NOT* MP'd yet (no response yet to request) are:
Nicky Hilton
Adam West
Berry Gordy, Jr.

Comment: Looked at the top one, Lamar -- see in the About:
"Odom recently married reality personality and socialite Khloe Kardashian." -- twenty years from now, that "recently" may be a bit anachronistic.

Think when making comments such as "recently" in About section, also need aside giving current date, or "recently as of [[date]]".

Good point Lois. I MPed it so i'll change it.

Bjørn, I genuinely don't see the issue. Their profiles were being discussed; therefore, it shows up in the Discussions tab.

Dan, you are awesome -- thank you! I know that the Lamar Odom one has been bothering users for a while now, so they'll be happy to have it back.

... and now only two are still pending: Nicky & Adam.

re: discussion tagging

I understand Bjørn's point.

This discussion shows up associated with a living person's profile ... and this discussion is really about an 'internal Genie issue' which is now pretty obsolete, not really relevant to that actual person. I intended, Ashley, to ask you to delete those 'tagging' messages after all profiles in each specific note were MP'd so this discussion *doesn't* show up on those profiles. I see it as a sort of a 'courtesy' thing ... (there are only two such 'notes' which are still relevant, by that way of thinking...)

I can agree with you about deleting it after, and I will gladly do that, but I'm not signing on for never having done it. I get what you're saying, but I'm just disagreeing.

I'm going to assume that since staff thanked me for doing it and asked me to keep going, it wasn't some massive violation, but I'll keep your preferences in mind in the future.

Thank you again for working on this. :) Good to have someone staying on top of it.

(P.S. Just deleted the ones other than the top and the two with the remaining profiles. May we all sleep better. :))

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