There are already 18 users and 944 genealogy profiles with the Warford surname on Geni. Explore Warford genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Birth: Aug. 11, 1744 Kingwood Hunterdon County New Jersey, USA Death: Dec. 16, 1827 Kingwood Hunterdon County New Jersey, USAFamily links: Parents: James Warford (1716 - 1794) Sarah Jewell Warford (1...
Abigail Pinckney*Birth circa 1652 Fairfield, Connecticut Colony *Died 1683 in Westchester County, Province of New York *Daughter of Phillip Pinckney, II and Jane Pinckney*Wife of John Warford and David...
The same family has had the name spelled differently based on who was writing it down. Wafford, Wofford, Warford, and Walford are all the most common, with the original name dating to Hugo de Walford in 1109.
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