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von Brandenburg-Ansbach Genealogy and von Brandenburg-Ansbach Family History Information

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  • Albrecht I von Brandenburg-Ansbach, Herzog zu Preußen (1490 - 1568)
    Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Wikipedia: English Deutsch * Duke of Prussia reign 1525 - 1568> Predecessor: First duke of Prussia Successor: Albert Frederick
  • Albrecht II, margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach (1620 - 1667)
    War von 1634 bis zu seinem Tode Markgraf des fränkischen Fürstentums Ansbach.* "Von Gottes Gnaden Albrecht, Markgraf zu Brandenburg, in Preußen, Stettin, Pommern, der Cassuben und Wenden, auc in Schles...
  • Beatrice Frangepán, Gräfin von Hunyadi, Markgräfin zu Brandenburg-Ansbach, (1480 - 1510)
    Beatrica Frankopan (*1480. – †27. ožujka 1510.), hrvatska velikašica iz obitelji knezova Frankopana, supruga hrvatskog bana Ivaniša Korvina. Hrvatska => Frankopani i Zrinski => Autor teme: Marica - Tra...
  • Christian Albrecht von Brandenburg-Ansbach, Markgraf (1675 - 1692)
    Unmarried and without issues==Links:==* Geneall * Wikipedia * Markgrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach Reign 1686–1692> Predecessor: Johann Friedrich Successor: Georg Friedrich d. J.
  • Prince Charles Alexander (1736 - 1806)
    Reportedly, Prince Charles was on a hunting trip in Switzerland where he had an illicit love affair that led to the birth of a child Because of the scandal it would create, little Johann (John) was ado...

About the von Brandenburg-Ansbach surname

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