James Maybrick - james maybrick

Started by paul porter on Tuesday, March 19, 2013
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i believe that i am the gt gt grandson of james maybrick he had an affair with my gt nans mum


I believe that the mysterious man in this link--
--may be another son of James Maybrick.

William John Wilson was born in 1887 and changed his name to Arthur Sullivan when he married the goddaughter of the Earl of Carnarvon. He is the son of "Liverpool Mary Jane Kelly" whom I believe to be the real Mary Jane Kelly, last victim of Jack the Ripper.

I would be interested in conducting a DNA test to compare descendants of James Maybrick with those of John Wilson to determine any familial relationship. Thanks.

i know James had a son and daughter with his young wife thought his son died of poisoning im sure i have heard that James Maybrick was the farther to my gt nan and i heard she was 1 of the maybe 5-6 kids fathered to the mother of my gt Nan's mum so he may of fathered Moore children with other women

The DNA test turned up Morgenstern DNA in a cousin's pedigree. We now believe the father was not James Maybrick but Adrianus Morgenstern.

paul porter kindly consented to submit his dna for AncestryDNA to see if he came up as a cousin to Liverpool Mary Jane Kelly's great granddaughter. Results were negative.


We finally did get positive results on Ancestry.


Here's the negative result screenshot. No matches found between Pxxxx Pxxxx (guess who!) and the Mary Jane Kelly descendant user and family tree when searching for family pedigree name Brodie,


It only takes one result to prove a positive and more than one to prove a negative but there were two granddaughter descendants of Mary Jane Kelly so I accept the Maybrick negative result.

So who was the father of Mary Jane Kelly's son? http://xtremepsychology.proboards.com/thread/250/list-kellys-lovers...

P.S. This is the same familial DNA technique used to identify the Golden State Killer. In that case they used the genealogical site GEDmatch. We used AncestryDNA.

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