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Wolf Genealogy and Wolf Family History Information

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  • Abraham Wolf (1803 - 1865)
    Died: 1865 Mahr. Weisskirchen Hranice Familiant record with children's birthdates: (To viewers of this record, please consider this may only be a residency document and not a true Familiant record....
  • Abraham Wolf (1794 - 1881)
  • Abraham Wolf (1812 - 1884)
    "Die Familie Wolf" - by Ernst Wolf 1924see no. 162a"Hier in der Heiligen Juedischen Gemeinde Eisenstadt"by Johnnes Reiss 1995, see no.212Abraham Wolf was the fondest of the A. Wolf firm in Neudoerfl
  • Adam Wolf (1871 - 1954)
    2. Eheschließung: Ehen Mainflingen 1910/1, a , Ehen Mainflingen 1910/1, b
  • Adele Adi Edel Latzko (1836 - 1870)
    Die Familie Wolf - by Ernst Wolf 1924see no. 230see chart family LatzkoDie Grabschriften des Alten Judenfriedhofes in Eisenstadt by Dr. Bernhard Wchstein- no. 1066Die Grabschriften des juengeren juedis...

About the Wolf surname


from Janet L. Grummitt (twin)

The name Wolf in our family was thought to have been Vulff when the family lived in Czechoslovakia. When our grandfather came to the U.S. around 1878-80 the family changed it to Wolff. Then they changed it to Wolf by deciding to drop the second f.

from Balázs Déri

Wolf families may be related to Wolof as well as to Alaka-Wolof nations in Africa and America respectively,that may partly descend from Al-Lak-Keha son of Asha-Leha, after whom Lhasa in Tibet was named .

Al-Akalup tribe though may be descended from Al-Ayamare ,from the family of Oduduwa Omoluabi , because Lupaka is a synonym of Aymara .

Jews and Christians say Lekah and Shelah .

See Agular, Adler, Rabat, Moldovan, Pawel, Aimar, La Paz, Amazon, Kornblum, Senegal, Edelsztejn, Ghadamsi, Zaragoza, Cahngo, Daday, Dadai, Benin, Hadbábni, Legeza, Dargay, Görög and more !

other possible versions of this surname