There are already 270 users and over 9,980 genealogy profiles with the Wessels surname on Geni. Explore Wessels genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Estate File:
D11 Adriaan Gerhardus, ~ 21-2-1762, burger Stellenbosch, x 16-10-1786 Maria Johanna STEYN, xx Caledon 12-9-1819 Susanna Margaretha MAREE. Op 30-4-1781 moes 15 gekommandeerdes met o.a. W...
Aeltje Wessels was also known as Aaltjen Wessels
Children of Steven Coerts and Aeltje Wessels
1. Coert (Koert) Stevense (Stevensen) Van Voorhees
Born: 1638 in the Netherlands
Died: unknown, was l...
Albertus Johannes Wessels is oorlede in 1918, maar sy weduwee Regina Catharina Gregory de Jager erf vruggebruik van sy deel van die erfporsie op die plase Grootpan en Temple .
Regina Catharina Grego...
Jacobus Johannes Wessels 01/06/1842 Petrus Hermanus Wessels 20/09/1863 Jacobus Johannes Wessels 23/12/1887 Petrus Hermanus Wessels 28/10/1921 Jacobus Johannes Wessels
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