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von Rosen Genealogy and von Rosen Family History Information

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  • Aaron Rosand (1927 - 2019)
    Aaron Rosand, a leading violinist who closed out an astonishingly long career with a dramatic, emotion-filled gesture, selling his beloved rare violin for some $10 million and donating $1.5 million of ...
  • Aino Kabe (1914 - 2007)
    TLÜAR väliseesti isikud: - Vaba Eesti Sõna (New York, USA), 2007, 11. okt., nr. 41, lk. 11.
  • Alaeidis Rosen (deceased)
    * *M : Godefridus Maritus Van Spulle , Geboren/Born Ongev/About 1310, Gest./Died Voor/Before 1387 * Relat(ie/ed) Voor /Before 1340*F : Alaeidis Rosen * Kinderen/Children ;>* 1: Kath...
  • Albert Rosen (1924 - 1997)
  • Baron Alexander* Woldemar von Rosen (1858 - 1938)
    Korporatsioon "Estonia" liige Alexander Woldemar Baron von Rosen (13.10.1858 (Rakvere)-04.04.1938 (Tallinn), Tallinna teatriseltsi, kammermuusikaseltsi, jahiseltsi esimees, peale venna Arvedi surma Ros...

About the von Rosen surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the von Rosen surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the von Rosen surname.

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