There are already 88 users and 2,531 genealogy profiles with the Yager surname on Geni. Explore Yager genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
A Patriot of the American Revolution for VIRGINIA. DAR Ancestor # A129501
Name of wife SUSANNA KOBLER per DAR
Biography Adam Yager was born in Germany. His parents were Nicholas Yager and Anna Maria...
Biography Anna Maria Yager (Sieber) was born in about 1680 in Germany. Her parents were Christian Sieber and Maria Dorothea Sieber (Konckel) .
Anna married Nicholas Yager on May 11, 1706 in Marientha...
Anna Render* Birth: Circa 1753 - Madison Co., Va* Death: After 1810 - Lauren co., SC* Parents: Lewis Render, Elizabeth Sampson* Husband: John/Johannes Yager AKA NancyRevolutionary War veteran John Yage...
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