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  • Dr. Chaim Azriel Weizmann (1874 - 1952)
    Chaim Azriel Weizmann, Hebrew: חיים עזריאל ויצמן‎, (27 November 1874 – 9 November 1952) was a Zionist leader, President of the Zionist Organization, and the first President of the State of Israel. He w...
  • Weizmann (deceased)
  • 1 Weizmann (b. - 1834)
  • Abigail Weizmann (1916 - 2012)
    אתר נשמה עקב היותה בת ליעקב ריטוב ובגיל מתאים, קישרתי אותה כאחותו של יהושע. תיקונים יתקבלו בברכה [%D7%90%D7%99%D7%AA%D7%99 משולם]

About the Weizmann surname

Weizmann family may descend from E'an-Ma-Tse-Wa-Haya from the ruling family of Hiero-Solyma ( Awar-Ayashelam-Ma ) on Mount Roraima ,likely ancestor of Tsanema-Wahika tribe presently still in its neighbourhood in Roraima state and around .

A-Wa-Yara-Me from this dynasty might have issued Yaroame clan,as did Am-Ma-te-Nawa -Ha-ya Yanomaamha people and A'am-Ma-Wa-yan-Na son of Daya-De himself nuclear Yannoamma men . The city stood on Mount Roraima in the Byble of Babylónian language called Ma-ya-Rawa-Ha, also the first Rhóma,and was later,at least in the days of its Inca rulers known as Manoa . Ya-Noa-Ma of these tribes likely having had to flee from there name still reminds to it .

It was by Maoris - descending also from A-Wa-ya-Ra-Me - also called Hawaiki,wherefore Yanomamas are Waikhas too,and Irihia ( Iri-Shi-a ) from where Shiriana ethnonym may come .

Mucajaí Mountain might have been named Awakhazha-Ka-Wahaya ,who mad a canal built from the city .

Jews and christians say 'Amatsyahu,Yerushalem,Yoram,Moriyah,Yekhizkiyahu .

See Balikó,Mautner,Teltsch,Duschenes,Locatelli,Oltean,Vajka,Vajkay,Dascal,Tobinka,Kom,Pálinkó, Weissberger,Vajda,David,Haber,Habi and more !

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