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Yorke Genealogy and Yorke Family History Information

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  • Anna Jean Yorke (bef.1634 - 1713)
    Origins Sir John Yorke of Gowthwaite (or Gouthwaite) was born about 1598 and married, firstly, Florence Sharpe of Westmoreland about 1623. They had three daughters: Elizabeth (married James Lesl...
  • Hon. Anne Yorke (deceased)
  • Anne Yorke (bef.1526 - 1575)
    THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES PROB 11/89, f.161*SUMMARY: The document below is the last will and testament, dated 7 December 1585, of Sir Edmund Yorke, fourth, but third surviving son of 'Sir John Yorke (d. 15...
  • Catherine Yorke (b. - 1731)
  • Catherine Yorke (b. - 1830)
    A genealogical and heraldic dictionary of the peerage and baronetage of the British Empire (1869)* by her had a son, HENRY MORGAN-CLIFFORD, Esq., now of Perristone, co. Hereford, and Llantillo, co. Mon...

About the Yorke surname

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