There are already 120 users and 4,343 genealogy profiles with the Winchester surname on Geni. Explore Winchester genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Alexander Winchester *Birth: 1612, England *Death: 1647 Massachusetts, USA * Parents: unknown A servant to Henry Vane who came to Massachusetts Bay in 1635 on the Defense or the Abigail & first settled...
Alice Craft (daughter of Samuel Craft & Elizabeth Seaver) had five husbands: 1st Robert Lovering, 2nd Ephraim Lyon, 3rd John Greenwood, 4th James Shed, and 5th John Winchester.From The Crafts Family, b...
See Peter Bartrum, (October 25, 2019; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Peter Bartrum: Nerber & Wilkins; & Bleddyn ap Maenyrch 41; (Steven Ferry, July 11, 2024.)
Annie C. Winchester Chamberlain
14 May 1869
Tennessee, USA
27 Jan 1949 (aged 79)
Loudon County, Tennessee, USA
Lenoir City Cemetery
Lenoir City, Loudon County, Tennessee, USA
English: habitational name from the city in Hampshire, so named from the addition of Old English ceaster ‘Roman fort or walled city’ (Latin castra ‘legionary camp’) to the Romano-British name Venta, of disputed origin.
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