Dear participants,
I'd like to suggest a couple of things to make it easier both to find people, to add people, and to identify people:
1) Alphabetize the list of people
2) Indicate on a person's profile that (s)he is on a specific project or projects.
It is time-consuming to search through a list for one's relative and add the relative, only to be informed that the relative is already in the project.
Judith Berlowitz
The lack of alphabetic Geni-list is for all projects.
If one is looking through a name-list (everyone is named xx) it would be good to be able to organize in e.g. lifetime, year of death. And of course be able to easy see which projects a profile is connected to.
It migth be a solution if it is possible to connect from the Tree-level. (If there are several from one family that ought to be connected one has to leave the Tree to connect to the project and then try to remember who is connected or not),
No, sorry Judith, I'm not. I 'm not computer-educated at all. But I'm used to the wiki-tecnique were the administrators put an alphabeth at the top of the "kategory"-page and somehow the machines manage to put the persons in a alphabetic row. One only have to click the letter you like to examine and then you can search as in any wordbook. Every persons article on Wikipedia is cathegorized and that's that.
I'm used to work with the swedish modern census where I can search on date of birth or on name or on part of the name and part of the birth. There are specialist in "computer-knowledge" fixing the tecnique.
I have not looked at the different Geni-subprojects for the mormones in USA. But I think Randy Stebbing has managed with the possibilities that are within Geni.
E.g. It is a problem that we have to have to change the complete project front page in the project "Svenska apotekare" (Swedish pharmacistss) instead of only that singel part (a sequlum) I like to complete or correct. In that project we have been consioussly slow to be safe and sure. And if problems being able to correct less wrongs. That's a single profession, a single sex (only men) and not to much personal matters as for the holocaust-victims. So my proposal with a logotype for these victims is not a good solution. I would prefer "a signal " like the Pro-signal instead for the persons who at most was something else but murdered. At very many profiles we have professiones, livings and whereabouts. There are photos and histories to make the Geni-profiles more complete.
But at first we have to find the individuals and put them up on the human "map" again. I must say, with emphasis, I cannot understand why an international computerized internet based system works this lousy.
There is one curator, I thought is was Randy Stebbing who made some software-possiblity to get an alfabetical list of linked-profiles, but he wrote some tima ago this function did not work after some geni-updates. Maybe he can explain what his part of this job could be?
But as jMu indicates and as the above project states the indexer is not working currently.