I am corresponding with one of the active members on Geni, and she suggested that I check out the list of Rabbis murdered in the Holocaust.
It became immediately obvious that it will take some time, since the list right now stands at 429 profiles.
What if I wanted to check the names of those murdered in Auschwitz, which has about 1400
profiles right now, or a month from now when it will perhaps have 10000.
It seems obvious that if Geni will add software that will ALPHABETISE the lists, the task will be easier. Or, give the user an option to use it in alphabetical order or by submitter, in that way, if I submitted 50 of 500 names, I could quickly ascertain which ones I already added, and which I am still missing.
Comments please.
Randy Stebbing has already developed software to produce an alphabetised list of profiles tagged to a project.
In fact there is a project where you can nominate any project that you would like the software run on.
Alex Moes
I don't understand why I have ti request it as opposed to Geni automatically instituting it for ALL projects.
Never mind that digression, I entered two projects:
Auschwitz Concentration Camp
Memorial to European Rabbis that perished in the Holocaust
but it didn't happen!
Does it take some time before the software acts on it?
It's not automatic :)
Randy is somewhere in continental US so is probably asleep!
As i understand it profiles are listed in the order that they are connected to a project, I was just suggesting a work around that is currently available.
If Geni sorts the profiles alphabetically someone else is bound to want chronological order based on DOB and another user will want same but based on date of death. Being able to filter the profiles section would be the best solution, but I've no idea what the technical feasiblity of that would be.