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von Nassau-Dillenburg Genealogy and von Nassau-Dillenburg Family History Information

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  • Adelheid von Vianden (1309 - 1376)
    After the death of her husband she was prioress of the 'Stift' where she is buried. Daughter of Count Philipp II of Vianden and Lucia von der Neuerburg. She had first been married with Johann von Dolle...
  • Adriana von Nassau-Dillenburg (1449 - 1477)
    From the Dutch Wikipedia page on Adriana von Nassau-Dillenburg: van Nassau-Dillenburg (7 februari 1449, Breda – 15 januari 1477) was de dochter van Johan IV van Nassau en Maria van Loon-Heinsberg.Zij w...
  • Aleijd van Lommel (c.1420 - c.1475)
  • Princess Anna van Oranje - Nassau, Prinzessin (1544 - 1577)
    The second marriage of William the Silent to Anna of Saxony produced a total of five children before their eventual separation. The first Anna was born on 31 October 1562 in Breda, but she died under a...
  • Countess of Buren Anna Princess consort of Orange, Gravin (1533 - 1558)
    Wikipedia: English: Anna van Egmont * Nederlands: Anna van Egmont Zij werd door Willem in zijn brieven liefkozend "Tanneke" genoemd. ===marriage===

About the von Nassau-Dillenburg surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the von Nassau-Dillenburg surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the von Nassau-Dillenburg surname.

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