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  • Abraham Womack, II (1742 - bef.1797)
    Not the same as Abraham Womack, IV A Patriot of the American Revolution for GEORGIA. DAR Ancestor # A127536 On 31 Mar 1763 when Abraham was 20, he first married Martha Mitchell in Granville Co....
  • Abraham Womack, Sr. (c.1644 - bef.1733)
    Abraham Womack Born about 1644 in Henrico County, Virginia Colony Son of William Womack Sr. and Mary Jane (Allen) Womack Brother of William Womack, Jane Womack, John Womack, Richard Womack, An...
  • Abraham Womack, IV (c.1744 - 1834)
    Not the son of Richard Womack, III & not the same as Abraham Womack, II A Patriot of the American Revolution NORTH CAROLINA for with the rank of PRIVATE. DAR Ancestor # A127542
  • Abraham Womack (1687 - aft.1702)
  • Abraham Womack, Jr. (1725 - 1800)
    Womack Born 1726 in Halifax, Halifax, Virginia, USAmap* Son of Thomas Womack and Mary Elizabeth (Farley) Womack* Brother of Sarah (Womack) Rice, Isham James Womack, Francis Womack, Thomas Womack, Judit...