There are already 159 users and 3,763 genealogy profiles with the Vann surname on Geni. Explore Vann genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Biographywas born about 1745 in Virginia, and died 20 Dec 1849 in Chowan County, North Carolina, USA. She was the daughter of Susanna and Wilkerson Weatherford.Agnes Weatherford first married John Vann...
Wife of Joseph Vann (d 1752). She’s not mentioned in his will so presume deceased before then.Name seen as Ann Odom, Polly" Wah-Li Vann, Mary Barnes Mother of Ann (Vann) Langston; Jorge Vann; Frederick...
Not the same as Ann Vann
Many researchers list Ann Vann as the wife of John Langston II, but some show her to be the daughter of William Vann, while others list her as the daughter of Joseph Vann. D...
Probably not the same as Ann Langston >There are records of an Ann Vann being born in Nansemond County in 1696, indicating that she would have been too young to be the mother of any of the following ch...
Annie Beaver Vann
BIRTH 16 Apr 1884
Oklahoma, USA
DEATH 1 Feb 1963 (aged 78)
Bunch, Adair County, Oklahoma, USA
Hickory Vann Cemetery
Bunch, Adair County, Oklahoma, USA
PLOT Row 6 Plot 8
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